Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 3558: Communication is a bridge

"If you want Dao and Yuanshi to go directly to the front, this is not easy to achieve, because the guy at Yuanshi has always been careful and suspicious. Should you be able to see it?"

"Well, I know that Yuan Shi will not take risks easily. I know him very well, otherwise he will not continue to bear this time." The illusion is indeed quite understanding of the beginning of the Yuan. "But anyone has a degree of endurance. Of course, no exception, if Daowu has been forcing him, then Yuan Shi will eventually break out."

"Oh... since you think so, that's the way it is." Qin Lang didn't know the Yuanshi very well. Since the illusion said that the endurance of Yuanshi had a degree, after this level, it would still break out, then Qin Lang You can only believe in the words of illusion, and according to the plan of the illusion, look at when the guy at the beginning of the Yuan will burst out. "It means that now you only need to let the road continue to clear the pieces of the beginning of the Yuan and continue to stimulate the beginning of the Yuan. Will suffice?"

"It is indeed necessary to continue to clean the pieces of the beginning of the Yuan, but it is not enough to do so alone." The illusion said, "I will intervene when necessary. However, I have not yet reached the time when I can intervene."

Qin Lang does not know when the timing of the illusion can be intertwined, but Qin Lang believes that it is right not to act rashly. It is said that it is better not to be wrong. The reason why it has been able to cooperate with Qin Lang in the dark has been to deal with Yuanshihe Road. I think that the illusion has always hidden itself in the dark, and also successfully hidden the Qin Lang, so that Daowu can not determine the true whereabouts of Qin Lang.

Of course, Daowu may have determined that Qin Lang may be in the heart of the universe, but Daowu himself does not dare to directly enter the heart of the universe to investigate, because he has already learned the strangeness of this place, and now the heart of the universe The "mysterious power" is even stronger, so Dao does not want to venture directly into this place, let alone Dawu still suspects the fact that Yuan Shi and Qin Lang have hooked up. If Yuan Shi really colluded with Qin Lang, Daowu has absolutely no reason to not enter the heart of the universe.

According to the arrangement of Qin Lang and the illusion, there is no way to continue the chess pieces and supporters of the beginning of the Qing dynasty. Now the chess pieces of the Yuan Dynasty have been hidden in the way, and the supporters of Yuanshi have disappeared. But at this time, Shi Ling was in contact with nowhere.

The first spirit, this guy, has always been well hidden. Since the last time he was found by the Yuan, the spirit has become more careful, because he knows that he can not afford to sin now, and he can’t afford to sin. Therefore, they can only hide from them. As for why the beginning of the spirit will take the initiative to contact the innocent, it is because he wants to find a way for himself.

"When the spirit, I really didn't want to fight, you will contact me, what are your plans?" No way to ask Shi Ling, it seems very casual, but it is very clear that this time, Shi Ling contacted him. It must be a very important thing.

"No way, you are a smart person, so I will open the skylight directly and say something bright - I contact you because I am not optimistic about the beginning of the Yuan! So, I am going to bet on you." This spirit is really quite straightforward.

"Oh... it’s really an accident. I didn’t expect you to think that I would beat the beginning of the Yuan." No way smiled. "I am very curious, why do you judge this?"

"Because I know that you have already met with Yuanshi--maybe not directly confront, but you must have been confronted, and you are alive now, then it shows a problem, the beginning of the Yuan can not help you!" The principle given by Shi Ling is also It's so simple and straightforward, but it's quite reasonable. Shiling knows that Yuanshi must have been confronted with no way, and since nowhere is alive, it is enough to explain the problem.

"Oh, I can't think of the beginning of the spirit, you actually use this way to judge the problem, but I have to say that you judge this is really good. Yes, Yuan began to confront me, and did not take any advantage, so this You can rest assured at all. Just, if you want to bet on me, it is not impossible, but if you bet, what kind of bet are you going to use? If you don’t even have a bet, what are you betting on? "There is no way to go straight now, and ask directly what kind of bet can be used by the spirit."

"My name is Shi Ling. I am the most ancient spiritual net creature in the sixth level of the universe, so you should know that there is a special connection between me and many spiritual net creatures. So when necessary, I can even Convince some spiritual net creatures to fight for me and fight for us!" Shi Ling said his own cuddling, as the oldest spiritual net creature, Shi Ling has many supporters and men, or Shi Ling actually It is also time to cultivate the pieces in secret. It is time for him to use these pieces, but the premise is that no way must give him a promise.

No way did not immediately give any promise to Schering, but continued to ask: "But the beginning of the spirit, why do you have such strong confidence in me? You know, even myself, there is no such great confidence."

"I also know that this time is an adventure, but this adventure must be done - Yuan Shi did not know, he has begun to go downhill. The fact that he existed before was exposed, this is already a beginning, but did not cause His special attention may be because he is too confident in his own strength and believes that he can still completely control the entire sixth-order universe. However, after knowing that the existence of Yuanshi was exposed, each of our era hegemons felt his threat, even if it was Later, there were two camps that supported and rebelled against him, but the monks who supported Yuanshi were only because of the mighty power to fear the beginning of the Yuan. They did not really support him from the heart, that is, those who feared and resisted him. More than someone who truly respects and supports him. If this is just the beginning, then he will underestimate your strength, causing his pieces to be removed one by one, and supporters have turned their backs. This is a fairly obvious sign. - indicates that he has gone downhill."

Speaking of this, Shih Ling sighed for a long time, perhaps sighing for the fate of Yuan Shi, or for himself. "It is inevitable, and it is inevitable. As a monk, we are very clear. It’s just that Yuan began to see this. I’ve been prospering for a long time, just like standing on the peak. If you start to go downhill, you will definitely go down a long downhill road, and the situation will get worse and worse. At that time, no one could stop it. Even the great master of Yuanshi could not stop it! Therefore, in order to avoid the annihilation of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, I need to make other choices. I believe that you should be able to give me a way to live, right? ?"

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