Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 3750: Reincarnation of Huang Quan

What is the most expensive and important thing in the seventh level of the universe?

Shouyuan! The only birthday!

For all the creatures of the seventh-level universe, everything is for Shouyuan, because the life of ordinary creatures is more than 60 years old, that is to say, once you lose your ability to work, you can only wait for death. No exception!

Because of this, in the seventh-level universe, the life of the bottom living creatures is simply dark, almost always tiring to death, and may be robbed and deceived by Stolen, and may be killed at a young age.

The appearance of Huang Quan’s nine prisons has become the hope of dreaming the entire seventh-order universe, the only hope, the fire of the stars! Because it is the only hope, there will naturally be countless underlying monks who are willing to guard this star fire, willing to fight for Huang Quan, and even sacrifice their lives! Not to accept, Huang Quan Jiu Prison also established the Huang Quan reincarnation rule, that is to say, for the disciple disciple who died in Huangquan Nine Prison, there is still a chance to reincarnate, so the monks of the entire Huangquan Jiu Prison will naturally fight for a battle. No one is a scorpion.

Because of this, Huang Quan Jiu Prison can not fall into the wind when confronted with Scorpio and the thief. Although it is now temporarily suppressed by the scorpion, it is only temporary. There is no doubt that once the Huang Quan Jail is launched, it is inevitable. It can bring great pressure to the dark.

Nowadays, Huang Quan’s nine prisons have moved. Some of the outer universe’s rise to the bottom of the era have already sent some monks with strong talents and potential into the summer universe, so that Huang Quan’s prison can be cultivated. The new Huang Quanjiu The prison army is already waiting for it, so Sun Hao ordered the monks of Huang Quan and the nine prisons to enter the other universes to "preach". The so-called missionary is actually to pass the belief of Qin Lang's so-called revolutionary star fire to these underlying monks, let them know the stars. The fire can poke the original, arousing the rebellious hearts of these underlying monks. Once the war of resistance is erupted, Huang Quanjiu will give help to guide these underlying monks to "revolution."

Although the master is like a cloud, he may not understand the meaning of the word "revolution". He does not understand why the talents and potentials of the underlying monks are very general. The resources available for training are very limited, but they can be short. It’s incredible to explode such a powerful potential within time and to quickly improve it. They don't know that this is the longer the suppression, the more embarrassing, the more violent the outbreak.

In the beginning, the war in the outer universe was suppressed by the darkness, but more and more of the universe broke out of war, and the resistance of the underlying monks became more and more fierce and more and more desperate, which made the darkness Some can't support it, and the dark people know that Huang Quan is in prison, but he can't help it. They don't know that the disciples of Huangquan's nine prisons will actually participate in every rebellion war, and they will be integrated into the underlying monks of the outer universe, let them think that the monks of Huangquan Jiu Prison are one of them, and these disciples of Huangquan Jiu Prison are disciples. In the war, they often struggle to take care of themselves, and they are invincible. They are so brave and invincible, so that they are trying to inspire the rebellious hearts of the underlying monks in the outer universe, making them more and more fierce. Brave.

Therefore, Huang Quan’s nine prisons are not like the secrets. In many universes, they are sent to guard. The number of disciples of Huangquan’s nine prisons is not as good as that of secrets. Therefore, they have adopted the method of mission and guidance, but only to guide the local bottom. The monks fought against the war, and they took the lead, and did not fear the death. They constantly inspired the bloodiness of these underlying monks. If these underlying monks were not even bloody, what qualifications would be worthy of Huang Quanjiu's prison to save?

In fact, the underlying monks of the seventh-level universe are more **** than anyone imagined, perhaps because they have been suppressed for too long, they have been exploited for too long, and they have been bullied for too long, so their resistance has always been like a flame. It’s just as hot, once it’s given even a little hope, like the real fire of the stars, these underlying monks will do their best to make them burn, because they know that once they miss such an opportunity, they may have to wait for millions. Years and even hundreds of millions of years, although sooner or later, one day, the resentment will break out, the era of blood and blood, and the tooth for a tooth will come, but want to change the fate, want to become really powerful, it is impossible to just want To rely on others, if you do not fight, do not bleed, then you are counting on others to liberate you?

The underlying monks of the seventh-level universe are clearly aware of such truths, so once the fire of the stars is ignited, they immediately gather countless underlying monks who have forgotten the danger and desperately joined the Huang Quanji prison, and then They did not hesitate to confront the secrets. Although there were countless deaths and injuries, these guys went on and on, and they burned the flames of war and anger more fiercely.

The strong is unbounded!

Freedom is more boundless!

The underlying monks of these seventh-level universes want to be free and get unprecedented fairness. Naturally, they have to pay the price that others can't imagine, so even if they pay the price of blood, they will not hesitate!

War! The war of the world!

Although Qin Lang did not personally take the shot, but the entire seventh-level universe was almost ignited by the war. Although the secret master is like a cloud, but they must deal with the wars that occurred in the hundreds of millions of universes at the same time, they are also unsuccessful. Although the secret has taken over the rule of Scorpio before, the number of top powers that they can mobilize in each universe is certainly limited. Once all the universes have a full-scale war, these secret masters will also be separated. The lack of skills, dragged down by such a huge scale of war, even a large organization like the dark can not afford to consume. The secret master is like a cloud, but the master will also be injured and injured, and there will be one less casualty, but the master of Huang Quan’s nine prisons is just like the spring bamboo shoots, so how can you win?

Although the great master of the seventh-level universe firmly believes that the dark can replace the Scorpio, it can re-establish order in the seventh-level universe, but Qin Lang has already concluded that the dark will inevitably lose because he knows that the anger of the underlying monk is ignited. After that, it is difficult to extinguish; once the hope of the bottom people is opened, it will be difficult to be ruined.

This is the most authentic truth! No one, no will can change!

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