Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 3908: All arrested

On the left day, eight people joined forces to throw the gods aside and fight against Qin Lang. The power released by these eight worldless monks is naturally extraordinary. In an instant, everything around Qin Lang’s body has been vanished. Qin Lang can't take any little energy from all around, and can't use any rule power. He can only fight with his own accumulated strength. The situation seems to have been quite unfavorable to Qin Lang.

"Yanhuang punches!"

Qin Lang seems to have not noticed the change of the situation, directly stimulating a boxing of Yan and Huang, with the dimension of flea, almost at the same time against the eight guys, and the power of Yan Huang’s fist is not reduced at all, including the left day, every Individuals seem to be facing Qin Lang alone.

The left day originally thought that with eight people joining hands, it should be able to easily defeat Qin Lang, but did not want the eight people to join hands and did not change the situation. Qin Lang seems to have infinite and intangible energy to accompany them.

In fact, Qin Lang’s vitality is certainly not endless, but he is very good at using his own strength, can maximize the utilization of vitality, and Qin Lang’s natural chicken is also quite wonderful, can be any The transformation of matter, even the power of nothing!

In addition, Qin Lang has learned to integrate mysterious power into itself, and gradually establishes induction with many mysterious things. Then it is more relaxed and easy to use the world's chickens. Even if the left-hander wants to count Qin Lang, it is inevitable. It will pay a very heavy price.

Regrettably, the left-hander waited for the wind to get used to it. I didn’t think that Qin Lang’s guy was so difficult to get around the point. The eight people could not even get rid of Qin Lang in a short time. Instead, they were joined by Qin Lan’s Yan Huang. The fist is suppressed, this is simply a matter of no reason!

However, the surprise of the left-hander and others is only the beginning, because Qin Lang’s understanding of the incomprehensible has gradually deepened at the moment of confrontation with these eight guys, whether it is the supreme balance or the last one. They can form a kind of restraint on the left day and other people, because these worldless monks always influence the balance of the entire universe hierarchy, then Qin Lang’s supreme balance can naturally rely on their own power. Counterattack, counterattack, and suppress them bit by bit.

In the face of these eight world-free monks, Qin Lang’s Yan Huang’s fists have been spreading more and more smoothly, and it seems that they have reached another layer of mysterious realm. This is simply incredible. This may be because no one is on the road. The Supreme Way, the stronger the situation, the more the Qinhuang’s now Yan and Yang’s fists are more convenient, like the thunder and the waves, sweeping the past, and gradually suppressing the seven people on the left and even Tied them up.

"Everyone, now you all know. If you don't suppress Qin Lang, we can not only seize the control of the eighth level of the universe, but even today it may fall here! Now, you all have all the power!" Open the virtual channel, let the power of nothingness come in here!" The next day said to the other seven people.

The other seven people agreed with the view of the left day. This Qin Lang is indeed a huge potential threat. If you don’t get rid of him now, then it will be a huge scourge in the future, and now if you don’t kill him, these seven people may be afraid. There is no way to retreat from the whole body, so this time we must fully kill the Qin Lang, open the virtual channel, and use the power of no world to suppress Qin Lang!

"Well? Want to penetrate the world without it?" Qin Lang knows that once the seven people have opened the world without a passage, then it is equal to the power of the world without the power of the world, just like the power of the Qin Dynasty, with the help of the entire universe. To suppress opponents. Once the day left and others have passed through the world without channels, Qin Lang may not fail, but it cannot suppress them, because it is quite easy for them to return to the world without them. "But you want to go through the world." But not so easy!"

If there is no world, it will inevitably break the balance of the eighth level of the universe in a short time. Therefore, Qin Lang’s supreme balance must be able to play with the title, and it can exert more powerful pressure on these eight guys. This is also the magic weapon of Qin Lang. Therefore, at this time, Qin Lang’s Yan Huang’s fists were once again fully exerted, and the idea of ​​exerting more pressure on the eight people to let them open the virtual channel could not work.

At this time, the eight people waiting for the left day just felt that the monks of the world had come to any level of the universe. It was undoubtedly a top-level existence, and it was a fearful existence, but it was impossible to gain a little advantage in front of Qin Lang. Occupy, and eight people besieged Qin Lang can not work, is this not too shameful?

In fact, on the other hand, Qin Lang still has some worries, but he is worried that he will not fail, but he is worried that these guys will escape. Therefore, he exerts his best efforts to interpret Yan Huang’s fist to the extreme, and he will be on his own. The understanding of the whole has been deducted, that is, to ensure that these guys can be thoroughly suppressed.

When Qin Lang fully urged Yan and Huang to punch, the boxing method rolled away, and the pressure was getting stronger and stronger. It seems that this is not a boxing method at all, but a supreme power that exists in the darkness, transcending the power of all beings. Uncontrollable power...

However, even if Qin Lang did not think of it, just when he was fully exerting his boxing with Yan and Huang, in a myriad of boxing shadows, he even revealed a huge roulette. Although this is only a virtual shadow, Qin Lang is still vague. See what this thing is -

Eternal Sky Roulette!

Qin Lang did not think that when Yan Huang’s fist would be performed in the extreme, he would actually play the shadow of the eternal Tianlun disk in the boxing shadow. Although it was only a virtual shadow, the eternal Tianlun disk existed since ancient times. The supremacy of the pressure is released, and suddenly gives a feeling of crushing everything.

At the same time, the eight people waiting for the left day immediately had a feeling of great difficulty. They also saw that the thing that Qin Lang’s fist-shadowed was the eternal day roulette. This is the terrible thing that existed since ancient times. Anyone can't control, the super strong that no one can resist!

Eternal Sky Roulette, absolutely has the power to crush everything!

Even if this is just the illusion of the eternal day roulette, it is not to be underestimated. At least the eight people on the left day are enough!

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