Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 3524: Innocent legion

From the meditation to the meditation, and then to the rut. ,

After Qin Lang’s “mopping up”, he quickly won a large number of people, and he could even use the “corps” to describe it, and the size of this army was much stronger than that of the previous corps.

Moreover, in the process, Qin Lang also found a very interesting phenomenon - wanting to draw a legion, but relying on character and reputation is not enough, even difficult to achieve the purpose, but with pure power to do this thing It is easy to achieve the goal.

What is solicitation?

To recruit, it is to convince people, and whose fist is strong, who is the truth. Therefore, Qin Lang wanted to convene a legion, directly use his fist to talk to the meditation, and directly use his fist to talk to the rut. After they were defeated by Qin Lang, they immediately understood the truth of Qin Lang and directly joined the Qin Lang army.

After defeating the Ming Dynasty, Qin Lang concocted the law, allowing more powerful people to join the majesty, and this time Qin Lang began to complete the "task" that Dao Wu handed over to Qin Lang, began to trace the magic and Qin Lang's whereabouts.

Of course, this task is very ridiculous, because Daowu even Yuan Shi, do not know that "no way" is Qin Lang's body incarnation, although Daowu feels that the infinite means are somewhat mysterious and weird, but did not think of no way to follow The true relationship of Qin Lang. Otherwise, Daowu is in any case impossible to let the invisible traces of Qin Lang and the illusion.

However, since Qin Lang has accepted this task from Daowu, it is naturally necessary to complete it. Otherwise, does it not reveal its identity? Moreover, when Qin Lang took over this task, he had more time to learn the various laws and methods of the sixth-level universe, and further shorten the gap with Dao, although he had fortunately defeated Dao, but that However, in the case of illusory assistance. Moreover, this time Dawu returned, its strength is definitely higher than before, so be careful to make the Wannian ship, first understand the true strength of Dawu is the most important. In addition, it would be better if you could understand from Daowu the way to build the seventh-level cosmic channel.

According to Qin Lang’s plan, a legion has been formed, and then naturally it will start to act, order these people to trace the whereabouts of Qin Lang, and let some of the men explore the heart of the universe, let them figure out the secrets of the heart of the universe. .

Although Qin Lang’s actions are very vigorous, it is naturally impossible to produce any results. At least it is impossible to produce any results at present. Because Qin Lang’s body and illusion have completely hidden themselves, even the Yuan Dynasty cannot determine these two. The real location.

Although Yuanshi is still the master of the sixth level of the universe, there are still great powers for the resources and some powerful people of this level of the universe, but no matter how powerful the beginning of the Yuan, it is impossible to completely destroy the illusion, so no matter how powerful the Yuan, There are also places that he can't control, and places that can't be sensed, and Qin Lang and the illusion are just in those places, quietly hiding their whereabouts.

However, Qin Lang’s body can certainly not do nothing. He naturally will not let go of the great opportunity to ask for illusion. Of course, he is willing to communicate with Qin Lang, because there are not many monks who can enter the illusion, but Qin Lang is definitely one of them. If you communicate with Qin Lang, it will be of great help to the illusion of self-improvement.

"I said Qin Lang Dao, are you sure that Dawu has not seen the true body of the innocent?" The illusion could not help but curiously ask Qin Lang, but also with a little worry, because the current strength of the illusion is still not enough to follow the Yuan Shihe I contend that these two are absolutely threatening to the illusion.

"Nature hasn't seen it yet." Qin Lang said to the illusion, "Daowu's guy has always been arrogant. Although he has some doubts about his incompetent identity, he did not think that no way is my incarnation. I am very sure about this point. What's more, now there is no way to recruit a legion, is madly looking for our whereabouts, no way to do quite well, Dao has no reason to doubt, at least it is impossible to suspect now."

"Well, it sounds reasonable. However, no way can only deceive Dao for a while. If there is no way to provide valuable information to Dao, then the guy will definitely take other measures. Also, Don't underestimate the guy at the beginning of Yuan. Although this old guy is a timid wall grass, he naturally has a unique ability to survive. Otherwise, how could he stay in the position of the big master, so that I can't take it? Of course, Your appearance has made me see the variables. The old guy of Yuanshi should also taste the taste of being kicked down." The magic reminder Qin Lang said, "However, you will not help the feeling of abuse, because you know my Once the strength is strong, it means that the universe has begun to end and annihilate."

"Helping you to abuse? Just kidding, as long as it is good for me, as for what other people have to do with the floods? What's more, there is a beginning and a end, there is yin and yang, this is the most basic truth, you will always replace Yuanshi, this There is no doubt about it. What's more, when you end and annihilate this level of the universe, there will be a new beginning, then naturally there will be a new 'Yuan Shi' born, as to whether you can kill the new one' Yuan Shi', of course, is what you have to face in the future, and it has nothing to do with me.” Qin Lang’s answer is quite free and easy, and he is bound to be free and easy, because he is simply a creature from the low-level universe. Even if the entire sixth level of the universe is annihilated, what is the relationship with him? Instead, this is a good thing for Qin Lang and the entire low-level universe. Isn't that true?

"Well, you see very clearly! It is no wonder that your cultivation is a leaps and bounds, and the rest of the monks are far worse. This is because your eyes are far more than other people, people have to admire!" He also praised Qin Lang for a sentence, and then continued to ask, "However, it is not a way to always let no way to drag, do not know how you plan to deal with it later?"

"Reassure, naturally there will be a solution." Qin Lang said to the illusion, "not only must solve Daowu, but if possible, it is best to solve the Yuanshi together, I believe you will solve the latter. More interested, right?"

"If you can kill the Yuanshi, it is of course the best thing, but are you sure that there is a way to compete with Yuanshi? Our current strength can not beat the beginning of the Yuan." The magic again reminded Qin Lang .

"Our strength is not as good as the beginning of the Yuan, but Daowu? The power behind Daowu?" Qin Lang smiled and looked uncomfortable.

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