Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 3507: No one can save you.

Qin Lang was too lazy to pay attention to Luye, let Luye’s own squatting to deal with him. Qin Lang is only killing the power. He knows that Dao is watching nearby, so Qin Lang must not reveal his true identity. I know the true identity of Qin Lang, and it is quite inappropriate. Then I will definitely take action on Qin Lang immediately. Moreover, Qin Lang can't even show too strong strength, because it will cause Yuan Shi's idea, so for Qin Lang, the real problem lies in how to "reasonably" defeat the Devil and Luye.

At this time, Qin Lang suddenly released a powerful and unparalleled will, and this will swiftly swept in all directions, and the powerful epochs of the empire felt a strange forest. Cold, it is like Qin Lang this guy made some unknown and mysterious changes to this world.

If the rest of the people are just a feeling, then for Luye, it is not just a feeling, but a feeling of being deprived of power, and even part of the will to be deprived!

"How is this possible! This is absolutely impossible!" Luye is the hegemonic hegemon of this universe. This is also the capital he had previously been able to compete with Hewitt, and it is the foundation of the era hegemony in the universe of Luye. Stripping away the identity of the destiny, Luye has no advantage over other epochs.

"There is nothing impossible!" Qin Lang snorted, the reason why Qin Lang was transformed into a **** wood, but not for his own good looks, but to wash his own spirituality, the spirituality of Shenmu is very special, but also very pure, although not even more The earth is high, but the spirituality of the gods can do things that cannot be achieved by the spirituality of many souls. One of them is to capture the heavens and the earth and rebuild the will of the gods!

Plants, especially Shenmu, have very special spirituality and are very pure, and Shenmu was originally born from the heavens and the earth. So in fact, Shenmu is part of the heavens and the earth. Because of this, the spirituality of Shenmu can reshape the will of the gods. In order to truly control the will of the destiny. Although Luye is the hegemon of the destiny, he is forcibly capturing and merging the will of the destiny, but Qin Lang is different. Now Qin Lang is reshaping the will of the destiny. After this reincarnation of the will, nature will deprive Luye of the control of the universe and the heavens and the earth. Then, the strength of Qin Lang will of course increase with it, and it will be greatly improved!

Luye is flustered, this is something he has never experienced before! Even Luye did not expect that such a thing would happen.

To capture the will of the destiny, unless it is to kill the destiny, it will not be able to deprive the will of the destiny, but now this **** "no way" shows the ability of Luye to understand, directly depriving the most important for Luye This is enough to make Luye collapse directly. Even more painful than a crash!

Peeling off the aura of Lu Tiantian's hegemony, it is like taking him off the dust from the sky, he can't even continue to control his own, because it is difficult to convince the public!

However, at this time, Qin Lang did not immediately attack Luye, but relied on the power of the will of the destiny to deal with the Weiwei. Because Qin Lang wants to defeat the Weiwei, it must show sufficient "reasons" to reshape the will of the destiny. This is enough reason. With this reason, then Qin Lang defeated the prestige and it is completely understandable.

Qin Lang possesses the will of the destiny, then the strength is naturally greatly improved, and the resources that can be mobilized in this universe are greatly increased. At the same time, the unlucky nature is the one of the devils, although the deterrence resists the martial arts of Qin Lang. Surgery, but can not cope with the ability of Qin Lang to capture the world. At this time, the preaching realized that he might really underestimate the **** "no way". No way is simply not a "skilled". It is only a kind of trick. This guy is simply playing the role of pig and tiger. Even if Luye is the master of this universe, it has now fallen here. He knows that Luye is almost finished, and he lost the aura of the will of the destiny, so those of Luye may not be willing to listen to him. Lu Ye is not very high for his own control.

Hewei suddenly realized that he should choose to retreat. At this time, Qin Lang had already reshaped the will of the destiny, and gradually seized the aura of Lu Tiantian’s hegemony. Under the long-term, the prestige has begun to be at a disadvantage, so the most The safe way is to leave and leave, because Daowu adults can not have the intention of hands-on, and one person can't resist "no way", then leave this guy Luye to him.

After making up his mind, Hewei did not hesitate to choose to evade, letting Luye ask for help, and Hewitt would not be heard, because he knew that he would have to leave a target for venting anger, otherwise he would like to retreat. Only by letting Lu Ye to contain no way, he can only get out of the way.

The so-called fast-forward is also fast, the guy in the glory is coming to the fore, and when he goes, it is like a tornado. Without any hesitation, the person who took him directly rushed away, because he was not held by his own, so he This guy also easily escaped. Of course, this kind of relaxation is also because Qin Lang is not able to appear too strong because of the release of water. If the power displayed is too strong, it is easy to be focused on by the Yuan, and it is also possible It will make Dao doubt, so in order to ensure that his plan can be successfully carried out, and not let himself fall into the crisis, he can only temporarily let the Weiwei escape. Anyway, this is not a big deal for Qin Lang, let alone Luye Not already left?

After killing Luye, Qin Lang got the same benefits. After all, Luye is the master of this universe. Well, this universe once dominated. After killing Luye, Qin Lang can take over the spiritual resources of this universe. The benefits are of course quite many. Moreover, Qin Lang’s current incarnation is a **** in this universe, which has been rooted in this universe. After killing Luye and replacing his position as the hegemony, Qin Lang will be more likely to control the universe and observe the power of the universe. Of course, it also includes every move to monitor the universe. Even, you can observe the existence of Daowu! If it is not because of the existence of Dao, Qin Lang will not let go.

As for Luye, Qin Lang gave him a sentence, "No one can save you now!".

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