Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 3896: Left day

Wencang has not yet answered Qin Lang, and the voice of the left one is ringing again: "Wencang, I can't think of you this idiot finally completely betrayed us, but we originally planned to kill you, so today you are just right, I will I solved you all together!"

Wencang was quite scared, but when he heard the words of the left, he suddenly became angry and couldn’t help but say to Qin Lang: "The master is right. This left day is simply not knowing that it is a madman, and it is still a madman. The arrogant, insatiable madman, the master should suppress it, and then slowly torture it, so that it can not survive without survival!"

Wencang was not so arrogant, it was also forced to be forced by the left day. After all, people sighed with a scent of Buddha, this left day was so despised by Wencang, and threatened to directly kill Wencang, then In the case of Wencang, if you don't know the resistance, it is not a strong one.

"Very good! Wencang, then I will kill you first!" The left day is even a true Buddha. At this time, there is also a three-point anger. Moreover, it is from a monk without a world. It was originally unscrupulous. How could it be willing to be warmed up? The guys were humiliated, so the left day couldn’t take care of the fact that they had not completely converted the gods into shackles. They vacated one hand and patted it toward Wencang, arguing that it would be the same as the meat sauce.

Good guy, this is also a very powerful role. On the left one day, suddenly the whole nameless Tianju seems to disappear all of a sudden. Well, it should not disappear, but suddenly entered the state of nothingness, that is to say, one hand was used on the left day, and it has reached the state of ignorance at the beginning, and this is still the case when the left day is not serious. .

Indeed, compared to the thief, the left day is more than just a clever grade!

In this way, there are no monks in the world, and their realm of strength is different. The left day does not put Qin Lang in the eyes. There are also enough reasons. After all, the strength of this left day is quite a cow. Forcing, Wen Cang immediately fell into complete desperation as soon as he shot, because Wen Cang could not use any law power in this state of nothingness, even though he was one of the top powers of the eighth level universe. But at this time, even the resistance is not even, just like the weak chicken.

"Ha ha..." Qin Lang laughed, and then immediately ushered in a punch, he naturally can not watch Wencang was killed here by the left day, otherwise, Qin Lang himself is quite faceless.

Although one hand on the left day pulled the whole nameless Tianju into nothingness, Qin Lang knew that the entire nameless residence was not really blurred, still in the eighth level universe, but only by the left one day. The power of nothingness runs through. Since it has not yet left the eighth-order universe, many rule powers do not work, but Qin Lang’s incompetence can make use of it. On the left, it directly forces the nameless days to disappear. Naturally, it affects. In the balance of the eighth level of the universe, then the principle of Qin Lang’s supreme balance has certainly played a role. This is a dream, nor did he think of it. He does not know why Qin Lang can completely fear the other’s vain power. In such a situation, warehouses are almost helpless.

Qin Lang is not only the first time to confront a monk without a world. Even though the strength of the left day is stronger than that of the thieves and the ignorant brothers, they should not be much different in essence. They only use nothingness. The power of the monk, even if the power is more powerful, but after Qin Lang realized that there is no way, especially after mastering the balance of no injury, this power gap is not an absolute winner, after all, no The essence of the technique of balance is the balanced operation of the entire universe, not a world, a universe, or a cosmic level. Even if it is a powerful monk, it is still relative to the entire universe. Insignificant.

The left day thought that one hand could easily kill Wencang and defeat Qin Lang, but at the moment of the confrontation between the two sides, the left day knew that his own judgment was wrong, and it was still a big mistake. Qin Lang did not know how to use it. What means, the power released is not powerful, but it can produce a counterattack, a restraint and a counterattack on the power of the left day, which makes the left day feel very arrogant, clearly that its own strength is stronger than Qin Lang. But it has to be controlled by Qin Lang. This is simply a matter of no reason!

Suddenly, the left day became even more angry, and the Wencang guy saw the dawn of hope. The original Wenquan’s confidence in Qinlang was still insufficient. After all, Qin Lang’s power was even stronger, and it was not as good as the left one. Evil and mysterious, because the great master of the eighth level of the universe has been suppressed by the left day, let alone Qin Lang? However, when Qin Lang shot, Wencang saw that the strength of Qin Lang was not particularly strong, but it was easy to handle. In the face of the attack on the left day, it turned out to be quite easy, and it was quite easy to write, which made Wencang Qin Lang’s impression changed immediately, and he realized that he should have a thick thigh. For the time being, you should not worry about the pursuit of the world’s monks.

Wencang has already revealed some secrets of the world's monks. Now, even the left one knows it. Wencang knows that once Qin Lang loses, then the end of Wencang must be eliminated. How do you know that Qin Lang actually gave Wencang? Unexpected performance, this time Wencang is simply overjoyed, and even has begun to secretly cheer for Qin Lang.

Qin Lang used the technique of **** balance to cope with the left day, and began to search for the whereabouts of the gods. This is because the main purpose of Qin Lang’s trip is to rescue the gods. Although there is no friendship with the gods, Qin Lang knows that once rescued If you have a moment of God, then you can destroy the layout of the universe without the world's monks in the eighth level, and it can also affect the pattern of the eighth level of the universe. This is also of great benefit to Qin Lang himself.

Compared with other monks, as the master of the seventh-level universe, Qin Lang’s induction of the gods is naturally stronger. Moreover, the gods are in this nameless world. After this ruined place is blurred, There is no life at all, but the gods are indeed here. Qin Lang can clearly sense his existence, but the current moment is being suppressed and refining by the left day. The sense of existence of the gods has come. The weaker, if Qin Lang can't stop it, then the self of God will disappear completely and become the tool and tool of the left day.

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