Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 4051: The new patriarch of the Kaitian

"Hey! Little girl, you are too arrogant!" Although Pan Yifeng is temporarily at a disadvantage, as the lord of the tenth-level universe, as the patriarch of the Kaitian, there are naturally many means, he can not only mobilize The tenth level of the universe's vitality and resources, but also collected a lot of mysterious things, and the most important thing is Pan Yifeng as the patriarch of the open family, he can mobilize the entire tenth level universe through a mysterious thing The power of the monk in the middle of the heavens, and then to him, this is quite a cow. Forced, know that the rest of the big master is only able to mobilize a part of the universe and resources, but Pan Yifeng can actually With the power of a cosmic level monk blessing him, how powerful it is!

Sure enough, Pan Yifeng’s power began to increase in an instant, and it was a rapid increase, because at this time he had begun to concentrate the power of the tenth-level cosmic monk on himself, thus bringing himself to an unprecedented height, but Fufeng’s move naturally comes at a price, because he is forcibly holding the power of the entire tenth-level cosmic monk on his own body, and his body may not be able to withstand such horrible power, which may cause some damage. This is completely different from the situation of the entrenched, and both the enthusiasm and the Qinlang practice are incompetent, so there is no problem in terms of strength and integration, and it will not exceed the limit of the physical body, because she is showing the eleventh. When the power of the law of the universe is at the same time, the excess law power released will be immediately decomposed into the law power of the tenth level universe itself, and integrated into the tenth level universe, so it will not be countered by this cosmic level, even if it is a disk. This big master of Fufeng cannot use this to deal with the entanglement.

However, Pan Yi also felt the strong pressure from Pan Yifeng at this time, but she has already prepared for the first step, because Qin Lang knows that Pan Yifeng will promote the mysterious things to enhance his own strength, and inform in advance. The entrenched, so the entrenched is also ready, before the Pan Maofeng attack launched, she is ready for defense, so despite the temporary disadvantage, but there is no damage.

However, Pan Zhen did not think that he should always be at a disadvantage. After all, as she took the position of the tenth level of the universe, she wanted to replace it with the enthusiasm, so it must be more powerful than Panyufeng. Strength is enough, otherwise it is not enough to deter these monks.

At this time, Pan Fengfeng has already shown extremely terrifying strength. Many monks of the Tianzu people think that Pan Yifeng will definitely win, and that Pan Yifeng can become the master of the tenth-level universe. It is also a real name, although the entrenched is not bad, but it still seems to be insufficient to shake the position of Pan Fengfeng.

"Don't worry, now you should know how naive your thoughts are!" Pan Yifeng sneered again and again, "I have listened to Qin Lang's instigation and want to be the master of the tenth-level universe. You are simply a big rebellion! Now hurry I am still guilty of sin, and after all, you are a member of our open family, I will keep your life!"

"Pan Yufeng, you should never look too high!" Although this time is a disadvantage, but it is not without the backhand power, she is just waiting for Qin Lang to bless more power. Her body is only her own, and she is also an incompetent practitioner. Of course, she knows the essence and power of the incompetent. The core of this is that the power of the entire system of the universe is used to bless itself, so It is capable of mobilizing the vitality and resources of the entire tenth-level universe. It can even hold the power of many monks in the tenth-level universe on him, but after all, it is only the tenth-level universe, but it cannot shake the power of the entire universe. Therefore, in the face of nowhere, Pan Yifeng’s practice can only be regarded as a partiality, and it cannot be compared with the grand pattern of Wu Shangdao.

At this time, Qin Lang also sensed this point and said calmly: "The mysterious thing of Pan Yifeng can actually hold the power of many monks in the tenth level universe on him. It is not bad. It is no wonder that you can control the tenth. The hierarchical universe is so long, but my incompetence can mobilize the power of the entire universe. It is still only a part of the entire system of the universe. How can it compete with the trend? Let him know. Let's take the real power of the road!"

At this time, Qin Lang spurred the Eternal City, the Eternal Sky Roulette, and blessed some of his comprehension and power on the shackles. He knew that only a small part of the power would be enough to make this happen. However, I didn’t expect that the power of the squad would get a small part of it. Even in the tenth-level universe, the unimaginable power broke out. In a short time, Pan Fengfeng was sent to the earthquake, and the blood in the mouth was mad, and it was simply defeated. !

"How is it possible! Panic... You should definitely not have such a strong strength!" Pan Yi Feng screamed again and again, and even wanted to gather strength and sleepy beasts, but this time the entrenched but very disdainful expression.

"Pan Yufeng, everything is over!" Pan said quietly, "Now the will of the tenth-level universe has begun to betray you, and your great master can no longer get the approval of the tenth level of the will of the universe, because you The thing to do is to reverse the practice. The tenth level of the universe's original will is related to the entire system of the universe. It cannot tolerate the law of your continued deviation from the entire system of the universe. However, you will not understand this, but you will not understand it. You can feel that the control of the tenth-level universe has begun to weaken."

Pan Yufeng certainly knows that this is not a fake. The tenth level of the universe will no longer agree with him as the big master. This is simply impossible, but it has become a fact. Thinking that things will go to this step, he even wants to fight with the battle, but the crux of the problem is that Pan Yifeng never dreamed that he had no courage to fight with the battle! Or, he has lost the courage to fight hard, which is probably the true portrayal of the entire Kaitian!

Instead of fighting for a battle, it would be better to leave a life to live well. This thought is so strong in the heart of the enthusiasm, so he finally gave up the plan to fight with the squad, and said: "Oh, since you already have With such a strong strength, it is not indispensable to become the master of the tenth-level universe. I just hope that you will be able to bring the entire Kaitian people to a more brilliant future, instead of letting the entire Kaitian people fall. ”

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