Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 3843: Leader

The information provided by Pan's to Qin Lang is not fake. It didn't take long for Kailuo to come to the seventh level of the universe. The "Kai Luo Da Ren" in the Panshikou is really not simple, although it is a person coming here, but almost the whole The strongmen of the seventh-level universe can sense his existence, because the presence of this guy is quite powerful. It is like an eagle suddenly falling down in an ant's nest, and it doesn't want to attract attention.

However, the reason why Kailuo is eye-catching is not because of how large its individual is, but because its existence is very large. Even if it is far apart, it can feel the power of this guy. Qin Lang naturally knows the advent of Kailuo. .

I have to say that the appearance of the Kailuo adult is really gentle, obviously without any domineering, but it gives people a very powerful deterrent force, even if Qin Lang can sense the powerful power of this guy, if you say This guy's strength is extraordinary, Qin Lang thinks it is more reliable, after all, even Pan's will call Kailuo this guy as "Kai Luo adults."

Qin Lang knew that Kailuo entered the seventh-level universe in such a high-profile manner. If he did not meet, he couldn’t say it. After all, he could be regarded as an ally with the Tianzu, so Qin Lang took the initiative to meet Kailuo and said to him: "Kai Luo adults When you come to the seventh level of the universe, then stealing is naturally not enough."

"Well, it’s also a good thing to dominate the adults. It’s quite easy to fight off the thieves." Kailuo is quite polite. He doesn’t seem to have any hostility towards Qin Lang. He just wants to solve the piracy earlier. The family has dealt with this trouble. After all, the thief has already troubled the Kaitian people twice and twice. If you can’t give a lesson to the thief, isn’t the majesty of the Tianzu not sweeping the floor?

"There are people from Kailuo who personally shot, I think it should not be a problem." Qin Lang does not care to praise the other two sentences. If this Ai Luo can directly kill the thief, then naturally it is a very good thing, so Qin Lang is too lazy to pay attention, As long as Kailuo is not in trouble to find him.

As for what Pan's said, Qin Lang thinks that it is because Pan's understanding of Panyu is quite familiar, so I know the things of Panshi and Qinlang, but Kailuo is just one of the many admirers who are entrenched. How can it be seen? What is the matter with Qin Lang?

"You still need to dominate the cooperation of adults." Kailuo's tone is really polite, but there is some distance in the politeness. Obviously, if he really deals with thieves next time, he probably won't ask Qin Lang for assistance. This may be Based on his absolute confidence in himself.

Of course, Kailuo has the confidence of the capital, because this guy's strength and momentum are unprecedentedly powerful, then this guy is naturally quite tyrannical, even if he kills the thief alone, Qin Lang will not feel exceptional, after all Kailuo is one of the leaders of the open family. If there is no such strength, why should Pan’s personally remind Qin Lang?

Since the other party is full of confidence, Qin Lang will not ask for fun. As long as Kailuo is not rushing to him, Qin Lang will then leave, staying in the Fengtian area, seeing how the thief and the Kailuo will confront each other. However, the key to the problem lies in whether Kailuo’s guy will come to Qinlang’s troubles. As far as the current situation is concerned, it’s still good. Although Kailuo is somewhat alienated from Qinlang, it does not regard Qinlang as an enemy. It is already quite good.

Now, Qin Lang stays in the Fengtian area, but he is not afraid to open the Luo, but he does not want to make extra-budgets. Before the fight between the Pirates and Kailuo, Qin Lang did not want to marry this drowning, although after the piracy appeared again, I will definitely find Qin Lang's troubles, but if Kailuo wants to pick up this blasphemy for Qin Lang, Qin Lang will certainly not mind. This kind of thing that is out of the limelight is actually very good for these guys in Kailuo. Mu Xiu will be destroyed by Lin Feng. Qin Lang does not want to be tabooed by the Tianzu. Now the strength of Qin Lang has actually caused some taboos for the opening of the Tianzu monks, so it is not too conspicuous.

However, it is a pity that things are not always as good as Qin Lang's wishes. Although Qin Lang does not want to provoke Kailuo and does not want to make extra-budgets, although this Kailuo alienated Qin Lang, the collaborator, he was chasing after the enthusiasm. One of the pursuers, this guy thinks that his chances are great. Whether he is an identity or a cultivation, his self-confidence can make his heart move, so this time Kailuo comes to the seventh level universe, its ultimate The goal is not to earn a face for the monks who open the heavens, but to take the opportunity to approach the entrenched. After all, Pan Gu is the "responsible person" of the Tianzu in the seventh level of the universe, and now it has repeatedly lost, which has affected her influence in the entire seventh level of the universe, if it is not Qin Lang blocked theft, maybe Pan Zhen has lost her control in the seventh level of the universe. Therefore, the main reason for Kailuo’s appearance this time is because of the entanglement. He wants to take this opportunity to express himself in front of the entrenched, and then take the opportunity to pursue the enthusiasm. After all, this time he is relieved of the entanglement. .

Therefore, after entering the seventh level of the universe, Kailuo naturally spared no effort to pursue the entanglement, and even Panshi also acquiesced to this point, because in the view of Panshi, Qin Lang, the seventh master of the universe, is good, but If you open up with Lobby, then it is far from enough. Whether it is repairing the realm or status, the most important thing is the status. Kailuo is the leader of the open family. It is also the identity of the open-minded monk. Luo is entangled with the disk, that is the real match of heaven, will not cause dissatisfaction with the other monks of the Tianzu, will not become the target of the public, but the more Qin Lang wants to avoid, but the more there is no way to avoid, because The Kailuo guy spared no effort to pursue the entanglement, which really made Qin Lang quite uncomfortable.

Qin Lang feels that her own woman does not need to be like a soft-shelled snake like Kailuo, so he will no longer stay in the Fengtian area, but directly find the entanglement and take it directly, although the enthusiasm remains in the open day. The best result in the family camp is that it will not immediately turn Qin Lang into a target of criticism. However, Qin Lang really does not want to take care of her unhappy things. Why do I have to deal with such unpleasant guys as Kailuo?

However, the first one that jumped out directly to stop Qin Lang was not Kailuo, but Panshi. The Panshi, who used to be like a beautiful snake in the eyes of Qin Lang, stopped Qin Lang: "I said to dominate the adults, you open the heavens with us. Although it is a collaborator, the object of our cooperation does not include allowing you to take away the enthusiasm. However, we are the spokesperson of the heavenly universe in the seventh level. Now it is natural to accompany the Kailuo adults. You don’t know how to advance or retreat. It."

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