Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 3871: Daotong

"Despite your reassurance, I will not use any spam to fool you - because I really entered the Eternal Sky Roulette, and more than once!" Qin Lang did not flick the Emperor, because he really is Entering the Eternal Sky Roulette, and really more than once, Qin Lang this guy even passed the Eternal Sky Roulette, so he knew that it was possible to give the Emperor a flicker, because Qin Lang passed some real The thing to come to the flicker to open the emperor, can withstand the verification.

Later, Qin Lang began to talk to Kaihuang one about how he entered the eternal Tianlun disk, as well as the eternal bubble he saw, and even the exchange of the will of the eternal crystal wall, many things, Qin Lang did not Any tampering is done, but some of the more critical things are slightly hidden.

Qin Lang knows that it is a Kaitian, even if it is the strongest of the sixth and seventh levels of the universe, few people can enter the eternal Tianlun, but the strong ones of the low-level universe are more likely to enter the eternal Tianlun Because the Eternal Crystal Wall is like a thick wall, the strong people of the high-level universe are blocked, and it is difficult for these guys to pass the Eternal Crystal Wall. Moreover, it seems that the more powerful the realm is, the more difficult it is to enter the eternal celestial disk. After all, it can have such a strong cultivation, but the stronger the obstacles of the eternal crystal wall.

Don't look at the strong ones like Kaihuang, but they haven't entered the Eternal Sky Roulette. Instead, Qin Lang entered the Eternal Sky Roulette by mistake, and got some benefits from it, but compared it. Next, some unlucky people were trapped in the eternal bubble and became the "nutrients" of the new universe. Qin Lang informed the Kaihuang one of these findings, which made the Kaihuang one sound very pleasant, although it has not been said yet. The thing of the eternal way, but Qin Lang’s knowledge in the eternal day roulette is also quite a plus point. At least it has temporarily stabilized Kaihuang Yi and made this guy quite satisfied.

"Yes, um, continue-" Kaihuang Yi said that Qin Lang can continue. At this time, he began to taste the fairy grass fruit prepared by Qin Lang, and then carefully listened to Qin Lang's story.

"I have never thought that the birth and annihilation of many of the universes in the low-level universe will have a lot to do with the Eternal Sky Roulette. But seeing this scene has given me some insights. I know that in Eternal Day. In the roulette, I may have got some unprecedented insights. These are my origins about the understanding of the eternal way. You said that there is no eternal way in the eternal day roulette. I am about this. It is fully recognized. However, there are some wonderful connections between the Eternal Skywheel and the Eternal Way. Well, I will tell you about the Eternal Crystal Wall..." Qin Lang continues to make the Eternal Sky Rope, the Eternal Crystal Wall Some information tells Kaihuang Yi that this information is obviously a big stimulus for Kaihuang Yi. After all, Kaihuang Yi did not personally go to the Eternal Sky Roulette, and what Qin Lang said, But let him have a feeling of being there.

In addition, Qin Lang began to try to connect the eternal Tianlun disk with the eternal way, because the eternal day roulette thing only stabilizes the opening of the emperor, if you really satisfied him, then you need the eternal way. The information, so Qin Lang began to turn the incomprehensible insight into the concept of eternal way to explain to Kaihuang, which of course is the concept of stealing. However, Qin Lang is the one who has the right to open the emperor and does not know the existence of the path of eternal and eternal, so it can be so calm and comfortable. After all, Kaihuang Yi is even more, and certainly does not know the eternal way and the supremacy of Qin Lang. Tao, so Qin Lang thinks this is enough.

The immortality of Qin Lang’s comprehension, although it is only a beginning, but it is very ambitious, and this time the concept of stealing is quite successful, and it’s been said that Qin Lang has also told the cricket, but the entanglement can’t comprehend that this is Because it is indeed mysterious and mysterious.

However, the cultivation of Kaihuang Yi is not the same as the realm. When Qin Lang explained that there is no way to go, Kaihuang Yi is just like the old man. He listens very seriously and is very devoted, and seems to have begun to have some comprehension. Anyway, this guy has never missed half a word, so he listened to everything Qin Lang said.

After a long time, Kaihuangyi put down half of the fairy fruit in his hand and couldn’t help but sigh: "It’s really a dying dynasty! Although you don’t realize the true eternal way, it’s just that you are in the eternal day roulette. I got some insights about the eternal way, but these sentiments are different. Even if I use my cultivation as a realm, I need to learn for a long time, and these sentiments let me see other possibilities, which may lead me. Further breakthrough - Qin Lang, I know that you have not concealed me, and the information you provided today has benefited me a lot!"

"If this is the case, then you don't have to find me trouble with the entanglement?" Qin Lang asked.

"That is natural." Kaihuangyi’s mood seemed quite pleasant, and he was not prepared to pursue Qin Lang’s entanglement, as he said before.

"Thank you." Qin Lang knows that Kaihuang will not put pressure on him for the time being, but this can only represent the opinion of Kaihuang, but this guy is also a promise, so Qin Lang feels that Kaihuang is still quite good. .

"No matter, if there is an opportunity in the future, we can still talk about it." Kaihuang said to Qin Lang that he is obviously ready to leave the seventh-level universe. At this time, Kaihuang needs a place to comprehend "eternal The clue of the "way", apparently Kaihuang Yi is the eternal way of Qin Lang's incompetence, after all, Qin Lang's incompetent is also quite confusing. However, whether Kaihuang Yi will have the same understanding as Qin Lang, Qin Lang does not know this, because Qin Lang’s own understanding of the incomprehensible is only at the beginning, and it is not really formed. Chengfeng, different in height and low, has different cultivations, different perspectives, and different spiritual experiences. It is inevitably different to look at and understand the things that are not on the road.

Kaihuang Yi, after Qin Lang’s “listening to class”, there must be some comprehension, but as for what he can understand, Qin Lang does not know, but Qin Lang does not regret passing all the information that has not been learned. It was also the reason why Qin Lang complied with the "nothing". The incompetence is not pure supremacy, but the balance, the way of advancing and retreating. If you know that you want to take it, it is not heroic. It is stupid!

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