Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 3821: The pit is miserable

"Well, cooperation is naturally going to be profitable for everyone. Just, don't know what benefits you can bring to us? In addition to the priority of the so-called mysterious things, you should know that the so-called priority is actually very It doesn't make sense, but it's just a kind of statement. It doesn't make us really heart-throbed." Pan Yi said to Qin Lang.

"That is natural. It used to be just a signal to you. It just tells you that I still have the idea of ​​cooperation. As for the specific cooperation, it is natural to see if we can talk about success this time. After all, it is not open now. Eagle Hou is stirring the crowbar, and I hope that there will be no more in the future.” Qin Lang said to Pan Pan, “The cooperation between me and Panyu was actually quite good, if it was not because Kaiying Hou and his son were smart and self-righteous. Maybe we can cooperate further."

"I hope so. However, I have already seen the sincerity of cooperation, but the content of cooperation?" Pan Yi said to Qin Lang, "Before you did not kill Kaiying Hou, it actually shows your sincerity, but the basis of cooperation. You said that we have to have common interests, so what is the so-called common interest?"

"The way of eternal!" Qin Lang said to Pan Pan, "I know that you open the heavenly family to collect the so-called mysterious things, in fact, it is ultimately a goal forever!"

In fact, when he said this, Qin Lang was only a five-point speculation and a five-point guess. He did not have a full grasp of it, but his tone was deliberately and very positive. It seems that he has already seen this.

Panyu did not answer immediately, but carefully examined Qin Lang from head to toe. He seemed to want to see the flaws from Qin Lang, but unfortunately he did not see anything. After half a sigh, he said: How do you know? This is impossible!"

"What is impossible with this!" Qin Lang said with a smile. "The more powerful the monk, the more he wants to pursue the eternal way. Even I am no exception, let alone you. So, we have a common foundation. So naturally you can cooperate."

"Cooperation? Do you think that the eternal way can also be shared?" Pan Yi sighed. "You are too wise, and now I dare not really consider working with you, because I am worried that it will not pay for it." ”

"You should think like this. If you work with a wise person, you get more. Not to mention, the top powerhouse of the Tianzu can still suppress me. I am quite sure of this, so you should not consider too much at all. Just need to consider whether to accept my cooperation conditions, you are eager to pursue eternal, nothing wrong, because you open the heavens have this qualification. However, I did not want to share with you the eternal way, I want to cooperate with you is Bandit, because banditry is a stumbling block to your eternal pursuit, I believe you will be willing to deal with them." Qin Lang played a means of killing people by knives, but he believes that the enthusiasm will be recruited.

Sure enough, the entanglement is indeed a trick, this guy said to Qin Lang: "Why are you so sure that banditry is our stumbling block?"

"Because I know that they are also collecting mysterious things." Qin Lang is even framed, but he believes that Panyu will believe, because bandit is also a potential enemy of the opening of the heavens, then there are some enemies Imagination is also a matter of course.

"What! The bandits are collecting mysterious things? These guys are so crazy, is it really necessary to make a match with us to open the heavens!" Pangu really has a feeling of being a hostile enemy, this feeling is very Ok, what Qin Lang wants is this feeling.

"Is it right? Of course, I have to do it right. I am indirectly confronted with bandits. I know some of their things. Unfortunately, these guys are mysterious and disappeared temporarily in the seventh-level universe, but I know they will definitely reappear soon. So, I think that cleaning up these thieves, you should also be happy to see things, right?" Qin Lang said to Pan Pan.

"It is just to clean up the embarrassment of the bandits in the seventh level of the universe, and it can not cause actual damage to its origin, so I feel that your cooperation can not touch us." Pan Yi still feels that Qin Lang's chips are not enough.

"Do you think the chips are not enough?" Qin Lang saw the thoughts of the enthusiasm, and continued, "I fully understand your thoughts, but I can tell you that with your cooperation, I can quickly get from the bandits. Some key information is not even critical information that you may not know!"

"Hey? How are you so sure?" Panyu still can't completely cooperate with Qin Lang, but obviously has a strong interest in this cooperation project, especially knowing that the bandits are also afraid to peep and collect mysterious things. It is quite taboo for the entrenched, and it is considered that there is a considerable need for deep cooperation with Qin Lang in this regard.

"Look, this is the basis of our cooperation. As for why I am so sure, we will know when we cooperate. However, this is only one aspect of cooperation. Let's talk about the details of cooperation, such as information sharing... ..."

At this time, Qin Lang has succeeded in attracting interest in the enthusiasm. This purpose has already been reached. Then the next step is to discuss how to cooperate. Qin Lang certainly does not want to go to war with the Tianzu, but it must be from both sides. If you are profitable in cooperation, this is undoubted. If you are not profitable, what cooperation? At this time, Qin Lang already knows that the Kaitian people want to deal with the thieves, because the existence of these guys is a huge threat to the Kaitian, and Qin Lang said that these guys secretly collect mysterious things. This naturally stimulates the monks of the Tianzu people, and they can’t help but start to worry that these guys may rob the “business” of the Tianzu, and may even compete with the Tianzu for the eternal secret. It is natural to spare no effort to support cooperation with Qin Lang, no matter how you must first remove the potential threat of piracy.

Pan Zhen feels that the cooperation with Qin Lang is also a credit. It is based on the fact that Qin Lang can bring some information about the thief to the Tianzu, and Pan Zhen believes that Qin Lang’s judgment should be correct. "Organization may soon resurrect in the seventh level of the universe, and Qin Lang is willing to provide sufficient information and help to the Kaitian people, then this is naturally a very good thing, otherwise, can it be said that Qin Lang can not rely on piracy?

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