Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 352: Fucking international convention


"I have a good luck?" Qin Lang was speechless. "This is a mine of anti-war vehicles. Even the chariots can be overturned, let alone people! Do you say that I am lucky, because as long as the mine explodes, I will directly Will be killed, not suffering from pain, this is the so-called luck?"

"If the mine is really bursting, you will definitely blow up the slag." However, I said that you are lucky, it is really good, because you picked up a life today." Ma Zhenyong said, "You may I don’t know, according to international conventions, anti-infantry mines are now banned in the army of many countries, because anti-infantry mines often cause soldiers to be disabled, and some mines can also accidentally injure civilians-"

"Please tell the point!" Qin Lang was directly speechless to Ma Zhenyong, because in Qin Lang's view, Ma Zhenyong was arrogant at this time to show off his wealth of weapons knowledge, which is obviously inappropriate, because Qin Lang students may now be bombarded by the land mines at any time.

"The point is that since the mine has not been blown up, now as long as you gently remove your feet, it will be fine." Ma Zhenyong said, "But, after I leave the cave ten meters away, you move your feet again."

"I rub! What you mean is that this mine is still likely to be fried?" Qin Lang said depressedly.

"It's just possible to blow up!" Ma Zhenyong explained while staying away from Qin Lang.

Of course, for Ma Zhenyong's approach, Qin Lang is understandable - if the mine really explodes, it is better for one person to die than two people to die. Moreover, if Qin Lang really hangs here, Ma Zhenyong will naturally find a way to revenge for Qin Lang, this is unquestionable.

Ma Zhenyong went to a dozen meters away and then said to Qin Lang: "Yes! Move your feet gently, then quickly fall to the ground!"

Qin Lang does not know the difference between anti-infantry mines and anti-tank mines, because he is not a professional in this area, but he believes that Ma Zhenyong is a professional, so Qin Lang is too lazy to listen to Ma Zhenyong’s explanation, but directly let Ma Zhenyong tell himself what to do. do.

After Ma Zhenyong fell down, Qin Lang quickly and gently removed his foot according to Ma Zhenyong’s proposal, then jumped out suddenly, and the movement was very clean and very quick, especially when the moment jumped out, Qin Lang actually Go out for at least four meters and you can go to the long jump athlete.

Ma Zhenyong did not know that this is the "bounce" body that Qin Lang just realized. This kind of body is very suitable for squatting forward and leaning forward. Although Ma Zhenyong often trains this type of posture in the army, in Ma Zhenyong's view, Qin Lang's basic skills in this respect are simply much stronger than him!

The mines did not explode.

After Qin Lang smashed on the ground for almost ten seconds, he confirmed that the mine was really a "dumb mine". He climbed up and then went to Ma Zhenyong and smiled: "Stunning We will leave here quickly. When you are on the road, you can explain why the mine is out of order."

"It’s not that the mine is out of order. It’s your own reaction.” Ma Zhenyong said, “I didn’t tell you about you before. Now the military has cancelled the anti-infantry mines, so the mines used by the regular army are anti-war. Car mines. To trigger such anti-tank mines, it takes more than 150 kilograms of pressure."

"One hundred and fifty kilograms?" Qin Lang said. "That is a person standing on the top and jumping, the mines under the feet will not detonate. If this is the case, these people install this mine, is it not? There is no use at all. No one can drive a chariot to this place to save you."

"My words haven't finished yet." Ma Zhenyong said, "I didn't tell you, this mine has been modified. Now its trigger condition is 40 kilograms of pressure, originally based on your weight, it is possible Trigger it, but when you step on it, you immediately feel that something is wrong, or it may be because of my reminder, so you are not completely stepping on the foot, so you are lucky to escape."

"It turned out to be the case." Qin Lang nodded. "I don't think people in the city are playing modified cars. You soldiers are playing modified mines. However, the modification of mines should be complicated. If you modify them, you will not be careful." Blow yourself up?"

“It’s not complicated at all, it’s even very simple.” Ma Zhenyong shook his head. “As long as you understand the structure of the mine, you can easily modify it. Because the mine was built, it left room for the renovation.”

"What do you mean?" Qin Lang said, "If it is made to facilitate the transformation, then it is better to be in place when it is manufactured."

"So you are a layman." Ma Zhenyong explained, "The landmine is always a very good defensive weapon. It can be exchanged for a considerable amount of enemy casualties at a very low cost. Since it is such an excellent defense. Sexual weapons, which country do you think the military will really give up?"

"But, aren't you saying that international conventions prohibit the use of anti-infantry mines?"

"International Convention?" Ma Zhenyong smiled disdainfully. "Brother, do you think the international convention really works? If it is really effective, there will be no war in this world, because the international convention also stipulates that it cannot take the initiative to launch a war of aggression. The most typical incident is that when the United States sent troops to Iraq, the United Nations did not pass the resolution to send troops, but the United States still arbitrarily went to work, and it was not sanctioned by international conventions. At most, it was only condemned. So The military of many countries will not give up weapons that they think are better and more practical because of an international convention. For the military, the pursuit is to create greater lethality and destructive power under limited defense funds. As for why we will use anti-tank mines to be converted to infantry, because we still need mines, such excellent defensive weapons continue to exist, and at critical moments, its role is not only used to deal with the chariot, but also Used to deal with soldiers. Therefore, this mine has been left when it was manufactured. The transformation of the space, as long as the changes at mines inside the jumper, you can let it become anti-personnel mines from anti-tank mines. "

"As far as international conventions are concerned, it is only the power of the powerful countries to restrain the weak countries. No one will really pay attention to them." Ma Zhenyong’s tone is more and more disdainful. "In addition, international conventions also ban the use of nuclear weapons, but they have truly survived in the country. Do you think these nuclear-weapon states will not use nuclear weapons?"

This question naturally does not need to be answered, because everyone is very clear about what this answer is.

Qin Lang was fortunate that he had a good luck tonight, and he was glad that his Fu Long piles had been well trained, because if the piles of Fu Long were not reliable, he could not feel the change of power under his feet, and naturally he could not detect it. foreign matter".

For Qin Lang, it was a lucky night to escape.

However, Qin Lang is destined to go bad this evening, because when Qin Lang and Ma Zhenyong just arrived at the foot of the mountain, several military jeepes quickly drove over, and the glare of the searchlight shone into the woods, the original dark woods. In a moment, it was illuminated by the light, and when the glare swept in, the dense bullets also swept in.

Even more unfortunate, the light above the trees suddenly increased, and a helicopter quickly approached in the distance.

"I rub! Do you want to be so exaggerated!" Qin Lang snorted and led Ma Zhenyong to drill deep into the woods. He ran away and said, "Ma Zhenyong, did you seduce the daughter of Ye’s commander? Otherwise, how do they bite you?"

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