Juvenile Medical God

: Section 359 reconnector

After Zhao Chuanlei sat down, Qin Lang also quickly entered the noodle restaurant, asked for a small piece of floral surface, and then sat opposite Zhao Chuanlei. Zhao Chuanlei took a look at Qin Lang and released a little military atmosphere. He hoped that Qin Lang would be reluctant to retreat. He did not affect his mood of eating. However, Qin Lang ignored it and looked at Zhao Chuanlei. He just ate his head.

Zhao Chuanlei saw Qin Lang did not leave, but also did not take Qin Lang, and only continue to eat noodles.

However, at this time, Zhao Chuanlei suddenly felt the stomach screaming, and the intuition told him that he seemed to be diarrhea, and this feeling was very clear. He stood up and angered the boss: "The boss wife - you do What's the face, how to eat it, my stomach is not comfortable -"

When Zhao Chuanlei had not finished speaking, he felt that he couldn't stand it, so he could only ask the proprietress: "Where is the toilet?"

"Go out from the back door, there is a public toilet inside!" The boss gave Zhao Chuanlei the direction of the toilet.

"I will find you later!" Zhao Chuanlei released a swearword, which quickly rushed into the back of the toilet. The "public toilet" in the mouth of the boss is the real public toilet. This is the common use of dozens of people in the entire yard. When Zhao Chuanlei just arrived at the door, he was almost smothered by the stench, but he couldn’t hold it on his butt. He rushed in with his nose, and then saw piles of **** and swarms of flies, and he almost fainted.

After a while, Zhao Chuanlei finally came out, so he found the boss with full anger: "The boss, you explain to me, why I ate your face, will diarrhea! Are you taking medicine inside!"

The proprietress in the spirit of enthusiasm and wealth, originally did not intend to have a general knowledge of Zhao Chuanlei, but heard that Zhao Chuanlei actually said that she took the medicine, she suddenly revealed the pungent nature of the Pingchuan woman, shouted loudly: "I put you. Mom's fart! Lao Niang has done business for ten years here, and my face has never been eaten by people! You don’t give your old lady a **** blow! Not to mention, your noodles have not been eaten and you have diarrhea, even if the aging mother has prescribed medicine, it is not so Is it going to happen? And, if there is a problem with the noodles, it’s okay if someone else eats it, why do you have something!”

"People are official lords, and their stomachs are delicate." One eater screamed. "The wife of the boss, the belly of the official can be different from us. You have to be careful to serve."

"Isn't it, it's still the official of the capital, and the military is coming to eat." Another old diners said, "The boss, the official is not looking at your beauty, so I am on you."

These diners are frequent visitors, and they are all people in Denning City. In this case, of course, it is impossible to speak to an official. Naturally, it is extremely ridiculous to Zhao Chuanlei.

Zhao Chuanlei still had to talk to the boss, but the stomach began to scream again, so he could only drill into the public toilet with his nose. However, after he entered this time, he couldn't get out for about half a day, because he was stunned by Qin Lang, and Qin Lang stuffed him in the innermost grid, and then locked the broken lattice door. This time, Zhao Chuanlei should be breathing a "clean air" for a long time in a coma.

Qin Lang put on Zhao Chuanlei's clothes, and then brought a variety of face masks, a little bit of a bit, Qin Lang learned the ease of the effort, although can not guarantee 100% like Zhao Chuanlei, but at least seven or eight points similar, and then wear Zhao Chuanlei After the hat, it seems that there is a similarity in the score.

Anyway, in the view of Qin Lang, Zhao Chuanlei is just a layer of "skin" than others. Without this layer of green skin, Zhao Chuanlei is not as good as an ordinary person.

After Qin Lang disguised as Zhao Chuanlei, he naturally did not have a theory with the proprietress, and directly let the driver drive back to the headquarters of the armed police detachment. The sentinel at the headquarters looked at the license plate and glanced at the people inside, and immediately released it.

In this way, Qin Lang easily entered the headquarters of the Armed Police Detachment, and then Qin Lang went to the downstairs of the building that he had visited last night. It is already 7:00 in the morning, but many people have not yet gone to work, and Qin Lang is now posing as Zhao Chuanlei, so no one noticed that he had something wrong.

Qin Lang went straight to the room where Luo Haichuan was detained yesterday, but when he arrived here, he found that the soldiers at the door were not there. He opened the door in amazement and found that Luo Haichuan was not inside.

Not going well!

Qin Lang sighed in the heart, thought that after mixing in, he could easily meet with Luo Haichuan, and he could not think that Luo Haichuan was actually transferred.

However, Qin Lang soon calmed down.

Zhao Chuanlei is the person dispatched by the Military Discipline Inspection Commission to investigate this matter. It is also called the "adult". Even if it is to transfer Luo Haichuan, Zhao Chuanlei should have the right to know the location of Luo Haichuan.

Therefore, Qin Lang forced himself to calm down, and then went downstairs and said to the driver Xiao Li: "Send me to see Luo Haichuan."

The driver Xiao Li said that you are pretending to be the one who is surnamed Zhao, and Luo Haichuan is not locked in the door of this building. You still want Laozi to lead the way. Are you doing this? Or your diarrhea has become a fool.

The driver Xiao Li cursed in his heart while taking Qin Lang to the ninth floor.

Qin Lang knew that Luo Haichuan did not actually transfer, but only from one room to another. The room on the ninth floor is obviously a special interrogation room.

After entering the room, Qin Lang saw Luo Haichuan who was eating breakfast. Qin Lang made a gesture to let some people in the room go out temporarily. Then he sat next to Luo Haichuan and smiled and said: "Luo Shichang's appetite is not bad. Eat How many gimmicks?"

"Three." Luo Haichuan said faintly, "If you don't have enough, how do you accept your investigation?"

"This is true. It seems that Master Luo has a lot of experience in struggle." Qin Lang knows that although the people here have been removed, the monitoring system is still in operation, so he continues to imitate Zhao Chuanlei’s tone. "Only, Master Luo should know that since Come here, always have to explain clearly to leave. How much you eat, you have to spit it out, do you say?"

It seems that Qin Lang is like persuading Luo Haichuan, and the paving is in place. Qin Lang then approached Luo Haichuan and whispered in his ear: "I am Qin Lang, the secret number."

The secret number that Qin Lang said is naturally the telephone number that Luo Haichuan gave to Qin Lang last night.

Luo Haichuan’s body was slightly stunned, but he soon calmed down. He looked at Qin Lang carefully. After carefully reading it, he found that the current “Zhao Chuanlei” seemed to be different from before, but still There are similarities in ** points, and I can't help but admire Qin Lang's easy-to-capacity means, but admire, Luo Haichuan's doubts are also a bit heavy, and even vaguely worried, because Qin Lang's means are too much. Luo Haichuan is a wise man. He has already speculated from Qin Lang that these methods are not ordinary people.



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