Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 3670: Illusory consciousness

In fact, Pan Zhen did not think about Qin Lang. This time, she simply surrendered that thing. Although she has checked it and confirmed that there is no problem at all, she still couldn’t help but ask Qin Lang: "The transaction is completed? You You should know, if you play me, what will happen!"

"You can check it out carefully!" Qin Lang said to Pan Pan. "I know this thing is very important to you, but with my cultivation, how can I deceive you in this matter? So, you Check it out with confidence, lest there are any doubts."

After a while, the enthusiasm was tested again. It was finally confirmed that Qin Lang had no problem with her. So he said, "Very good, you didn't lie to me this time, so I am prepared to keep my promise and make sure that this thing is in my hands." I won't go to trouble with you. However, I can't guarantee that this thing will be controlled by me. Do you understand?"

"I finally heard such sincere words from your mouth, you can guarantee that you will not be in trouble when you are in your hands. As for the future, then you can't manage that much. Anyway, this guy has already complained deeply about me, sooner or later. I will come to see me, so I am also prepared." Qin Lang said to Pan Pan.

"Yeah." Pan Yi nodded and disappeared immediately. It seems that he can't wait to clean up the dry things. Since she is a member of the open family, she should have some understanding of the dry things, at least control. Dry matter for a long time.

As for Qin Lang, although the potential threat to the dry objects is still there, at least he has won the rule power of the seventh level universe and the eighth level universe, and the power of these rules is also genuine, and Qin Lang did not use much time. He has learned it, and he has tested it through nowhere, confirming that the law power of the seventh-level universe is completely devoid of problems, but it is only necessary to extract some elements from the seventh-level universe to temper these laws.

In addition, the "leading troops" led by Qin Lang, such as Feng Zhuangxue and Xiao Wuyan, have entered the sixth level of the universe, and began to establish the sphere of influence belonging to the low-plane universe system. The magical genius has given Qin Lang to this matter. Strong support, the scope of the nine universes is directly divided into the use of Qin Lang, so that the strong people of these low-level universe systems have a place to live. Although it is only nine universes, it can withstand the thousands of universes in the low-level universe, so these spaces are enough to be so weak and so on.

Xiao Wuyan did not let Qin Lang be disappointed. He has already started to establish a new Huangquan Jiu Prison here, and began to establish the sphere of influence and management system of Huangquan Jiu Prison here. Qin Lang then released the 峤灵灵网 and let it follow. Xiao Wuyan manages Huang Quan and the nine prisons together. This is because the management method of Ling Net is more efficient. This is very recognized by Qin Lang. Xiao Wuyan also learned a lot from the body of Ling Ling.

Since Xiao Wuyan can do this, then Qin Lang does not need to spend more time to pay attention to this matter. Anyway, it is like the illusion that the defenses of these low-level universes are still very fragile. Don't even care. However, Qin Lang told the illusion that the strong potential of these low-level cosmic systems is still very strong. If these people are specially cultivated, they should be able to take on the responsibility in the future, even though the illusion is definitely the potential of these people. There is skepticism, but the illusion has always believed in Qin Lang’s words. Since Qin Lang feels that these guys have great potential, then the illusion will naturally open the door for them. Anyway, for the illusion, the whole sixth level will be The resources of the universe are divided and exported. This is nothing at all. These factors are nothing at all.

The illusion has now completely controlled the sixth level of the universe. This is because Yuan Shi has left the sixth level of the universe and entered the seventh level of the universe. Although this matter does not tell the illusion, Qin Yuan leaves the sixth level. After the universe, the control of the magic of the sixth level of the universe will naturally increase, and the power of the illusion will also increase, so the current illusion is still quite satisfied with the current situation. Now that the illusion is completely in control of the sixth level of the universe, then he does not have to worry about being counted by the Yuan, so of course he can concentrate on the sixth level of the universe, and this time Qin Lang has returned, and he can think that it can be good. The land has cooperated with Qin Lang.

"Qin Lang, since you have already returned, then we should discuss the matter of entering the seventh level of the universe well. I don't know how you feel?" The illusion asked Qin Lang that it could not wait any longer. After all, through Qin Lang, it was a fascinating I already know the existence of the seventh-level universe, know the difference between the microscopic and macroscopic universes, and know the application of some macro-laws, so I can't wait to be promoted to macro-realism. ,

"That is natural, and the cooperation between us is of course to continue to strengthen." Qin Lang said to the illusion, "It is rare that we used to cooperate quite happily, so naturally it should be hand in hand, but - there is one thing, I still I want to tell you something about the beginning of the Yuan."

Although Qin Lang feels that this matter may make the illusion unsatisfactory, but considering that Yuanshi has entered the seventh-level universe, if the Yuanshi is not destroyed, it may be impossible to meet with the illusion in the future. Therefore, this information is mostly hidden. Live, so considering many factors, Qin Lang decided to tell the illusion of the beginning of the Yuan, so that the two sides directly turned their faces.

"You just tell me this thing?" said the singularly calmly. "No wonder I have not been able to sense the existence of Yuanshi recently. I feel very surprised. Although this thing makes me feel bad, but fortunately you will Tell me, because if the Yuan is really degraded, I am somewhat uncomfortable. After all, this guy is my old enemy, losing an enemy, I just feel very lost."


Qin Lang said that you really have the feeling of being alone and desperate, but as the master of the sixth-level universe, it is normal for the illusion to have such a state of mind, and the illusion may think that if the Yuan began to annihilate, it would mean illusion. Going to the peak, and the real peak is loneliness, after the peak is the downhill road, the sixth level of the universe collapses, the power of the illusion begins to weaken, this downhill road is really uncomfortable. So I know that the beginning of the Yuan is still alive, and there is still an inexplicable surprise in the heart of the illusion. Although he feels that this kind of surprise feels something wrong, but this is the most real idea of ​​the moment, so considering various reasons, the magic There was no anger, no blame for Qin Lang, but a great acceptance of such a result.

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