Juvenile Medical God

: 367th Wu Xuan

Qin Lang can get the opportunity to get on the train free of charge through Wu Hao's channel. The old poison naturally has his own way, because the old poison is, after all, the teacher of Qin Lang, and the apprentice can do things. How can Master not do it?

Of course, the old poison will not buy tickets, but Qin Lang did not expect the old poisons to go directly from the ticket gate. This ticket gate can check the ID card and the ticket. The old poisons of these two things are not even the same. Qin Lang is actually I don't know what the old guy is playing.

"Guests and friends, please take your ticket and valid documents into the ticket gate, and send friends of relatives and friends to leave the ticket gate..." At this time, the speaker at the ticket gate is playing the "warm reminder" mechanically and repeatedly.

However, the old poison did not take the ticket and the valid documents at all, so they went in, and Qin Lang naturally followed the old poison, staring at the old poison, and wanted to see how the old guy was confused.

What Qin Lang did not expect was that the old poison did nothing, and other passengers took the initiative to show the ticket and ID card, but when the old poison was gone, he went straight in, and the person at the ticket gate turned a blind eye. It is like the old poison does not exist at all. The person at the ticket gate does not exist when the old poison is present. When Qin Lang does not exist, Qin Lang also passes the ticket gate directly with the old poison.

A big cockroach in front of Qin Lang saw this situation and said to the staff at the ticket gate: "What happened? Why didn't the first two people check the ticket? Hey... What exactly did you do?"

"Who said that they did not check the ticket!" The ticket inspector did not thank the justice of the big reminder, but the eyebrows picked one, "Your ID card and ticket are taken over!"

"What is your attitude!" I complained to the ticket inspector with dissatisfaction. "Do you have any regulations for the Ministry of Railways? Why did the two people go in without checking the ticket! Let me not say it!"

"I said that I checked it, then I checked it!" The ticket inspector said impatiently to Daxie. "You still can't think of a ride? If you want to ride a car, just shut me up, don't waste my time!"

When I heard it, I shut up, but after the ticket was over, she continued to whisper: "What quality! Now these railway personnel are too poor!"

"Da, don't complain. Maybe the two are the family members of the railway bureau. Of course, people don't have to check in." One person behind Daxie reminded her, "You can say less, so you don't have to wait for a while. Can't go up."

After Qin Lang and the old poison waited for ten minutes in the waiting room, the train had arrived at the station. The two easily passed the second check-in and then easily got on the bus.

After getting on the bus, the two found two vacancies and sat down comfortably. Qin Lang said: "Old poison, you are really amazing. I can't think of it. It's free. You can tell me, just now. Why did the check-in turn a blind eye to us?"

"Because I let him turn a blind eye to us, he can only turn a blind eye to us." The old poison snorted and seemed to be a bit forced.

"Old poison, how did you do it?" Qin Lang humbly asks, he feels that the old poison is very useful. Since the old poison can become invisible in front of the ticket inspector, there must be a way to "invisible" in front of others. It’s not so easy to be deceived, knowing that these ticket inspectors in the railway department are also eye-catching.

"Why, do you want to learn?" The old poison smiled. "But even if you want to learn, you can't learn."

"You don't underestimate my ability to learn." Qin Lang protested.

"This has nothing to do with your ability to learn, but your repair is not enough." The old poison said calmly, and took two bottles of water from a fat little car. This happened to the staff of the seller. Underground, but she turned a blind eye, just as it did not happen at all.

After taking a sip of water, the old poison went on to say, "The reason is very simple. When your cultivation is beyond the level of the martial arts, you can do it naturally."

"Beyond the martial arts level, what is the level?" Qin Lang is convinced that the old poison must be beyond the general "martial arts" level, otherwise the old poison must not be "invisible" in front of others.

"Beyond the level of 'Wu Ren', it will reach a realm of 'Wu Xuan', which is mysterious and mysterious. Wu Xuan's realm, beyond the level of the Wu people, will transform its power and means into an indescribable realm. For example, the reason why the ticket inspector and the salesperson turned a blind eye to me was because they were influenced by my spirit. To be precise, my mental power affected their brains, so even if their eyes saw me, Their thoughts 'stained' us who saw what the eyes saw." The old poison explained this.

"Spiritual strength?" Qin Lang frowned and said, "Can the martial arts person still practice mental strength?"

According to Qin Lang's understanding, the martial arts people are constantly tempering the body, developing their potential, and thus have a powerful force beyond ordinary people, but now the "wu Xuan" realm mentioned by the old poisons makes Qin Lang seem to be exposed to another level. Some even subverted some of his previous understandings.

"Wu Xuan realm, this 'Xuan' word, mainly refers to the spiritual level of things." Old poisons use little patience to explain, "In fact, according to your understanding, the martial arts people are constantly developing their potential, this The idea itself is not wrong. Even in the realm of Wu Xuan, the same is true. The difference is that in the realm of Wu Xuan, the practitioners are not developing the body, but the head!"


"Yes, the head." The old poison explained, "According to the biologist's point of view, the evolution of any kind of creature and the development of its abilities are closely related to their brains, right? And, the extent of brain development will It will have a great impact on people's intelligence and behavior. The more powerful the brain is, the stronger its ability will be."

"Yes, scientists really think so." Qin Lang nodded. "The degree of brain development in ordinary people is said to be less than 10%. If the brain develops more than 10%, it is basically a genius in genius. Some people even boldly speculate that if someone can apply the brain to more than 50%, they can have the power of the legendary 'spirit'. However, this should only be speculated that the real situation is not so mysterious. ”

"What is the power of the gods? Take the space, take the fly, go to the wall, and eat the grain... These are the powers of the so-called gods. If these are the gods, then someone has done it." The old poison said, "Repairing into After the realm of Wu Xuan, you can do what these so-called gods can do."



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