Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 3511: Three surnames


What does it mean?

When I was in the glory, I felt my head smashed. Daowu is the mysterious powerhouse of the seventh-level universe. Even if he said it was late, can he really only be here? Moreover, is it planted here for no reason?

As the only life-saving straw that Guardian believes, Daowu did not move, which made it even more incomprehensible. Can it be said that the guy in this layout can really stand up with Dao? If it is really a level opponent with Dao, then Guiwei can predict that his ending should be similar to Luye, then basically die.

"Dawu adults, you can't do this. We are following you all the time, and we are totally loyal to you. If you don't give me a way to live, then who can loyal to you in the future? Even if I am only one of you." You should also play the purpose of the piece to the extreme, right?” He also exiled at this time, because he knew that if Dao did not intervene, his solution would be similar to Luye. In order to force me to help, the Weiwei can only use this radical method.

"Oh... it sounds like there is some truth. Just, huh... Do you think that someone has done such a big killing is to deal with you? People are waiting for me to shoot, he could not be sure of my existence, I The whereabouts, but as long as I directly shot, then it falls into the calculation of the other party." Daowu seems to be quite clear about the situation in front of him. "You are right, you are just one of me." Just like the chess piece, since you understand this yourself, you should understand that it is impossible for me to change my decision and deployment because of your life and death. Therefore, you can only rely on yourself."

"What!" The Guardian couldn't help but be angry. He did a lot of things for Dao, secretly and hard work, no hard work and fatigue, but now he has to be abandoned by Daowu, this will make Weiwei The glass heart collapsed in an instant, "Dawu! You... why are you so hot! Even if we are just your pawn, but since you have done so many things for you, shouldn't you shelter us?"

"Noisy!" Daowu responded impatiently to the prestige. "There is no more nonsense, you can die now!"

Although Weiwei hates it, but this time he can only shut up. He knows the strength of Daowu. If Dao is really angry, then he can only end his life ahead of time. Lieutenant General Dao's ancestors of the 18th dynasty gave greetings, but they only shut up.

Is it so finished?

The heart of the weiwei is extremely unwilling, especially if it is used by the Dao, but it does not get any return, which makes Daowu even more unfair. Why, if you want to earn your own life, but you can’t go back to heaven, you don’t even have a clue. You don’t even know how to change the situation. So in the eyes of Devil, maybe his ending is like this, even though it has already reached The level of the epoch hegemony has already surpassed many epochs, but in the face of the real powerhouse, it is still so fragile and vulnerable, even the layout of the opponent can not be seen clearly. Isn't this the rhythm of the end? ?

How to do? How to do?

Knowing that it has fallen into a desperate and mortal killing, the performance of the Guardian at this time is no different from that of the ordinary people. As a powerful epoch, the Guardian is actually more reluctant and more afraid of death.

If Lianwu is not willing to help, then Weiwei can't see that he has any life to be right, maybe there is still a way! There is only one chance.

Since Daowu is not willing to take the shot, why not ask for help from the opponent? Why don't you ask for help? Weiwei does not know who actually arranged the killing, but Daowu has no way to know that there are some insiders, because no one is not flustered, and there is no way for this guy to come to mystery, the means are endless, maybe no The Tao should know who the squad is, and how to get out.

Help? You must ask for helplessness!

Since it is to ask for help, then it is natural to lower the noble head, but also to hold his hand and hold the Dao, so that no help is needed to be disturbed.

Qin Lang is not surprised by the will to sense the help of the Guardian, because he knows that anyone is fair to death, even if it is the epoch of the dictatorship, since there is a line of life, then The prestige is definitely trying to catch it. As for why Weiwei is asking for help from Qin Lang, it must be because he was abandoned by Daowu and became abandon.

"Why, don't you want to be strangled by this killing?" Qin Lang directly opened the door and asked for the prestige.

"You also know the killing... Well, your cultivation is higher than me. Maybe it has already sensed the existence of the killing. I just wonder why you are not worried. Don't you know that you can't leave the universe now? ?" Wei Wei asked Qin Lang.

"Worry? I don't have anything to worry about. I know that this universe has become a huge killing. Even if it is as strong as the tyrant, it can't leave this squad, but it still doesn't threaten me because I am now. It’s just a god, my spirituality is completely different from yours, so I don’t have to worry about being wiped out by my own will and spirituality.” Qin Lang responded to Weiwei, “You’re still worried about yourself.” ""

"It’s also... you are no longer a flesh and blood, your spirituality... It’s really weird, but you can’t be killed by this killing alone. It’s too far-fetched.” He did not know why this **** "no way" can be so easy, is he really not worried about this mysterious and powerful killing?

"You also saw it. I have no fear now. Yes, there is no fear!" Qin Lang smiled. "Well, it still shows your intentions. I know that you contacted me and wanted to ask for help. But we It’s an enemy and a friend. If you want to get assistance from me, then you have to have something to gain.”

"Resources! I have very rich spiritual resources, and I have searched a lot of resources of the universe. I can share these things with you! Even, we are half and half!" The Guardian is also a **** one. In order to survive, you can only choose Discard his own savings. For the overlord of his hegemony, the good things that this life searched for must be endless.

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