Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 3533: Bureau of Central Bureau

Nothing really sets a trap for Qin Lang, because he needs the two sides to play a play to confuse Daowu. If Dao has never got the information of Qin Lang, then it will definitely abandon the chess piece. Qin Lang’s plan naturally cannot be implemented.

"What? You set a trap to deal with Qin Lang?" Dao was shocked.

"How? Dao, adult, do you mean that I should not deal with him? Is he not your enemy?" Nothing seems to be doing the wrong thing.

"No! That guy is indeed my opponent, but you are acting too rashly! Your trap is not going to succeed!" Dao sighed. "I know that you have recently increased your confidence in many things you have done, and think that there is no You can't solve the problem, but you underestimate the opponent and underestimate the strength of the **** Qin Lang!"

"I have sent the moon, the rut and other people to the layout, it should be able to ensure that nothing is lost, why do adults think I will miss it?" No way.

"You are now rushing to send more people! - Forget it, it is already late to send more people! Your trap has been broken! I can be very clear about this! No way, you must remember the next time, once I found the information of the mysterious figure in Qin Lang and the heart of the Zhou, and quickly notified me! This is not a problem that you can solve alone!" Daowu was a little angry.

"Adults are angry, and I must remember the lesson in the future!" There is no way to make an attitude of being humbly and educated. Since it is to act, it must be in place.

Just said this, no way to receive a hand to report: the action against Qin Lang really failed, the car was seriously injured, even the moon was interrupted by the other side of an arm! As for the rest of the people, countless deaths and injuries!

"Damn!" Hearing the rewards of his men, he screamed without a word, and even a slap would report the news to his men, showing how angry he was after receiving the news. In fact, the heartless heart is dark, because it means that he and Qin Lang’s play should be successful. Qin Lang successfully escaped and injured the moon and the rut, then it proved that there is no way. The news channel is correct. It is only a bit rash to set up a trap to deal with Qin Lang's actions, but Daowu should not doubt the indelible loyalty.

Sure enough, Daowu said to the innocent: "Forget it, this time you are eating a long wise, in short, you must know that neither Qin Lang nor the mysterious existence in the heart of the universe is so easy to deal with, I hope that after you get the news, let me know immediately, don't be arrogant!"

"Yes, adults!" said nothing.

"Well... this time, even if it’s done, it’s really not a problem for you.” Dao said with some irritability, “Forget it, just remember it later.”

There is no way to say nothing, but the heart is figuring out how to start the next move.

Nowadays, there is no way in this sixth-level universe, and it also has its own legion. This kind of strength has already had a influence that cannot be ignored in the entire sixth-level universe. . Even if there is no way to take the initiative, there will be some strong people who come here, hoping to join their majesty, so the current situation is naturally very good for no way, for Qin Lang, naturally better.

The reason why Qin Lang teamed up with Wudao to play a play, in order to stabilize Dao, and to consolidate the status of Wu, and now no way to continue to gain the trust of Daowu, then you can do more layout. You can launch more wars, suppress more powerful people, and learn more rules and tactics from it. Naturally, you can continue to narrow the gap between Qinlang and Dao, and you can continue to weaken. The power of Yuanshi.

Since I have defeated Yue Fei, I have successfully unplugged a piece from the beginning of Yuan, and then some of the monks who supported Yuanshi have joined the invincible. In any case, Yuanshi’s strength and influence have already It started to fade.

Of course, Qin Lang also knows that his majesty may have the supporters of Yuanshi, and even the chess pieces of Yuanshi. This is inevitable. After all, Yuanshi is still the master of the sixth-level universe, and wants to incite the dominance of Yuanshi. It's hard to do this.

Qin Lang and Wudao naturally can't directly deal with Yuan Shi, but of course, there is no problem in dealing with the chess pieces of Yuan Shi, so they don't care so much. They know that they are secretly or in support of the monks who support Yuan Shi, all of them are suppressed and swallowed, or they are included. There is no way to kneel. The guys of Yue Fei and Che Yu are the pioneers of the road. The strength of these guys is not enough to affect the beginning of the Yuan, but it is still very easy to kill some of the pieces of Yuan Shi.

Qin Lang’s arrangement was very clever. Instead of chasing the chess pieces of Yuanshi to clean up, he went to the banner of expanding his combat power. He still indicated that he was still a supporter of Daowu, even though Qin Lang did not carry the name of Daowu. Moreover, in the sixth-level universe, although many strong people claim to support the beginning of the Yuan, they are only known as the only ones. These guys are nothing but fears of the beginning of the Yuan, so they claim to be supporters of Yuanshi. Among them, only Very few of them are the pieces of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, so they have been killed and suppressed by the innocent, and that is a matter of course. Even if there is no way to do these things, Yuan Shi has no way to care about it. Whoever made the Yuan began to become the role of "Chess Player"? Since it is a chess player, can't you just play the chessboard? What's more, if Yuan Shi really directly went to nowhere, then it would directly humiliate Dao and force him to participate in the war.

This situation is quite subtle and quite interesting. The interesting part is that the two "players" of Yuan Shi and Daowu did not realize that this game was not two people, but four people playing chess - Qin Langhe Unexpectedly, it is also one of the chess players!

Perhaps Yuan Shi and Daowu think of Qin Lang, and he will not be regarded as a chess player, but the fact is that Qin Lang is an unrelenting chess player, and his game has begun to gradually shape. It is.

Through the incompetence and his army, Qin Lang continually kills the chess pieces of Yuanshi, and of course kills some unlucky ghosts who think they are the champions of the Yuan Dynasty. With the continuous expansion of the infinite army, the Yuan began to change from the beginning. Become a kind of worry and taboo -

Yuan has always been a cautious person, so he began to worry that Dao once again entered the sixth level of the universe, not only to kill Qin Lang, but also has other purposes! What is the purpose? It is very likely that I want to subvert the big master position of Yuanshi!

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