Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 3552: Yuan Shi's joke

"It is true. If there is no support from Yuanshi, Qin Lang is not afraid of it! But it is just an ant. It is not worthy of my special attention." Daowu agrees with this point of view, and also finds an excuse for himself. However, because Daowu lost to Qin Lang before, this is also considered a shameful shame. If you can find a suitable excuse, then Yuan Shi secretly supports Qin Lang, this is the most appropriate and reasonable excuse.

"The adults are right." Daowu quickly agreed. "So, now we will support the monks of the Yuanshi to fight all the way, destroy all the pieces arranged by the Yuan, and then see what he fights with the adults? Unless, He came to the shirt, but IMHO, the guy at the beginning of the Yuan dare to fight directly with the adults?"

"Yuan Shi did not dare!" Dao Wu snorted, full of confidence, forgive him for not having the guts! If Yuan Shi directly went into battle and fight with Dao, then it is the strong who completely sinned the seventh-level universe. At that time, it was not a Daowu, but the strongest of the entire seventh-level universe. It is the big master of the Yuan Dynasty that is really genuine, but I am afraid that it will not stop the suppression of many seventh-level cosmic powers.

"If this is the case, then what are our concerns?" No way to Daowu said, "Then we only need to follow the plan and constantly sweep the pieces of Yuanshi, and then naturally we can give Qinlang out. Maybe, Yuanshi Will I take the initiative to hand over Qin Lang to the adults?"

This dirty sewage water is all poured to the beginning of the Yuan, and the guy at the beginning of the Yuan must not care. Speaking of it, this time is still a little smug, because he has successfully integrated into this role, has already made Dawu completely believe that no way is a loyal slave, but do not know that no way will actually be outside Qin Lang Incarnation. In fact, at the beginning, Dawu still had some doubts about the identity of the innocent, but as the chess piece became more and more useful, the doubts of Dao’s mind were dispelled, because the innocence did make Daowu I felt that I had a lot less trouble, and I did a lot of things for him, and I also found out that the beginning of the Yuan and Qin Lang secretly colluded with things, which made Dao even feel that this guy is quite good.

Since Daowu has already agreed with the existence of no way, then he does not want to interfere with the plan of no way. If you want to kill the chess pieces of Yuanshi, then you must kill it. If you want to suppress all its supporters, you will suppress it. Anyway, anyway. At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, this guy did not know the current affairs. He should be taught a lesson, so Daowu fully agreed with the incomprehensible judgment and plan, and allowed him to promote this plan. So, as the spirit of the time is worried about -

The turn of the entire sixth level of the universe has emerged! Yuan Shi has already begun to fall into the "altar". Although as a master, Yuan Shi’s status is even higher than that of the gods, but everything is always beginning and ending, and there are ups and downs, so even if it is a strong existence like the beginning of the Yuan, from this time At the beginning, it has already gone downhill, and it has been annihilated since the beginning of the day. Perhaps, at this time, Yuan has not been aware of it. He believes that such a existence is just a small embarrassment. A small fight can not affect the overall situation. However, there is a Qin Lang behind the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, and there is a illusion. Once the beginning of the gas transport from the beginning of the peak, then it is like a mountain rock rolling, the speed is getting faster and faster, and can not be blocked.

Therefore, from the beginning of the mysterious identity of the Yuan Dynasty, and then to the fall of the altar, two things have already laid an important turning point. Yuan Shi’s men’s hands have already seen such a turning point, but they are not willing to admit it. Or think that Shi Ling is worrying about people, and as a result, the chess pieces of Yuan Shi began to be pulled out continuously, and the original supporters began to gradually reduce, and even directly changed to the invincible. Although these monks were only awkward in the eyes of Yuanshi, they lost their mystery and lost their supporters and believers... In fact, the loss of Yuanshi was still quite large.

Going against the water, if you don’t advance, you will retreat.

Since the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty has been unable to improve, then nature can only go backwards.

At the same time, the power of illusion has begun to increase, and even the scope of the heart of the universe has begun to expand, and as the power of illusion has begun to rise, the threat that Yuan began to face has become larger and larger.

Of course, Yuan Shi will not sit still, let alone the power of the Tao and Daowu, so he continues to use his own pieces, but the effect is not very good, these pieces can not shake the invincible forces, but with the pieces The pieces that have been exposed and dried up have become more and more, and the pieces that can be used by Yuanshi are naturally less and less.

If you continue to do so, Yuan Shi can only become a light pole commander!

Therefore, Yuan Shi had to consider his own gains and losses, so Yuan Shi this guy finally began to put down his arrogance, began to consider the proposal before the spirit, whether to personally kill the incompetent guy. Of course, it is impossible for the dizzy element to directly go to the innocent, because if it is done, it will be really prestige to sweep the ground.

However, Yuan Shi is the beginning of Yuan, after all, as long as he decides to do something, naturally there is a way. So Yuan Shi once again found the beginning spirit and used his will to say to the spirit: "The beginning of the spirit, your previous judgment is correct, This guy should be eradicated earlier, so I am going to give this character to you!"

"Yuan Shi adults, you let me go, this task I can't do, I am not an invincible opponent." Shi Ling refused the proposal of Yuan Shi, if not because of fear of offending the Yuan, he did not even want to contact Yuan Shi.

"Hey..." Yuan said, "Why, are you worried that I will let you die? You are not an invincible opponent, but this thing does not require you to do it yourself, so you don't have to worry that I will let you go." I have other pieces to use. I am looking for you, I hope you continue to do things for me."

"Yuan Shi adults are so valued, I naturally can't refuse. However, I can start the action and reconvene the manpower, but I must do this after I have no way to do it." The original meaning of the spirit is that if the Yuan did not kill no If you say the Tao, then he will not go to do things for the Yuan, because Shi Ling knows that he can’t fight now.

"There is no way to solve the problem, but the small means." Yuan did not care at all. It seems that he is very confident in his arrangement. "I have inserted a piece of chess at the side of the road, so I have to have no way to deal with it." !"

"So, then I wish the adults success!" Shi Ling did not want to provoke the beginning of the Yuan, and did not want to go to desperate, so he could only continue to say good things to the Yuan.

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