Juvenile Medical God

: The 361th punishing evil

"Listen to what you mean, it seems that the business of this station is what you have taken?" Qin Lang asked.

"Of course." Wu said, "The largest scalper party in Anrong is me. Every holiday, large and small oxen are all over the city, they just work for me. Of course, every year, some small oxen will be killed. ', falling into the hands of the police, this is convenient for the railway police to cross, they have to harvest every year against the yellow cattle. And these 'death' ox, are disobedient people, or people who want to stand on their own. As for me This old ox, of course, does not have to queue to grab tickets."

Along the way, Wu Hao did not ask Qin Lang to go to Yunhai Province. He just talked with Qin Lang about something that was not going to happen. This is the cleverness of Wu Hao. He knows what should not be asked, so he does not ask these things.

With the help of Wu Hao, in the tens of seconds before the high-speed train drove, Qin Lang took the high-speed rail as a railway staff member, and Wu Hao also specially arranged a very good seat for Qin Lang.

Therefore, Qin Lang easily boarded the train to Yunhai Province.

After getting on the bus, Qin Lang changed his clothes, but he still put his clothes and documents into his backpack. He planned to return it to Wu Hao because he knew that these real documents and uniforms were not so easy to get.

There was Wu Hao saying hello, so Qin Lang did not have to worry about someone checking the ticket, and after getting on the bus, Qin Lang also enjoyed a nutritious lunch, and it was still free.

After eating lunch, Qin Lang gradually relaxed, and last night tossed up for a night, Qin Lang decided to take a rest.

It is more than three hours drive from Kuncheng. Qin Lang plans to take a break and add energy. After all, Qin Lang did not sleep at all last night.

However, Qin Lang just closed his eyes, and a familiar voice rang in his ear: "Boy, do you know what stupid things are doing?"

This voice is old-fashioned, this voice is very arrogant, Qin Lang knows that this is the voice of old poison, and only in the eyes of old poison, everything that Qin Lang has done seems to be stupid.

Qin Lang looked back inside the carriage because he knew that the old poison must have been in the car. The old poison is a monster of this level. Of course, he does not need any channel. As long as the old poison is willing, he can easily board any train or even an airplane, because Qin Lang has classified the old poison as "non-human". This definition is not to mean the derogation of old poisons, but rather a kind of respect, which means that the strength of old poisons has transcended the human sphere.

Because it is not a holiday now, the high-speed rail is generally dissatisfied. Qin Lang looked in the train for a while and finally saw a familiar look. This is a middle-aged man in his forties. Qin Lang knows that this is an old poison, although he does not Know why the old poison today is so "young".

There is a seat next to the old poison. Qin Lang is naturally sitting next to the old poison. The old poison spreads the newspaper in his hand and said slowly: "Boy, do you know that what you are doing now is boring?"

“Where is it boring?” Qin Lang said faintly, “I don’t feel bored if I punish evil and promote good things.”

To punish evil, of course, is to deal with Ye Jia, because Ma Zhenyong has already found out that Ye Jia’s people have done some extremely sinful activities; Yang Shan, of course, is to rescue Luo Haichuan. In Qin Lang’s view, Luo Haichuan should be an honest person, and Luo Haichuan dared to call Yejia, and it was also the same camp. Qin Lang would certainly save Luo Haichuan.

"Punish evil and promote good?" The old poison said with disdain, "What is evil, what is good? You have to know that we are poisonous. In the eyes of many people, we are evil! So what do you want to punish? Yang Shan, do you think it is interesting?"

"Old poison, you follow me like this, is it just to infuse me with the so-called theory of good and evil?" Qin Lang snorted. "The good and evil in my heart is not your decision, nor is it that others have the final say." But I have the final say! So, I said that it is to punish evil and promote good, that is to punish evil and promote good!"

"Yes, this sounds a bit like a descendant of Laozi." The old poison didn't even think it was embarrassing. Instead, he had a little bit of appreciation for Qin Lang's arrogant words, but then he said, "Although you said this well, I still feel that What you are doing now is stupid! And it is very stupid. If you want to punish evil and do good, where is so complicated, you think it is evil, kill it directly, kill it cleanly; if you think it is good Yes, then, don’t kill, it’s that simple. And now, you’re doing a lot of things, do you think it’s interesting?”

"There is really not much meaning." Qin Lang said, "But I have to do this. I know that for the old poison you, you don't care what is right or wrong, no matter what other people live and die, of course, they don't care about what reputation. But for Many people say that they value their reputation better than their own lives. Therefore, Yang Shan not only saves people, but also preserves the reputation of good people. Uncle Luo is a good person, and this thing is because of me, I can't Let him suffer the blame."

"Women's benevolence! When can you give up the **** woman's benevolence, you can truly become a disciple of Laozi!" The old poison snorted. "Do you know why I am here?"

"How do I know." Qin Lang whitened the old poison. "I always feel that you are everywhere, but when I am unlucky and injured, I hope that you will support you. As a result, you are always absent. Every time I am. When you want to be quiet, you are swaying around me like a fly."

"Kid, you don't complain to me less. You don't care about your injured bird, because I know that the other side can't kill you, of course, there is no need to shoot. And now I appear, of course, there is a need to appear - Because I want to tell you, this time you are arrogant, it is a waste of time. Simply let us get off early, so as not to run away." Old poison said.

"Why do you think so?" Qin Lang said, "I have some strong evidence in my hands. Moreover, the Ye family is very nervous about this evidence."

"The murder of things, where is the need for evidence." The old poison said faintly, "You see them unhappy, killing one directly is clean, look for evidence. Do you really think that the evidence can be used to make Yejia What?"

"Yejia people are very nervous, so I think these evidences are enough threats to them." Qin Lang said affirmatively.

"Are you a Jianghu person?" The old poison suddenly asked Qin Lang a sentence.



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