Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 3722: Another big master

The Pirates Organization suffered an indescribable defeat in the universe where Huang Quan’s nine prisons were located. With the rise of Huang Quan’s nine prisons, the thieves were like encountering nemesis. First, some top thieves met the polar thief. This scourge has been killed by the singularity of the stars. These guys have been plundered by the stars. Then Sun Quan, the lord of the Huangquan Jail, directly announced that Huang Quan’s prison will declare war on the thieves. In order to sweep the whole world and the pirates of the entire universe, many wars broke out in this. Although the loss of Huang Quan’s nine prisons was not small, it was defeated by the hard-to-describe pressure to defeat the thieves. Second, in the end, with the war, the strength of Huangquan Jiu Prison is becoming more and more powerful, and the number of disciples is increasing.

For the thief organization, Huang Quan Jiu Prison is like a nightmare, and this nightmare does not seem to wake up.

At the same time, the people of Scorpio are also worried about it, even even the mysterious and still master of the Lord has been alarmed. At this time, one of the seventh-level universe is called the mystery of "Fengtian". In the land, the master of the Scorpio, the Lord of the Lord, is listening to the report of the subordinates at this time, and the master of the Chichi is one of them, but the giant Bi is now crouching on the ground, apparently not valued. Among the many monks of Scorpio, failure is a shame, and it will lose its position. This is well reflected in Jubi.

"The Lord, I know that this failure has damaged the face of our Scorpio, but you should know that this failure is also due to the rebellion of Candlelight, if not the rebellion of their mentoring and apprentice-"

"Gi Bi, I don't want to hear any excuses!" The mysterious master of the Lord interrupted the words of Jubi impatiently. He released an invisible and powerful pressure on the top of the throne, "You are this." Idiot, if it is not because you want to plunder the hard rock of Tianchi, how can it be alarmed! Everything naturally has a causal cycle, the law of heavenly operation is not what you can dominate! Although you are detached from heaven, but But you can't control all the heavenly movements of the seventh-level universe. You can't blame it on this matter!"

"Master, I know that I am wrong, but please ask the master to see that I have no credit and hard work. I am pleased to ask the master to heal my arm. Now that my arm has been cut off by the polar star, it has already I can't fix it. Now I can only ask the owner to help me, otherwise my strength can't be restored to the past, and there is no way to continue to work for the master." The great pleading of the pleading is obviously very sad, before the plundering of the stone Instead, Qin Lang gave him an arm. He thought that as the lord of the era, he should be able to easily recover the damaged body. He Qinlang’s poison, even attached a strange law force to his wound. Giant Bi did not expect that the wound would be so troublesome, unless he completely abandoned this body, otherwise, there would be no way to completely repair the injury.

After the giants thought that he begged the Lord and the Lord, he would be able to get help from the Lord. After all, the giants are also one of the twelve gods of the Lord, and they are also a loyal dog. At this time, I will gather people's hearts and help them at this time. However, Jubby did not think that the reply of the Lord’s Lord was so unremarkable:

"Gi Bi, your injury is very difficult to heal, and I can't shoot it. Once I take it, I will be forced to fight with the Polar Star, but now I don't want to confront it, the real strength and information of the open air. Once the polar thief gets this information, he may find a way to shake the foundation of Scorpio. The potential danger is too great, I can't shoot it."

"What? Master, if you can't help you, I can't help it! The former Star Thief was like that to Tianchi. Although he didn't take my life, I think he will take me sooner or later. Shouyuan, if this **** injury can't be cured!" Giant Bi was finally confused at this time, he did not want to be completely abandoned by the Lord.

"Gui Bi, I don't want to cure you, but I can't take it now." The Lord is coldly screaming. "In order to take care of the overall situation, you should also bear the consequences! If you don't know what you are, then you are not qualified to continue." The position of one of the twelve gods."

"Does the owner want to abandon me?" The voice of Jubi sounded very depressed. As he said before, he had no credit and hard work. He thought that the good man would solve the problem for him. Who knows what? I haven't got it. Now, this injury has a tendency to continue to deteriorate. If it continues, Jubi may end up like Tianchi, and it may be even worse. After all, Tianchi is now mixed in Huangquan Jiubao. In one place, the days of the mentor and the apprentice seem to be a good one.

"Gui Bi, stop here, you go on." Shang Lord adults do not seem to want to talk to the giants again, after ordering the giant to withdraw, the master of the main body moved to the top of the pyramid temple Then open up my own ideology and fully sense the great and ancient consciousness, that is, the consciousness of the legendary master, the consciousness of the grand master of the entire seventh level universe!

The birthplace of Scorpio, the reason why the choice is in the mysterious land of "Fengtian", the reason is because this mysterious land is one of the oldest places of existence in the seventh level of the universe, here is also able to sense the big The mysterious land that dominates consciousness, but this is only the secret that the master of the Scorpio knows, and only he can communicate with the consciousness of the great master. The rest of the Scorpio members have no way to communicate with the consciousness of the great master. There is no such honor.

At this time, the master of the Lord wants to communicate with the consciousness of the big master, naturally it is because of some difficult problems, but the main thing that the Lord thinks is the thorny thing is Huang Quan Jiu Prison and the Polar Star Pirate, both of which are now Scorpio's confidant is a big problem, but the repair of the polar thief is unfathomable, and the Lord is not fully grasped to kill this polar thief.

Later, the master of the Lord was fully conscious of the great will in the midst of the meditation, and then he heard a voice in his consciousness: "The Lord, some people think that 'The Lord' is the Lord of Scorpio The meaning of the word, but does not know that 'the Lord' is meant to respect the Lord. In the seventh level of the universe, who can nickname the master besides me? Still Lord, I already know your troubles, you Recently I have been troubled by the Pole Star Thief and Huang Quan Jiu Prison. I have already had some ideas and gains in this matter. The origin of the Polar Star Pirate has some problems. It is probably not from the seventh-level universe, although it is a polar thief. I have had it before, but the one who had previously had such a great star thief did not make such a huge storm. I have noticed that this polar thief may be someone else. And, according to the information I got, it should It is a character from the sixth level of the universe."

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