Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 3837: Supreme King

"Hey? I am a vicious woman? Yes, maybe, so you should never fall into my hands again!" Panic snorted, said something as a vicious woman by dry things, she is of course not very happy Especially Qin Lang is here too.

Having said this, Panyu has already taken the shot and directly suppressed the dry objects. As a monk of the Kaitian tribe, Panyu once again sent another mysterious thing. This thing is amazing, and it is so grand, like a huge light. The mirror releases a myriad of light, constantly suppressing the growth of the branches and leaves of the dry matter, so that it can not release more power. However, at this time, Qin Lang’s current enthusiasm is getting more and more serious. This obviously shows that she can no longer suppress the dry matter. This thing may have passed her estimation.

Although Panyu has already prepared for dealing with dry objects, after the merger with the bandits, its power is obviously much stronger. Panyu has to face this, which may be her miscalculation. Moreover, since the power of dry matter has increased, will the power of the bandit with it be increased?

Sure enough, the power of banditry is also rising wildly at this time, and the life of this guy is not too much, that is to say, through the dry matter, bandit can exchange enough for a small amount of life. the power of!

These two things are really complementary, although Qin Lang and Pan Yi do not want to see this, but this is the case! These two guys are simply stinking! It is simply an evil brother.

This situation is obviously an overestimation. Although she has done a lot of preparations to deal with bandits, the strength of the bandits and the changes after the integration with the dry things are still over. Estimated entrenched, this time the robbers laughed and said: "Don't you, is this woman only this ability? Open the family, but that's it! Since you have not reached my limit, then you can only I am going to end the killing of me!"

Bang! ~

Along with a loud noise, the dry matter that was previously suppressed by the light mirror grows its branches and leaves again, and its power and evil atmosphere are also bursting wildly. This is hard to imagine. It seems that this thing is going to be the whole void. Give the same break.

These open-minded monks, including the enthusiasm, are very serious. Everyone is improving their momentum and strength, constantly suppressing dry objects and bandits, but the more they increase their strength, the dry objects and the bandits. The power is also increased, but they are suppressed. Then, I heard the robbers screaming, this voice is similar to the dry things: "Ha ha... 兮 兮, you belong to me immediately, your bones, blood, will be completely integrated with me, you will become my nutrients , become part of me!"

Shooting people first shoot the horse, the thief first smashes the king, and the thieves of course know that if you want to shoot, it is natural to deal with the entanglement first, because only the sputum can cause a total suppression of the dry matter, once the entrenched is defeated, then The rest of these open-minded monks will never be able to stole, and this guy will naturally be able to kill them one by one.

As for Qin Lang?

The bandit seems to be not afraid of Qin Lang at all, because before the bandit took away an arm of Qin Lang, so the bandit thinks that Qin Lang at this time should not have enough courage to compete with it, but at most it can only be disgusting. Then waiting for the chance of losing both sides is cheaper, but the thief apparently misreads Qin Lang. Qin Lang is not only courageous, but also has great courage. What is the loss of an arm, not to mention that Qin Lang has already found a lost arm, so how can Qin Lang look at the thief who will suppress it? Once Pan Wei and others lost the battle, then Qin Lang can only choose to yield, otherwise the Pirates will definitely deal with him.

Qin Lang is indeed an opportunist, but he is a brilliant opportunist, so he will not wait until the enthusiasm has been completely defeated before considering his own consequences, but when the two sides are deadlocked, it is necessary to do so. Help to deal with thieves.

"Qin Lang, do you really don't know what life is dead! Isn't it enough to lose an arm?" The sneer sneered, and thought that Qin Lang’s loss of an arm should be long-term, and knowing that this guy is so ignorant, even I also want to die with it. Since you are going to die, then the thief will not mind destroying the Qinlang guy completely.

"Not enough, not enough." Qin Lang said to the thief, "However, it is really a long-term experience for me to confront you, so I am prepared to continue learning with you."

"Learning? You will soon know what the cost of this kind of learning is!" The robbers screamed and spurred the dry matter again. The two guys were in the same spirit, and suddenly the power between them was skyrocketing, no matter what. It is a lot of monks who are entrenched or open, and they feel that they can’t be suppressed. But for Qin Lang, it’s easier.

Because dry things and thieves have finally begun to break the balance of the seventh level of the universe!

The power released by these two guys was evil and horrible, but it did not affect the balance of the seventh level of the universe. It seems that their evil power itself is part of the entire universe, but at this time, because of excessive power, piracy and The power released by the dry matter finally affects the balance of the seventh-level universe. As the great master of the seventh-level universe, nature can mobilize the power of the seventh-level universe to suppress them. It is replaced by a big master like Haotian. At this time, most of the mobilization of the seventh level of the universe and the cultivation of resources to suppress the thief, but Qin Lang is different, Qin Lang uses the technique of supreme balance, which is the more The supreme way of the seventh level of the universe itself, this is the power of nowhere.

The more you try to break the balance, the more powerful you will be in the face of the counterattack!

After the thief has melted the dry things, it is indeed a surge in power. Even the monks who open the heavens can’t suppress it, but the side effects of the soaring power affect the overall balance of the seventh-level universe, and for Qin Lang. Words, once the balance of the seventh level of the universe is broken, then it is the scope of his supreme balance. The thief naturally did not think that Qin Lang’s guy actually began to understand the incompetence, even if it did not listen. Things that have passed, so there is no understanding of Qin Lang’s **** balance. Just think that the more the power of it and the dry matter are, the more it can feel the ubiquitous and powerful pressure that makes it It feels very unpleasant, so it renews its strength. By blending with dry objects, it steals power to better extract strength from that “no world”, and becomes more powerful and unfathomable.

"Qin Lang, you jumped the clown, give me death!" When the power was raised to the extreme, the thief screamed, and it and the dry objects attacked Qin Lang.

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