Juvenile Medical God

: 386th Silver Slayer


After Tang Jinsheng entered the room, his eyes fell on Qin Lang's body. When Qin Lang was checking Tang Yinhong's wound, he asked Tang Zhenggang with disdain. "Is this the doctor you invited?"

It’s normal for the peers to be light and to be Tang Jinsheng’s identity and ability. It’s normal to look down on Qin Lang. After all, Tang Jinsheng is not a gold medal killer in Tangmen, but it is a real "golden franc". Only important people in Tangmen are injured or sick, and can go to Tang Jinsheng to treat the disease. In Tangmen, Tang Jinsheng is the existence of “medical doctor”. More faster chapters please come.

However, Tang Jinsheng did not expect that Qin Lang was more arrogant than him. Tang Zhenggang had not answered yet. Qin Lang was screaming: "Why, I am not like a doctor?"

"Young people, the tone is very mad." Tang Jinsheng eyebrows pick one, "just, you are proud of things, you have the ability to have arrogant capital!"

"Elders, this is Mr. Qin, we are specifically invited -" Tang Zhenggang wants to explain with Tang Jinsheng, after all, Qin Lang's identity is no small, Tang Zhenggang really does not want to offend Qin Lang.

"No big or no small!" Tang Jinsheng interrupted Tang Zhenggang's words, seemingly teaching Tang Zhenggang, but a pun, but in the darkness of Qin Lang is not big or small, do not know respect for the elders.

Qin Lang said that you, the old guy, raised my eyebrows as soon as I entered the door. You also counted on me to respect you. It was a dream! Respecting the old is true, but as the old man wants to be respected by young people, he has to come up with the style and virtue of his elders. Therefore, Qin Lang did not intend to respect this Tang Jinsheng, and snorted: "I don't know how high!"

Qin Lang did not say this to Tang Jinsheng, but everyone heard that Qin Lang was saying that Tang Jinsheng did not know the heights! After listening to this, how did Tang Jinsheng suffer? He is also an elder of Tangmen. He has a high status in Tangmen. Even a person like Tang Zhenggang and even Tang Yinhong can only bow down in front of him. He can't think of a kid who says he is ignorant!

"Kids! You are too mad!" Tang Yinyue stood up and yelled at Qin Lang. "Where is the kid, you don't know the heights of the sky! But it is the little boy who is in the realm of easyness. He dares to be rude to the elders of Tangmen! court death!"

Tang Yinyue saw that Qin Lang was also a martial artist. Since he is a martial artist and a martial artist in Pingchuan Province, he must have heard of Tangmen, and he must be very afraid of Tangmen. More faster chapters please come. The first time to update and offend a Tangmen elder, it is simply taking the world by big.

"How? If you don't know the height of the sky, you will kill me?" Qin Lang looked at Tang Yinyue and continued to sneer. "My repair is only an easy gluten, but it is not something you can kill - Feng Kui!"

Qin Lang sang a low drink. Feng Kui, who was standing at the door like a sculpture, was like a snoring tiger suddenly woke up because of the crisis, and broke out in a very long time with a powerful, fierce, wild atmosphere!


As the strongman of the inner realm, Feng Kui's reaction speed is not slow, and after Qin Lang's secret method of using poisonous sects, Feng Kui's body potential has been raised to an incredible level, and his body has undergone various poisons. After tempering, he became a poisonous slave. Not only did he not feel any pain, but his body was extremely tough, and the skin and muscles and even the internal organs changed incredibly. It has far surpassed the average martial arts. More faster chapters please come.

Because the poisonous slaves of the poisonous sects were already "non-human", so today's Feng Kui is not only very powerful, but also extremely difficult to kill!

Feng Kui appeared, and showed a strong, fierce momentum, immediately caused the induction of several people in the room, Tang Zhenggang, Tang Qianyuan and Tang Yinyue and Tang Jinsheng, almost conditioned to spread the infuriating body, it was like being scared The same as a fried cat. First time update

After Feng Kui entered the room, he immediately accepted the command of Qin Lang and launched an attack on Tang Yinyue. He directly grabbed the head of Tang Yinyue, and the shot was a terrible move!

"Good courage!" Tang Yinyue did not expect Qin Lang to dare to let the "following" attack him, gave a roar, and lifted his palm to meet Feng Kui's claws.


Feng Kui and Tang Yinyue’s palms touched together and gave a deafening sound. This is the sound of infuriating and impacting. Although Tang Yinyue is the silver medal killer of Tangmen, it is only the cultivation of the inner realm. It’s just that the inner strength is more arrogant than Tang Zhenggang and Tang Qianyuan, and it reaches the point where the martial arts ninth heavy pass. More faster chapters please come. Therefore, in terms of realm, Tang Yinyue has no overwhelming advantage over Feng Kui, but Tang Yinyue’s heart is thinking that with his decades of internal training, Feng Kui should not be his opponent.

However, after the two sides played against each other, Tang Yinyue sadly found that his palm was shocked and hurt. It seems that even the bones must be shattered by the other side.

"How is this possible!" Tang Yinyue was shocked. His eyes naturally saw that Feng Kui’s kung fu realm was not higher than him, and Tang Yinyue was always known for his internal strength in Tangmen. Today, he is even more competitive with people. Lost, this is incredible!

However, even more incredibly still behind, after the two sides made a move, Tang Yinyue found that his palm was not only painful, but then there was a feeling of itching. He looked at his palm and found that his palm skin actually started. Blackened - he was poisoned!

"Good poisonous poison palm!" Tang Yinyue exclaimed.

As a Tangmen Chinese, Tang Yinyue was originally a person who was good at using poison, but Tangmen’s poison was mainly used on the hidden weapon. Few Tangmen’s people practiced poisoning, and Tang Yinyue’s shot was only to deter the other party. Did not use the hidden weapon, but did not expect that today, the gutter turned over the boat, in the opponent's poison.

The master of the inner realm is not easy to be poisoned. Because after practicing internal strength, you can change your blood, heartbeat, etc. through internal interest, and you can use internal strength to stop the spread of toxins and even force them out. in vitro.

However, if the toxin is too violent and the toxin is released too quickly, even internal strength cannot be prevented. Obviously, Feng Kui’s poisonous work was very good, and the toxicity was so fierce that Tang Yinyue could not resist it.

Without hesitation, Tang Yinyue rushed to swallow a Tangmen's detoxification pill, and then looked at Qin Lang with anger: "You kid! You are so poisonous!"

"I am poisonous?" Qin Lang sneered. "Where is my poison?"

"I see you offend the elders of Tangmen. I just wanted to punish you, but I didn't think of you-"

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