Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 3863: Haotian's audio

"Nothing! No confidence!" Qin Lang said to Pan Pan, "The perfect way of my practice is to surpass the strength of many cosmic law forces and the strengths of countless universes. Naturally, I will not fear anyone, even if it is The top powerhouse of the Tianzu people is not afraid! In addition, before I injured the bandits, this guy is very strange, and I will not be willing to give up, so this seventh-level universe seems to be difficult to flatten."

"Forget it, I should learn from you, everything is going to open up. Anyway, for you, it seems that what is not a problem. Nothing is what I don't know now, but with mysterious things. Between the inductions, I have it. If we say this, our combination can be regarded as a true combination of heaven and earth. Otherwise, where can we get such benefits? With the mysterious things, we can at least improve the use of mysterious things. Several times!" Panyu certainly knows the value of the mysterious thing, and after the induction of the mysterious thing, the value can be increased several times. This is not blowing. If the mysterious thing is used as a weapon, then the user The more you understand this weapon, the more powerful it will be.

"Yes, no way, you haven't realized it yet, and strengthen the sense of the mysterious thing. This is the real benefit. If you feel stronger with the mirrorless mirror, you can't help you." You have to go beyond him, it should not take long, so you really should have more confidence in yourself, don't worry too much." Qin Lang laughed.

"Well, anyway, the sky will fall and you will be blocked!" Seeing Qin Lang is so easy, I simply don't bother to think about it.

"Other things, I don't want to worry about it for a while, but there is one thing that must be considered." Qin Lang said to Pan Pan, "Do you still remember the sky?"

"Oh, heaven? Naturally remember, once the big master, the guy who was replaced by you, what happened to him? Is it still ready to trouble you? Why didn't you kill him..."

"Calm calm." Qin Lang smiled and explained, "I took the initiative to let him a horse, and sent it into the eighth level of the universe. This is like I was in the sixth level of the universe, nor Killing the beginning of the Yuan, but sending it to the seventh level of the universe is the same - since it is public vengeance, then there is no need to kill it, what do you think?"

"I don't think you can see it so openly! Is it so generous?"

"Darity? I have said it. If you have public vengeance, it is natural to be generous. There is no need to kill it. But if you have a private vengeance, I will definitely report it. If anyone offends me, I will definitely get it!" Deliberately said.

"Okay, no jokes. You suddenly said that you have a unique message. But I have also been to the eighth level of the universe. It seems that it should be relatively peaceful." Do not understand.

"However, today's eighth-order universe is not too flat~!" Qin Lang said to Pan Pan, "I just got the information of Haotian. This guy told me that the eighth-order universe is not flat every day. The organization has lost control, and the entire eighth-order universe is now almost entering the 'dark age'. Even if they are the masters of the gods, the rumors have already become people!"

"Is God's moment made awkward? I have seen God's moment. This is not only the great master of the eighth-order universe, but also a genius of the heavens. Its cultivation is very amazing. How can it be made? What's the problem? This situation is changing too fast!" Panyu looked a little surprised. I didn't think that the situation of the eighth-level universe turned out to be such a sudden change. It didn't take long, how the eighth-level universe Is it out of control?

"Actually, I don't think it is an accident. Since the thieves' organization exists in many levels of the universe, it means that these guys are premeditated. Although I have repelled the bandits, I have encountered bandits before. At that time, even you and I feel awkward, so it is not impossible to plant the gods in the hands of the people behind the thief." Qin Lang made some speculative explanations.

After listening to it, I nodded, and the thief itself was not terrible. The key is that the strong behind the thieves’ organization is very tyrannical. The bandit is only one of them, but it has made the entire seventh-level universe. Chaos, the monks of the Tianzu people are killed in their hands, so the eighth level of the universe dominates the gods, this guy was stolen by the kind of "worldless" monks to calculate, it is entirely possible.

However, as a result, the entire eighth-order universe is definitely quite chaotic. It is no wonder that this guy wants to ask for Qin Lang, and hopes that Qin Lang will give him some support and allow him to enter the seventh level without support. Refuge in the universe. Regarding the refuge, it is naturally a retreat for Haotian to find for himself. If it is really impossible to mix in the eighth-order universe, or if it encounters the danger of being unable to cope, Haotian feels that he should return to the seventh-level universe. However, this requires the permission of Qin Lang, so he gave this information to Qin Lang and hoped to receive the support of Qin Lang.

"It turns out that this guy can't stay in the eighth level of the universe, so I want to return it?" Pan Yi understood the meaning of these words.

"It's not exactly the same. Now the situation of the eighth-order universe is definitely very annoyed. If there are some chances, Haotian will definitely not want to come back here, just like Xiang Yu but Jiangdong--hey, what do you tell me about this, In short, Hao Tian did not want to easily return to the seventh level of the universe, unless it was forced." Qin Lang shook his head and said, "He just reserved a path for himself. Only when he needs to save his life, can he return to the seventh. In the hierarchical universe."

"So, he provided this information for you, just to give him a back road, is that simple?"

"Well, it's that simple. However, I can make this thing more interesting." Qin Lang said to Pan Pan, "Maybe I should support Haotian, let it build a huge force in the eighth level universe." Hao Tian is looking for a way out for him. Why can't we find a way out?"

"What you mean is - we support Haotian, let it open up the situation in the eighth level of the universe, and then if we can't stop the strong people of the Tianzu or the bandits, we will temporarily hide. The eighth level of the universe goes? But, you are the big master here, if you are all leaving here, don’t you really be ruined?” Pan Yi is somewhat surprised that Qin Lang has such a crazy idea.

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