Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 3539: Board office

At this time, Qin Lang said to the illusion: "Imaginary, it seems that you are quite satisfied with the outbreak of this war?"

"Yes, very satisfied." The illusion does not evade this question. "Qin Lang, you are doing very well. I want to thank you for this. Because you successfully arranged this war here, even the beginning of the Yuan I haven't figured it out yet, and Daowu didn't count it. I believe that now, whether it is Dao or Yuanshi, I am waiting for you and you to show flaws. They are waiting for us to show up. As for this war. The number of deaths and deaths of monks may not be so concerned."

"That is natural. Daowu will certainly not care about the lives and deaths of those who have nowhere to go. He will not even care too much for the infinite life and death, but Daowu needs to do nothing for it." Qin Lang analyzed this way, "Just, you Don't take the opportunity to learn from the spirit and spirituality, but don't forget our calculations. The opportunity now is a rare event."

"That is natural. If there is a chance to count the beginning of the calculation, how can I miss it?" The illusion said to Qin Lang, "Just, you seem to be too anxious. Since it is the beginning of the calculation, then you can't be too hasty. Believe me, Yuan Shi, this guy can be more suffocating than anyone else. Of course, except for me, because when Yuan Shi controls this level of universe, the only thing I can do is to sink and hide myself. So, if it is to deal with Yuan Shi, You still need more heat, and now you want to count him, or some have to be too hasty."

"You are right, so we have to pinch the fire a little bit." Qin Lang agreed with the illusion, because he knows that if anyone really knows the beginning of the Yuan, then it must be a illusion, although it is almost illusory. They have not left the heart of the universe, but as a "shadow" of the opposite of Yuanshi, the illusion is naturally very understanding of the beginning of the Yuan. Otherwise, he could not exist for so long under the pressure of Yuanshi.

Qin Lang actually already knew that Daowu and Yuanshi had already had a gap between each other, but the key ones are actually restraining the inner anger and not wanting to expand the conflict. After all, the Yuan Shi or Daowu, they are now real What I want to deal with is Qin Lang, and there is also the "mysterious man" in the heart of the universe. As for the three pieces that have no way and the beginning of the Yuan, there is a conflict, just because both of them think that they are on the edge of the heart of the universe. A conflict is actually a very reasonable thing. It can both ease the anger of the camps on both sides, and it can also "fish" on the edge of the heart of the universe. It will allow another mysterious "Zhonglang and the heart of the universe". Big fish" is blowing for fishing.

After all, Qin Lang and the illusion are definitely trying to count Yuan and Daowu, but the two of them are definitely trying to calculate Qin Lang and the illusion. Now it is nothing more than to see who is more sophisticated. This is what it is. A four-party chess game, but it seems that Qin Lang and the illusion are better than the current one. This is because Qin Lang and the illusion are both a heart, but Yuan Shi and Daowu, now they have a gap and hatred, so they are calculating When Qin Lang and the illusion, they must also consider the threats formed by each other. Of course, Yuan Shi and Daowu did not even think that the "no way" this guy actually had the infernal affairs arranged by Qin Lang.

Daowu did not doubt that he had no way to identify himself, but because his attention was not always in the innocent, and there was no violation of Daowu's orders, which made Daowu more satisfied. Anyway, for Daowu, there is nothing but a piece of chess. As long as it can be used for it, as for other information that is insignificant, and things like the incomprehensible, Daowu is too lazy to pursue it. After all, his more energy is to deal with Qin Lang and the illusion.

Now, there seems to be some subtle changes in the heart of the universe. Whether it is Yuanshi or Daowu, they have begun to pay attention to the changes here, but they have no focus on the battle between the infinite and the first spirit, the first soul and the first slave.

Under the suppression of the first spirit, the first soul, and the first slave, the innocent seems to be completely in a defensive posture. After all, the cooperation of these three guys is quite tacit, and it can be described as the Trinity, and the Yuan began to secretly give them spirituality. Although there is no way to reveal the defeat, but it is inevitably worrying, at least those who have nowhere to go are still somewhat worried about him. Don't look at the fact that the two sides are evenly matched, but the number of corps summoned by the first spirit, the first soul and the first slave has obviously exceeded that of the innocent side, so once the roadlessness is really suppressed, the whole legion may have the possibility of annihilation.

"Dawu adults, our current situation is not very optimistic." No way can only ask for help from Daowu's will. "Yuan Shi has secretly added strength to the other three leaders. Even if I use all my efforts, I can barely force myself. Support, if the Yuan continues to do so, then we will lose!"

"Oh... I know, but now I’m still focusing on the heart of the universe. I can sense that Qin Lang and the **** mysterious person are in the heart of the universe, so I hope this war can bring them Give it out." Sure enough, Daowu's attention is still in the heart of the universe, and there is no such thing as the life and death of the innocent people.

No way has already anticipated this, knowing that Dawu refuses to waste time outside Qinlang and illusion, just wants to solve the problem as soon as possible, so no way to pretend to remind Dao: "Adult, your deployment is no problem. We should be able to lead Qin Lang, and may even lead the mysterious person, but Yuan Shi does not think so, I think he may want to eat us all!"

"What? Eat it all at once!" Daowu's heart finally got a little alert, although Daowu didn't want to fight with Yuanshi, but he heard that there was no way to say that Yuanshi actually wanted to eat everyone, and Daowu immediately I was alert - it is not surprising that Yuan began to have such an idea, because whether it is Qin Lang or Daowu, it is a threat to Yuan Shi, and before the Yuan and Daowu have already formed a hatred, then Yuan Yuan looks for opportunities. If the guys who have no way, Qin Lang, and Daowu are solved together, it can be said that the hidden dangers are eliminated at once, and it is really a good calculation!

As for Daowu, the identity of the high-level cosmic power, there may be some taboos before the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, but the taboo does not mean that the Yuan will definitely give Daowu a face, and it will not be able to tolerate Dao. Threatening his business. Therefore, the speaker has a heart to listen to, and Dao immediately realizes that the innocent reminder comes in time. If you really don't prepare, then once the yuan teacher suddenly turned his face, it is very likely that I will follow these Qin Lang. The guys were buried together, and the end of the Yuan Dynasty was the last laugh, and the result was not what Dawu wanted to see.

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