Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 4090: Contribution and scraping

After all, it is a mysterious thing, not anything else. The strong person in this cosmic hierarchy, who does not want to have one or a few mysterious things? If used properly, with a mysterious thing, you can increase the power of a monk by ten or even a hundred times!

However, Qin Lang is indeed a mysterious thing without greed, so after the news spread, more monks took the initiative to dedicate their mysterious things to Qin Lang, no longer hesitate.

In fact, Qin Lang knows that he is also greedy, just because Qin Lang can sense the mysterious things and feel the mysterious power, so he does not care who these mysterious things belong to, as long as he can understand enough Mysterious power, and to integrate it into itself, then Qin Lang may condense a microscopic level of eternal Tianlun disk in his body, and this time is not the eternal sky roulette, but the entity! Powerful and eternal celestial wheel body!

In view of the fact that many monks have provided countless mysterious things, Qin Lang knows that there are so many mysterious things in the universe system, and this number has already reached millions!

To be honest, Qin Lang himself has never thought that there are so many mysterious things in the entire system of the universe. Although more than half of them are contributed by the open-minded monks of the tenth-level universe, this number will still be given by Qin Lang. I was shocked, because none of these mysterious things are exactly the same. Although there are similar mysterious forces, there are still some gaps. I just didn’t expect the number of mysterious things in this cosmic hierarchy to be so amazing, which means What? This means that the number of mysteries in the world can be even bigger!

After realizing the power of these mysterious things, Qin Lang began to combine the power of mysterious things with his own powerlessness. This thing is already a light-hearted way. He has done similar things before. I just never thought about integrating the mysterious forces carried by millions of mysteries into myself, and I have to reconcile and coordinate many forces, because I have to know that different mysteries have different powers, not all. The mysterious forces are all able to be unified and coordinated. After all, some forces are originally matched, but the incompetence can unify different forces and allow countless forces to run regularly in the body of Qin Lang. In the end, these forces are injected into the eternal sky, and these forces become part of the eternal sky.

Sure enough, when Qin Lang unified and reconciled many mysterious forces into the eternal sky, this mysterious force began to transform the eternal Tianlun imaginary into a solid, and the eternal Tianlun imaginary operation Once, it becomes a little more solid.

Qin Lang’s heart has already known the composition of the eternal Tianlun disk, because the eternal Tianlun disk will have informed Qinlang of these important information, without concealing it, so for Qin Lang, even if it is to re-create an eternal Tianlun disk It is entirely possible, but this may take time and enough mysterious things to achieve, because the first and most important thing to make an eternal Tianlun disk is the material. In this cosmic hierarchy, the only thing that can become an eternal planet What is the material of the disk, it can only be a mysterious thing. Regrettably, even if it is to search the entire system of the universe, Qin Lang may not be able to create a complete eternal Tianlun disk, and it may provoke the wrath of the sky, and the destruction of the world without the advent of the world. Qin Lang may have civil strife here. It is.

Just because knowing that it is impossible to recreate a brand new Eternal Sky Roulette wheel, Qin Lang took another method: to take its shape and take its god!

The shape of the Eternal Sky Roulette is naturally composed of countless mysterious objects, but its inner being is driven by countless mysterious forces, and as long as the mysterious power is sufficient, the phantom can become an entity and an eternal entity, and It is not an entity that exists for a moment. This is the eternal day wheel that Qin Lang wants! The eternal day roulette on the micro level! Ability to blend into your own eternal day roulette!

In fact, in Qin Lang's view, the eternal Tianlun disk at the micro level should have been tempered with mysterious power instead of using mysterious things, although the eternal Tianlun disk tempered by mysterious power may be slightly weaker in defense. Some, but the changes are more flexible, because its unity and integrity are more reasonable. In addition, Qin Lang thinks that he has enough chickens in the world. Although the rest of the mysterious things have their own merits, Qin Lang uses the means of changing the material of the heaven and earth chickens, which can make the body become the carrier of this microscopic level of the eternal Tianlun disk. It is more powerful and more varied.

But this is the case. To quench a true Eternal Sky Roulette is not something that can be done between day and night. Countless mysterious forces need to be reconciled, need to be unified, and need to be blended together to become a whole. Even if Qin Lang knows what the eternal Tianlun disk is, it is also a huge project that has never been encountered before. Fortunately, Qin Lang’s construction of the eternal Tianlun disk is already well-informed, and now Qin Lang’s micro level The Eternal Sky Roulette has been streamlined and still centered on the Supreme Court, and then through the incomprehensible and some basic mysterious forces to form the prototype of an eternal Tianlun disk, and then constantly improve and improve it.

In this process of tempering the eternal day roulette, Qin Lang not only has a lot of understanding of the eternal Tianlun disk, but also has a lot of understanding of the mysterious things and mysterious forces, and the key is that Qin Lang has a lot of the entire universe hierarchy. Understand that Qin Lang even knows the source of the law of time in this cosmic hierarchy -

In this cosmic hierarchy, there is no time rule, but because of the operation of the Eternal Sky Roulette, the interweaving of many mysterious forces, the formation of time, this cruel and intoxicating thing!

This is like rain and thunder. Anything is not a joy. But after the storm, it may be a brilliant rainbow. Although it is not the original meaning of rain and lightning, the beauty of the rainbow is undoubtly.

There is no time in the entire system of the universe, but because of the operation of the Eternal Sky Roulette, there is a time and time rule, which explains a possibility -

As the creator of the Eternal Sky Roulette, it is possible to change or even reverse the time!

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