Juvenile Medical God

: No. 394 Hirakawa Gun King


"This... Miss Frost, are you going to college now?" Zhao said again. [High quality update.]

Frost shook his head and said, "Qin Lang said that after he went to college, let me follow him."

"Qin Lang this guy is really good life!" Zhao Wei thought, this frost looked very eye-catching, a "small scorpion" of water spirit, but three sentences and two sentences are said to be Qin Lang, as if inside her eyes Less than the other men survive.

Zhao Wei chatted with Frost a few words, but they were all incapable of pointing. The girl in the frost seems to be completely uninterested in other people and other things. Only when she mentions Qin Lang, she will listen carefully.

After about ten minutes, Qin Lang finally rushed back to the dormitory and said to Zhao Wei: "Okay, you can go."

"No? When you come, let me go?" Zhao Wei complained. "You kid is too heavy and light friends?"

"If you don't leave, I will throw you out. More and faster chapters please come." Qin Lang snorted.

"I rub! You are really - well, Lao Tzu does not hinder your good things, do not stay here as a light bulb!" Zhao Wei looked like an angry, slammed the door and went.

"Sister, you are finally here, what good things are you bringing to me?" Qin Lang couldn't wait to ask Frost.

In the morning, I will confront the people of Ye Family. Qin Lang all count on these things brought by Frost. More faster chapters please come.

Although the poison sect is down, but the mountain gate of the poison sect is still there, there are still some powerful things in the mountain gate of the poison sect. This time, Qin Lang asked the old poison to let the frost get some "good things".

Frost opened the box and saw that there were more than a dozen bottles and sacs in the box. Qin Lang couldn’t help but be happy, because he knew that these bottles and sacs were used to contain poisonous insects. It seems that this time the sorcerer The good things that brought him are really a lot. First time update

"I heard the Sovereign say that you need these things, so I picked up some more powerful things to bring to you." Frost said, "Just don't know if these things are enough."

Qin Lang looked carefully at the things inside, and his face was full of joy: "Good! Enough! Sister, thank you very much!"

In fact, the age of Frost's sister is not bigger than Qin Lang. The true age should be about half a year older than Qin Lang. But she was adopted by old poisons when she was a child, and she was brought to her when a frost and snow came, so the old poison Give her a random name for the cream. More faster chapters please come. The old poison is rarely sentimental. He adopted the frost, just to make one more. Because of this, in the face of old poisons, Frost did not dare to call Qin Lang's name, but can only be called "Qin Lang Master."

"You can use it. It's the first time to update." Frost showed a sweet smile. "Yes, who are you going to do with, do you want me to help?"

"Okay, you just have a rest, I think you are very tired." Qin Lang saw the tired color on the face of the frost, and it is not easy to say that it is not easy to send these things. It’s certainly not easy to capture these things, and there are still some dangers.

However, with these things brought by Frost, Qin Lang has to deal with Ye Jia's people, and that is very sure. More faster chapters please come.

After getting something, Qin Lang sent the frost to the hotel to rest, and then began to deal with the Ye family.

Despite the preparations, Qin Lang knew that the action was dangerous, so Qin Lang did not let Tang San and Lu Qingshan participate, but acted alone, even the car was opened by himself. However, Qin Lang drove to Anrong City early in the morning. The traffic police did not usually go to work at this time, so Qin Lang did not have to worry about the driver's license. More faster chapters please come.

When it arrived in Anzhen City, Qin Lang did not go to the pre-agreed Lujiatan, but went to Xiaolongshan, which was opposite to Lujiatan. The location of Anrong City is gentle. Xiaolong Mountain is a small mountain range nearest to Ancheng City. It is about 50 kilometers away from the central city, but at least 80 kilometers away from Lujiatan.

When he was about to arrive at Xiaolongshan, Qin Lang called out a phone call: "The location has changed, in Xiaolongshan!"

"What! You actually played the means, I--" The phone rang an angry voice, but the voice was broken before it was finished, because Qin Lang hanged the phone.

It is not Qin Lang who does not care about Ma Zhenyong's life and death, but he knows that if he goes straight to Lujiatan, then he and Ma Zhenyong don't want to live today. First time update

Around Lujiatan, it must have been filled with Yejia people.

Now, Qin Lang suddenly transferred the "battlefield" to Xiaolongshan, which naturally weakened the power of arrangement and also broke the plan of Ye Family.

Sure enough, when Qin Lang hangs up the phone, Ye Zhong, who is still preparing for Lujiatan, almost slammed the phone and couldn’t help but swear: "My grass! This **** guy, I caught him later, I Be sure to let him live instead of death!"

A middle-aged next to Ye Zhongshi said: "Zhongshi, what happened, make you so angry?"

"The guy changed to meet the place! I graze him, and dare to play these little means with us!" Ye Zhongshi hated the channel. "If you catch him, I must let him suffer after torture!"

"Forget it, it is useless to say these words. Since the other party changed the place of the transaction, we can only adapt to it." The middle-aged man who is talking is Ye Haiming, who is a mouse of Ye Zhongshi. This person is an inner realm. Strong. However, he is not an ordinary intrinsic strongman. He is the instructor of the Pingchuan Provincial Military Region and the guard captain of Ye Family’s current power, Ye Shiqing.

The reason why he is not an ordinary insider is because Ye Haiming is a strong man in the inner realm, but he rarely uses his fists and swords. He uses guns!

A strong person in the inner realm, once mastered the weapons and firearms, it is naturally a terrible thing! Because the strongest of the inner realm, whether it is self-reactive or physical agility is much higher than ordinary people, even the trained special forces can not be compared with the strong insiders. Therefore, the strongest in the realm of the inner world uses guns, pulling guns, shooting, and accuracy will be terrible! Their good control of the body makes them almost able to ignore the recoil of the gun and can perform precise burst shots in a short period of time.

In a gun-and-shoot speed competition of the domestic military and police system, Ye Haiming once won the third place's glory, while the other two are Zhongnanhai guards, the real big master.

[Readers, this week, the website held an outbreak, I hope everyone can support, vote more, the more votes, the more power of Xiaomi's outbreak! ! 】


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