Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 3617: Killing

"It's no wonder that you know some things in the seventh-level universe. I don't think you are going through such a means! When you don't look at it for three days, I used to think that you want to enter the seventh-level universe is hard to do, even at all. It’s impossible, but I didn’t think that you found a way so quickly, and you’ve started to get information from the seventh-level universe. You’re walking in front of me, it’s really amazing!” He sighed. At first he saw the rise of Qin Lang in the sixth-level universe, and he also saw how Qin Lang beat Daowu and Yuanshi little by little. At that time, he never thought that Qin Lang could surpass one day. His cultivation, or can threaten his status, did not even think that Qin Lang had to enter the seventh level of the universe has already had a look, which means that Qin Lang may break the shackles of its own universe, reaching the predecessors The extent to which no one has reached.

Both the illusion and the beginning of the Yuan are born from the beginning of the sixth level of the universe, so he naturally knows which characters have appeared in the sixth level of the universe. These guys are naturally not simple, but Compared with Qin Lang, it is nothing compared to it, because Qin Lang has the potential to transcend the beginning of the Yuan and the illusion, and is likely to break the limits of the sixth level of the universe, thus entering a higher level of the universe, legendary At the macro level of the universe, this is indeed something that no one has ever done.

"It doesn't matter who walks in front. What's important is that someone has already taken this road away!" Qin Lang took the opportunity to say to the illusion. "In the sixth level of the universe, there have been many amazing characters, but These guys only know the idea of ​​playing the low-plane universe and want to penetrate into the lower-level universe. What is it? If the benefits of the low-plane universe are really so many, those who have infiltrated for a long time Why aren't there one who can achieve the repair beyond me?"

"Oh... you are really intriguing!" The illusion could not help but sigh. "I am also very puzzled. Why do so many strong people want to explore the secrets of the low-level universe? Entering the lower level universe, but you have to reverse it? However, it seems that you are not going to take the usual path, like the challenge, with such cultivation and strength, it is not difficult to explain! Yes, we In the six-level universe, there are also a lot of amazing characters, but these guys are really a little boyish. They only know that one person penetrates into the low-level universe. This is really not very good performance. These guys should Learn from you and find ways to infiltrate into the high-level universe!"

"Fantasy, this is not because I am boasting. In fact, once we reach a level and realm, especially at the peak level, we will lose our initiative and become corrupt and fearful. You look at our sixth level universe. These epoch hegemons, at this time do not know or dare to infiltrate into the seventh-level universe, they can only constantly try to penetrate into the low-level universe, which is simply weak! Losing the enterprising heart, how could it be higher? What about the achievements?"

"You are not without reason." At this time, the illusion has already agreed with Qin Lang's practice method. "The road to practice should have been adversity. Most of our monks can reach the level of the epoch, and they are all from Killed out in various kinds of adversity. But after the epoch of the epoch, they lost their aggressiveness, but they were afraid of death. It is indeed the **** of their own talents and potential, so it is difficult to achieve higher achievements. It is understandable."

"Understand, but unforgivable." Qin Lang continued, "These epochs born out of the sixth-order universe, any of them, should bear the responsibility of inheriting the fire and will of the universe. They should have shouldered the responsibility of pioneering, but because they are greedy and fearful of death, they have bound their talents and potentials, and forgot to open up their responsibilities. It is really pitiful! Of course, I can understand that these guys are the dictator of the era and have achieved the era. After the hegemony, who is not the highest in the upper level? At this time they know that there are two ways to go, one of which is to penetrate into the low-level universe, to go where they can do whatever they want; the other is to the high-level universe In the middle, it is difficult, and even if you enter the high-level universe, they can only start again from the ants. These two roads, how do you think they will choose?"

"Your analysis is very reasonable!" sighed with a sigh. "Don't say that those epochs are overlord. Even if I sometimes lose my aggressive heart, now I can tell you if I listen to you." How stupid is, how the mouse is inconspicuous! Yes, if the sixth-generation universe's epochs do not dare to go to higher-level universes, then we can only be a little bit stronger by the high-level universe. Infiltrate and control, and even one day we will completely lose the sixth level of the universe and be driven to a lower level of the universe!"

"Yes, this time I believe that you have also seen the responsibility that the epoch hegemons should really bear! The epoch hegemony should have been a pioneer, but the epoch of the sixth-order universe has become a sinister who is afraid of death. So this has led to the decline of our sixth-level universe, which has caused the high-level cosmic powers to wreak havoc here. Therefore, I think you should think about how to inspire the pioneering spirit of these era hegemons and let them Don't stupidly continue to infiltrate into the low-level universe, but think about how to move toward the high-level universe, so that 'water goes down', so that we will eventually lose control of the sixth-level universe!" This remark can be described as courteous. This remark is naturally touching the illusion and impressing the master of the sixth-level universe. He agrees with this view of Qin Lang and believes that it is under the sixth level universe. The penetration of the universe is simply a stupid act. It should be like the reign of Qin Lang. It is the orthodoxy, and it can be self-improving. Farther!

"Fantasy, you understand this. Well, we still have a lot of money, and there are a lot of epochs, so that they don't continue to stupidly infiltrate into the low-level universe, doing some stupid things that are greedy and fearful of death. Follow me to march into the seventh-level universe. At least, this will not let the souls of our sixth-order universe lose their enterprising spirit, will not always fall into the passive, and will always be controlled and crushed by the powerful of other levels of the universe! Fantasy, should you have a way for them to focus on the seventh-level universe or higher-level universe?" Qin Lang continued to ask if the illusion would make the sixth-level cosmic powers pay attention On the higher level of the universe, then the pressure will not be concentrated in the low-level universe.

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