Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 3569: The oriole is behind

"Damn the beginning of the Yuan! You don't even have a face to face! In this case, I will automatically compare with you!" Daowu also lost some reason at this time, before obeying the suggestion of nowhere, thinking that the beginning of the Yuan After the chess pieces and supporters have been defeated, they can control the entire sixth-level universe in a logical way. The Yuanshi should accept the failure and then hide it, but whoever thinks that this will be the result, Dao did not think that the Yuan began to completely tear the face. However, I refused to accept the failure. When this is the case, Daowu is helpless, and can only be a lifelong companion.

As a strongman of the high-level universe, Daowu's ability is naturally extraordinary. After all, it is a sixth-level universe. The body of Daowu is limited to the rules of the sixth-level universe. It is impossible to adopt the seventh level. The strength of the cosmic strong is released, so it is still impossible to defeat the beginning of the Yuan, especially the madness of the beginning.

Although Daowu can control the law power of the sixth level universe by virtue of the rule cube, the beginning of the beginning of the Wanfa can suppress the Dao's law cube, not to mention that Yuan Shi is also well aware of the law power of the sixth level universe. Therefore, Daowu does not have any advantage in the beginning of the game, except for identity.

The strong identity of Daowu, the seventh-level universe, did bring some pressure to the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. It was also because of the identity of the Yuan Dynasty that it had never been done to Dao, and it gave some convenience to Daowu. However, once the beginning of the Yuan began to be crazy, he naturally would not care about the identity of Daowu, so of course, this time the unlucky one is Daowu.

"Yuan Shi! Are you really crazy!" Daowu roared. "You haven't thought about it. The entire sixth-level universe's powerful people know that you lost this war. You have already swept your face. Why are you so obsessed with it?"

"Kill you, I will not lose!" Yuan began to cold.

"Even if you beat me, it is just one of my bodies!" Daowu felt that he might be crazy too. "And, you destroyed my body, and only the pressure of the seventh-level cosmic powerhouse was changed. Can you really not fear the blow of the seventh level of the universe?"

"Even if it is only your body that is destroyed, I have to do it! At least, I can make me happy for a while!" Yuan began to be angry, and when he got to this mouth, did he still expect him to let go of Daowu? Obviously impossible! Since the beginning of this time, since the beginning of the Yuan, it is impossible to stop, in any case always have to achieve the purpose! Moreover, when Yuan started to work, he felt that the previous practice was simply too stupid. Why should he care about his identity, why should he tolerate Dawu's authority in the sixth-level universe? He should deal with Dao in the first time, so there will be no current situation.

Nowadays, Yuanshi is famous for sweeping the ground, the credibility is gone, and even the supporters can't find one. This is because Daowu and the innocent two wicked guys, now no way should be dead, then now should be the Daowu This body is blown up, and then go to find the trouble of Qin Lang. It’s true that there is nothing wrong with the dead rabbits cooking. If the Yuan began to kill Dao, it will definitely kill Qin Lang, so that he can completely calm down.

"Insane... This is really crazy!" At this time, Daowu’s heart left the only sigh. This ending is definitely not what Dawu wants, but why did it become like this? Daowu’s heart is quite depressed, but he can’t help it. If it’s true strength, Daowu is definitely not the opponent of Yuanshi, because Yuanshi is the most powerful local snake in the sixth level of the universe. At this time, hate shots are even more impossible. Resist, although Daowu did his best, he was still forced to retreat by the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. He did not know how to end it, and Daowu also understood that communication with Yuanshi at this time would not help. Yuanshi’s guy has now lost his mind. What communication has made him unable to stop. However, Daowu still wants to make the final effort. "You don't have to do this at the beginning of Yuan. I said before, it doesn't make sense to destroy my body. It can only be with our seventh-level universe."

"Don't say much! Death--" Yuan began to be ironed. As the great master of the sixth-level universe, after being completely irritated, the only belief now is to kill Dao, and the rest of the things he is too lazy to think about. Anyway, Yuan began to kill Daowu. If Qin Lang is not dead, then Qin Lang will be killed. Then the world will be completely quiet. The Yuan can calm down well and then come back again. Anyway, he can mobilize. Most of the resources of the entire sixth level of the universe, even if it is possible to re-throw everything and then come back, this time the failure is a lesson. As for when Daowu’s guy came back for revenge, Yuan Shi didn’t worry much, because at that time he would have more means to deal with Dao, unless the strong players of the seventh level of the universe collectively dispatched, otherwise it’s just a Taowu. The body can not shake the status of Yuanshi. In addition, at that time, Yuan Shi may consider talking to Dao, but now it is impossible, because now the Yuan is in a state of anger, he only wants to kill Dao, no other to read!

Bang! ~

Daowu's body was finally defeated. His last thoughts were cursing and revenge, because Daowu was quite angry. He didn't think that the **** guy of Yuanshi had no sense of self-consciousness at all. Face, obviously lost, why can't you accept this result well? Daowu does not want to kill Yuan Shi. He just wants to control the sixth level of the universe. Why is this guy who refused to make concessions and refused to accept it? In the end, Daowu's will only conveyed the idea of ​​revenge to the Yuan Dynasty - I will definitely return!

After Daowu was killed, his knees were scattered like birds and beasts, disappearing in an instant.

"It’s finally quiet!" Yuan began to be too lazy to kill those little shackles. Anyway, these guys are his "food" in the future. You don't have to go slaughter now, you can keep eating slowly.

At this time, Yuan has always begun to relax, but at this time, a strange power has invaded the Yuan Dynasty. Yes, it is not a surprise attack, but an invasion. Yuan began to feel that it is for the entire sixth-order universe. The control is weakened!

This is really a hell!

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