Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 3730: Aura space

At this time, the blind man appeared again in front of Qin Lang, and then said to Qin Lang with a tone that locked the victory: "It should be over. In my aura space, you can only let me deal with it!"

"I am sorry, I have not prepared to sacrifice in front of you." Qin Lang still maintains a relaxed and humorous attitude at this time, as if he never knows what is desperate, in fact, Qin Lang does not know what is desperate, It is Qin Lang who knows that desperate mentality is a kind of burden in itself. Such a mentality will not bring him any benefits, but can only increase the possibility of failure. At any time, to maintain a never-desired mentality, we can see the existence of hope from despair.

"I really can't think of it. You haven't even known about life and death until now!" The blind man sneered. "Maybe you don't know the power of this aura space, but you will know it right away! Once you lose your spirituality." Then you will become --"

"Pig dog animal is it? You have already said it before." Qin Lang always knows how to provoke the opponent's anger, always know how to slap their anger, because anger can stun the other's mind, Qin Lang has always been like this thought.

"Damn!" Sure enough, this guy has been completely angered by Qin Lang, this guy can no longer say anything, and launched an attack directly to Qin Lang.

In the aura space, the scorpion's aura lightning is almost all over the space, and the range of small-dimensional fleas in this space can be quite narrow, but fortunately, small-dimensional fleas can appear in different spatial dimensions at the same time, so Let Qin Lang reluctantly avoid the scorpion's aura attack, but this aura space is constantly compressing. If this continues, then Qin Lang is attacked and it is just a matter of time, so the time left for Qin Lang is running out. .

"How? No matter how you escape, it doesn't help!" The blind man said coldly, "The aura space is closing and compressing. At this time, you are like a prey on a spider web. No matter how you struggle, you will eventually die." !"

"Is it closed? That means there is still a gap." Qin Lang still smiles, although the situation is more and more unfavorable to him at this time, but this optimistic attitude will not be lost, he certainly knows the aura space. It is getting smaller and smaller, and Xiaowei flea can't break through the aura space. In addition, if you want to break the aura space, then Qin Lang will have to touch the light lightning. Once you touch this thing, Qin Lang will lose his spirituality. For any monk, spirituality is a very important and very important thing. Losing spirituality can be more than just a loss of cultivation. There are many unpredictable and serious consequences!

It seems that the aura of the scorpion is indeed a small-dimensional flea that can restrain Qin Lang. The people who open the celestial people let the scorpion deal with the "polar thief". It is prepared, and there should be a great grasp, but they have no Think of Qin Lang, this polar star thief is very different from before, it is more difficult to cope, and not to mention that Qin Lang also has a new killer - Tiandi chicken!

Although Tianzhu and others thought that the thing in Tianchi’s hands was a hard stone, even if it was obtained by Qin Lang, it would not be possible to fully exert the effect of this stone in a short time, and it is even impossible to find out The purpose, so this is doomed to be impossible to take advantage of in the Qinlang here.

This guy, who is constantly compressing the activity space of Qin Lang, has suppressed the use of Xiaowei flea to the utmost extent, but the scorpion does not know that Qin Lang has begun to use the special power of this stone egg at this time. Conversion!

The scorpion's Lingguang grid has become more and more tight. He has completely blocked Qinlang's escape route, so this time the scorpion can't help but say: "Okay, it's finally over! Damn guy, I want to take you." Become a pig and dog! I want to completely destroy your spirituality!"

Winning the vouchers, the scorpion launched a winning blow to Qin Lang. The Lingguang Power Grid has completely blocked the escape space of Qin Lang and Xiao Wei's fleas. The light lightning finally came to the head of Qin Lang, and he slammed down and only heard "啪嚓"One voice, Qin Lang directly in the move!

"Ha ha!~" The blind man couldn't help but laugh. Once he was hit by his aura lightning, the spirituality of the monk would be severely damaged and even completely recovered. As a result, the monk's cultivation will be greatly reduced. The strength is suddenly dropping, completely losing the ability to resist, and even suddenly becomes an idiot whose life cannot take care of itself. Therefore, since the aura of lightning hits Qin Lang, then this **** "Secondary Star Thief" finally has to fall.

Sure enough, when Qin Lang was hit by the Aura of Light, his spiritual moment disappeared a lot. Even Qin Lang’s guy suddenly became a wooden one. He didn’t know what it was, just like a stone. Obviously, Qin Lang’s spirituality was destroyed. The ground is so heavy that like the unlucky ones hit by the aura of lightning, it has become an idiot, losing most of its spirituality, and eventually it will become like a pig and a dog, not even a pig or a dog.

A terrible star thief, once known as the thief of the thief in the thief, even the Scorpio and the thieves organization have no help but exist, but now it has become a idiot who is not as good as a pig and dog. Let him naturally have some small smugness. After defeating a famous person, there is always a little bit of vanity, and the scorpion is no exception. Since Qin Lang has been hit by the aura of lightning, then naturally it will be completely abolished, so the scorpion received a flash of lightning at this time, ready to raise Qin Lang as a pig dog, as a show of victory, and of course from Qin Lang The body searched for things that should not belong to Qin Lang. Anyway, the scorpion thinks that the mysterious things should belong to the open celestial beings. Any other monk who possesses mysterious things is a big thing, so the scorpion is of course to make this odious The polar star thief is shaped as a model, so that many souls and monks at the level of the universe understand one truth:

No one can open a sin! Mysterious things, not low monks can be touched! Infecting the mysterious things of the Tianzu, then it is necessary to pay the price!

Xunzi certainly thought that everything was already doomed. The Polar Star Pirates have now lost their resistance. Therefore, he naturally thinks that the overall situation has been fixed. The next step is of course to pick the fruits of victory, but it is just the moment when Xunzi just converges on the power grid. Qin Lang, who had already become an "idiot", suddenly violently attacked the scorpion from several different spatial dimensions, and at this time Qin Lang showed more strength than before!

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