Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 3658: Born to be my devil

What plant can be born before the birth of the universe?

Qin Lang has no clue for this problem for a time, but Qin Lang believes that the induction of Jianmu will not go wrong. This is because Qin Lang’s trust in Jianmu, and Qin Lang can also get the induction with Jianmu, so naturally it can be logical and empathetic. The ground senses the existence of plants that transcend the beginning of the birth of the universe.

What is it?

At this time, Qin Lang suddenly understood the feelings of Jianmu, and immediately understood why Jianmu would think that "mysterious things" should be such things.

A thing that is more ancient than the universe, it is naturally a mysterious thing, and this thing is actually a kind of plant, which makes Qin Lang feel very puzzled.

"Qin Lang, no matter what this thing is, you should also check it out clearly." Jianmu said to Qin Lang, "Just, this thing is not as gentle as ordinary plants, giving people a feeling of sharpness and sharpness. I I believe you have sensed it."

"Yes, this thing is very weird! It is like a plant's breath, but it is so sharp, this can be really weird!" Qin Lang agreed with Jianmu's judgment, because he is also such a kind of induction.

However, Qin Lang is still ready to investigate. These days, Qin Lang has been pursuing the mysterious things of the low-level universe. However, although the information received is quite numerous, it is basically something that is confusing. The thing should be considered a real mystery, so Qin Lang decided to go and see this thing.

According to the induction of Jianmu, Qin Lang sent a lot of avatars. After searching in many places, he finally found the place where the thing existed. This is a very special universe, a universe entirely composed of plants.

"Qin Lang, I know where this is!" Jianmu suddenly thought of something, could not help but exclaim, "This is the **** grass world! This is the world of the gods, is the universe he created! However, I have not been able to sense His breath! He - is it dead?"

"Yes, here is the **** grass world - the breath of 隋戈, has disappeared, and his will is dying." Qin Lang could not help but sigh, he knew that the construction of the wood was from the hands of 隋戈, if not Because of Ge Ge and Jianmu, Qin Lang may not be able to achieve today's cultivation and achievements, so Qin Lang is of course grateful to Ge Ge, and later he did not know where to go, but Qin Lang always believed that he should have enough self-protection ability. After all, this guy's cultivation is inscrutable, but I didn't think that even a powerful figure like Ge Ge would eventually escape the situation.

However, there is still a little left in the will of Zang Ge, so Qin Lang first sensed it. These residual will send a very amazing message to Qin Lang: "Qin Lang, I am very happy to see you - my plan I have lost, and the loss is very thorough! It used to be my **** grass world. I was going to create a group of powerful plant creatures to cope with the strong pressure of the high-level universe, but in the process, I I sensed a more ancient plant atmosphere than the wood, I was confused by this breath - I thought I could create a creature beyond the wood, but my behavior is equivalent to releasing the devil, releasing the real The horrible devil! Now, although I have revived this thing, I can’t control it. My gods and my universe have been eaten by him. I have exhausted all the repairs and can’t suppress it. He. Now, I can only hope that you can control this thing. If it can be used for you, it is naturally the best. If it can't be used for you, then you must destroy it. ...... Remember, this thing is quite dangerous! ...... careful ...... "

When Qin Lang received this information, the remaining will of the Ge Ge also disappeared completely. Qin Lang knew that this might be because the Ge Ge had already fallen, or he might be completely integrated with the universe, in order to suppress the mystery in this universe. "Things," but did not want this thing to be out of sleep after all, so it was sensed by Jianmu.

What is the mysterious thing that was actually given to the "resurrection"?

Even if it is called resurrection, then it means that this thing has existed before, but it has been degraded, but it was reborn by the supreme mana. I thought that this thing could be used for myself, but found that it could not be controlled. This thing led to the fact that he could only use all the power to seal it, but the seal was finally broken by it.

Mysterious things? This must be the mysterious thing!

Before Qin Lang thought that he would certainly sense the existence of mysterious things, this is based on the reason of the induction of heaven and man. If many powerful and wise men are pursuing something, then this thing must exist and must be It will show traces, just like the legendary Murphy's Law. In fact, Murphy's Law may also be a certain degree of heaven and human induction.

Since Lien Ge is annihilated here, then Qin Lang does not dare to enter this universe easily. Even if Qin Lang has realized the transformation between micro and macro laws, he does not dare to take risks easily, but Qin Lang will never give up. Here, since it is hard to trace this mysterious thing, even if it is very risky, Qin Lang will find a way to suppress it.

Just when Qin Lang tried to explore the mysterious universe, an ancient and new will in the universe appeared. He exchanged with Qin Lang: "Hey, you are Qin Lang? The legend of Huang Quan Jiu Prison? How, how are you? Find me? You know, I just got out of this universe and can sense that there are not many creatures in my existence."

"I naturally have some methods." Qin Lang responded. "Since you know my identity, can you tell me your identity?"

"My identity? You shouldn't know, you can't know." This will also tell Qin Lang, "Hey guy, thinking that he can make me resurrect, I can control me, but I will bury myself, really It’s stupid! How can I have such a great existence, but how can he be in control? As for you, you also have the same purpose, but your end may be similar. Even, your end may not be as good as you. !"

"Oh... this is really not thought, you are so arrogant. It is nothing more than an old tree, and even dare to be so arrogant!" Qin Lang said with a smile, "naturally, my material will be useful, and you are for my use!" ”

"Big words! Damn!" This will be angry.

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