Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 3544: Collapsed in the ant

However, the power of one-third of the law that is not available is enough to make the three souls of the Spirit, the Spirit, and the Sinner.

Not only that, Daowu also taught some of the powers of the inferior to some of the strong, so that these monks immediately worship the Dao, because they can let these epistle masters realize the ultimate power of some laws in an instant, which really It can be considered a miracle! Quite amazing!

Daowu personally taught the power and Taoism of the lawless and followers. This is a great promotion for the infinite army. The morale of the already depressed people has also been rapidly upgraded. With it.

"Dawu adults, now your voice is finally improved a lot, and there will be more powerful people come here for your use. When we kill the pieces of Yuanshi, control the absolute power, naturally You can deal with any enemy as you like." Nothing said to Dao.

"Well, before I was too anxious, I underestimated the hook between Yuanshi and Qinlang." Daowu agreed with the judgment of nowhere. "Time can be shortened and extended. It takes some time for mortals. Accept, but what can it be for me? It will take some time, step by step, and avoid being counted."

"The adults are so far-sighted, I am relieved." Nothing seems to be very sincere. "Although we were frustrated before, but now the reputation is gradually recovering, and then recruit some people, then I will go out again, kill some not long. The guy in the eye, suppressing a batch, accepting a batch, will soon be able to draw a strong team! If we unplug the pieces of Yuanshi, then the sixth level of the universe will only hear the voice of the owner. !"

"Oh... I will unplug the chess pieces from Yuanshi. This guy will be mad. However, before he even dared to join forces with Qin Lang to calculate me, he always had to pay some price! If you don’t let Yuanshi hurt. "You can make me comfortable!" Daowu said, clearly agree with the innocent point of view, ready to gradually grow the forces, and then destroy the forces of Yuanshi and Qinlang a little bit, so that there is nowhere to hide.

This time, Daowu was completely irritated. Although he did not personally take it, he saw it with his own eyes. He saw that Yuan began to use his chess pieces to deal with the innocent, to prevent the plan of exploring the heart of the universe, and even to let Qin Lang’s plan. The minions sneaked into the infinite army, and almost let the incompetent army completely annihilated. Although no way and his legions are just the chess pieces of the Tao, but if the pieces are destroyed, how can you play chess? The collusion between Yuan Shi and Qin Lang made Dao Wu angry, and insisted that the reason why he was defeated by Qin Lang was largely related to Yuan Shi. The collusion between Yuan and Qin Lang directly led to the defeat of Daowu, which led to the calculation of this time.

Since Yuan Shi was so two-sided and three-way, Daowu did not have so much concern. He was prepared to gradually pull out the inconspicuous pieces according to Daowu’s suggestion, so that there were not many pieces available, and then naturally it could not be destroyed. Daowu’s plan.

Daowu personally taught the power of the lawless and the followers' laws, and naturally it was also rendered by the innocent. This kind of propaganda is of course to expand the influence of Daowu, but also to call and bring more people to come. It is not wrong to do this. Although doing so will naturally make Yuanshi more uncomfortable, but the beginning of the Yuan is not good, the more Dao is cool.

The strength of the infinite army is growing stronger. Since it has grown, it is necessary to fight four times. No way to personally shot, defeated some of the challengers, followed by Yue Fei, Che Yu and other people have also been dispatched, killing many monks who are known as the beginning of allegiance, although they do not know whether these guys really loyal to the beginning, but this does not affect The decision of Yue Fei and the rut of these comets, they are to kill these guys to promote.

Kill a batch and accept a batch.

This is one of the inefficiencies of the plan. It seems that this plan has been promoted so much that in a short period of time, the infinite army is better than ever, the followers are more, and the overall strength is stronger.

The powerlessness of the Tao has risen rapidly again, so that the loyal dogs of the beginning of the three spirits of Shiling, the first soul and the first slave have once again launched the encirclement. This time, the three-dimensional loyal dog has gathered more people, and it seems to be ironic. Daowu's chess pieces are completely eradicated.

The two armies are in a state of confrontation.

"No way, we met again." The will of the beginning spirit has spread all over the battlefield. It seems that his spiritual net has also extended to any corner of the battlefield, and the situation on the entire battlefield is "out of sight."

"The last time I met, my army lost half of the staff. This time, meeting, there must be some return!" Nothing coldly, has begun to be **** for tat.

"Since you have chosen to betray the Yuanshi adults, you should think of paying such a price!" Shi Ling sneered. "Of course, if you choose to rely on Yuan Shi adults now, I believe he will still give you a way to live. There is no benefit to you. After all, being the enemy of the big master is simply the way to death!"

"Well, since you are so sincerely persuaded to drop, then I am also very serious to respond to you - I can not rely on the beginning of the Yuan, because my master is more advanced! More worthy of me to follow! Even the beginning of the Yuan, compared with my master It’s just a firefly under the moon!” No way to say this very **.

"Yueyue and Firefly? You are really a big talk!" After listening to this, Shi Ling was immediately ignited. After all, Shi Ling was the loyal dog of Yuan Shi. Since the beginning of the spirit was promoted to the epoch of the epoch, he immediately got the attention of Yuan Shi. And it was cultivated by Yuan Shi, and it is because of this that Shi Ling is truly loyal to the beginning of the Yuan. It is difficult for someone to shake him.

Shi Ling, as the oldest spiritual net creature in this sixth-level universe, is naturally a special place. After the achievement of the epoch of the empire, Yuan Shi saw the great potential of Shi Ling, so he pointed to the spiritual practice of the spirit. As the "template", Shi Ling cultivated a lot of spiritual net creatures in the sixth level of the universe. This is because Yuan Shi discovered the existence of Ling net creatures, which is very conducive to managing a world and even a universe. The role of the housekeeper and the shepherd is quite suitable, and as the leader of the big master and the rich man, someone needs to manage these universes for him, and many worlds, and cultivate more creatures.

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