Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 404: Run away again


Qin Lang’s heart screamed badly, because Yi Rongshu could fool the camera and fool the inspectors’ eyes, but they couldn’t deceive these well-trained police dogs because they didn’t rely on their eyes to search for targets, but by smell! A person can change his appearance, but he can't change the smell!

If at other times, give Qin Lang some time to prepare, he can use drugs to make the dog's nose fail, but it takes time to prepare, and the key is that Qin Lang can be ready, but Ma Zhenyong has no time to prepare.

Wang! Wang! Wang! ~

Sure enough, shortly after the wolf dog got out of the car, it seemed to find suspicious targets, rushing to the place where Qin Lang and Ma Zhenyong were.

At this time, Ma Zhenyong also noticed the existence of the police car and the police dog. He could not help but feel a little nervous, but his psychological quality was still relatively good. He did not run away immediately, because if he fled at this time, it would simply show the police that he was a suspect. same. And once he reveals his whereabouts, it will inevitably become the entire An Rong police and black. The goal of helping people to chase, the preparations of Qin Lang before, completely lost their role.

At this time, Qin Lang handed a look to Ma Zhenyong, instructing Ma Zhenyong to leave the car, and Qin Lang walked over to the position of the police dog and the police car.

Wang! Wang!

The police dog screamed at Qinlang again, then suddenly broke away from the rope held in the hands of a policeman and flew toward Qin Lang. At this time, the policeman who was smoking while chatting with his colleagues found that the situation was not right.


This police dog is a purebred German Shepherd, so the alertness is very high, but it is also very fierce. When the target is detected, it immediately rushes over to Qin Lang, and the reason why it is so aggressive is so fierce, it is also because Just now Qin Lang cast a provocative look on it -

Qin Lang is deliberately arousing the anger of this police dog, attracting its attention to his own body, and then giving Ma Zhenyong the opportunity to leave calmly, because Ma Zhenyong only leaves calmly, will not attract the attention of the police. What's more, now it's not just the police who are staring at them, but the black of An Rong. Taoist figures, three religions and nine streams are staring at them.

Qin Lang let Ye Zhongshi and Ye Haiming, the two backbone members of Ye Family, evaporate. This thing is inevitable. This is an absolute thing. Therefore, Ye Jia will do his best to retaliate against Qin Lang and Ma Zhenyong. Of course, the premise is They know the true identity of Qin Lang. At present, the Ye family does not know the identity of Qin Lang, so the main goal of Ye Jia is on Ma Zhenyong, and Qin Lang can no longer let Ma Zhenyong fall into the hands of Ye Jia.

In the eyes of these policemen, Qin Lang and Ma Zhenyong both disappeared, but for this police dog, after it came down from the car, it immediately noticed the existence of Qin Lang and Ma Zhenyong, because it captured them two The smell of people. In many cases, animal perception is much more powerful than humans and more reliable than instruments.

Therefore, even now, after many disasters, the role of search and rescue dogs is even greater than the advanced instruments, especially when disasters such as avalanches occur.

However, the appearance of this police dog brought disaster to Qin Lang and Ma Zhenyong. After the appearance of this police dog, he immediately rushed to Qin Lang and bite Qin Long’s neck.

In Qin Lang's opinion, this police dog is probably not a police dog, but a military dog!

Police dogs and military dogs, although only a word difference, have decided their use and personality. In short, compared with police dogs, military dogs are more fierce. If they are attacked by police dogs, they usually bite the suspect's arms or thighs, so that the police can arrest the suspects. But the military dogs are different. The military dogs deal with the enemy. kill!

Undoubtedly, this military dog ​​is quite fierce, but it has found the wrong object, or it has confusedly mismatched the owner, and inadvertently became the "running dog" of Ye Family, since it is the running dog of Ye Family, and Wanting his own life, Qin Lang certainly will not be merciful. Just as the military dog ​​is about to bite his throat, Qin Lang’s sickle is lightning-fast, right in the head of the military dog.


The sound of the broken bones sounded, and then the military dog ​​fell heavily on the ground, and even the crickets did not scream, and they died.

At the same time, Ma Zhenyong calmly got into a taxi.

Ma Zhenyong did not answer Qin Lang, because the police had already discovered Qin Lang at this time, and Ma Zhenyong knew that if he reappeared, he could only bring a burden to Qin Lang. With Qin Lang’s means, there should be a way to get out. As a matter of urgency, he is safe to protect himself, which is the greatest help to Qin Lang.

Ma Zhenyong’s judgment is correct. Although this decision is somewhat shameless, it is undoubtedly very correct. As a special soldier, Ma Zhenyong is more adept at analyzing, rather than blindly ignoring heroes and loyalty, because sometimes, impulsively speaking loyalty, it will only be counterproductive.

When Qin Lang killed this military dog, he just saw Ma Zhenyong leaving. He let go of his heart. As long as Ma Zhenyong left, he had a way to ask these policemen.

"Do not move!"

One of the police pulled out the gun and shouted at Qin Lang.

The policeman’s drink did not scare Qin Lang. Instead, he scared the passers-by on the street. For a time, he was screaming, and some of them were screaming. Some people rushed to the ground, and some people rushed. However, Qin Lang did not stop at all, but flashed into a big shopping mall next to it at a very fast speed.

Qin Lang’s speed is very fast. Even if the policeman wants to shoot, he has no time to react. Moreover, as the police of China, the chances of shooting are not much, and the speed at which they can pull the gun is naturally not possible.

Several policemen saw Qin Lang enter the mall and quickly called for reinforcements, reporting the position of Qin Lang to the headquarters. In fact, these police officers simply did not know what crime Qin Lu had committed. They wanted to use the police in the city to search for these two people, and even the black of An Rong. The forces are all ready to move. However, these police officers are smart people. They don't care what laws are violated by these two people. They only care about the orders of the boss. In many cases, the power is greater than the law. As long as the above people say a word, these little policemen naturally have to act.

At the moment when Qin Lang broke into the mall, two security guards immediately came up. Although they did not know what happened, Qin Lang was arrested by the police. It must be a bad guy, so he was ready to come forward to help the police catch Qin Lang, but When the two were three meters away from Qinlang, they suddenly stopped.

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