Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 4092: Crafted

After all, the emperor is the strongest person who opened the Tianzu. He certainly knows what the real name is. Although it is very uncomfortable for Qin Lang, things have already reached this point. If the emperor does not want to die, then the only reasonable choice. It is to directly accept the proposal of Qin Lang and completely dedicate the mysterious things in their hands.

Of course, the Emperor also knows that the rest of the old guys may reject the proposal of Qin Lang, but the Emperor will certainly persuade these old guys to agree to Qin Lang’s request, because they have no room for bargaining, and Qin Lang has absolute strength and advantage. At the moment, I can only promise Qin Lang.

After all, the emperor was the leader of this group of people. Although he was hindered in the process, he eventually collected the mysterious things of these monks to Qin Lang.

"It's not bad. You didn't let me down when you opened the emperor." Qin Lang laughed at these mysterious things directly, but after a while, he directly returned the thing to the Emperor.

Qin Lang’s move made the Emperor somewhat unbelievable. He thought that Qin Lang was coming to collect them. In fact, it seems to be the same, but why did Qin Lang return these mysterious things to him? Is it a change of mind?

When the emperor knew that Qin Lang only needed the mysterious power of these mysterious things, he did not need these mysterious objects themselves, because he originally intended to use his mysterious power to temper his own microscopic level of the eternal disc.

"Why, you don't want to take it back?" Qin Lang said with a smile to the opening emperor. "I know that you live here very hard. If you lose these mysterious things, you will have a shorter time, so I don't want to do things." It’s too much, these things are still for you.”

"Qin Lang - I can't see what you really want to do, but I know that your strength has reached the point where I can't look back. Maybe you can really solve the problem of no world monk invasion, but I hope you don't want it. Too mad, not to despise those who have no world! Otherwise, you are likely to lose to them!" The Emperor turned out to remind Qin Lang, which is a good reminder.

Qin Lang has always been good at the flow, so he also accepted the reminder of the opening emperor, said: "Thank you for reminding. However, winning or losing is not important, the most important thing is to dare!"

"Yes, if these old antiques of the Tianzu people have a pioneering spirit, then it is not going to fall to such a point, and it will not be ruthlessly surpassed by you." The emperor sighed, Then with these mysterious things disappeared.

Qin Lang also knows that these guys have already gone to the real decline, but he will not be pity, because this is the evil fruit planted by the emperor and others, so naturally they need to try it themselves. If these old guys are not self-styled, the opening of the heavens will not fall, and the entire system of the universe will not have problems, and then it will be perceived and invaded by the monks without the world.

Although there is no world in the world, as long as there is no problem in the world itself, then it will not be stared by the superpowers without the world, because the perfect system has a world system, just like the same A submarine that sails quietly in the depths of the ocean, which is so easy to be targeted.

Therefore, the reason why this cosmic hierarchy will be stared at by the world's strongest, the opening of the Tianzu bears a major responsibility, while the opening of the emperor and other people's responsibilities is the biggest, the opening of the emperor these guys actually tried From the eleventh-level universe, we can draw some powers without the world. This kind of behavior itself is to find death, and it would not be possible to cause the attention of those who are not strong in the world.

However, now Qinlang has rebuilt an eleventh-level universe. The operation of the entire system of the universe has been almost perfect. Only the destruction of the world without the world has begun to push forward. Qin Lang has to use all means to ensure that it is not without the world. Destroy the army and destroy it.

The reason for this is that Qin Lang has returned the mysterious things to Kai Shi Huang and others, but it only makes them exist longer here because he needs these guys to stay in this already broken original tenth. A layer of the universe, their existence, can actually cushion the impact of the world's strongest on the world's cosmic hierarchy.

In addition, Qin Lang does not really need these mysterious things. He just needs the mysterious power. Since he has already got what he wants, Qin Lang’s life and death are not worrying, even if they want to collectively rely on nothing. The world monks have nothing to do with it.

After getting these mysterious powers, the microscopic eternal Tianlun disk in Qinlang has finally formed a basic entity. Although it is only the most basic eternal Tianlun disk entity, Qin Lang feels that there is such a result between rushes. Quite good, to create a brand new eternal day wheel, this is a very difficult thing in itself, quite quite not easy! Moreover, with a basic structure, Qin Lang's next move is much simpler. He only needs to find more mysterious things and sense more mysterious powers. Then these mysterious forces can follow this microscopic The Eternal Sky Roulette works, and then blends in a little bit, becoming part of this microscopic Eternal Day Roulette, and finally this microscopic Eternal Day Roulette will eventually take shape.

Just, it still takes time, and enough mysterious things to do!

However, Qin Lang has already merged the power of a huge part of the mysterious things in the system of the universe. If more mysterious things and mysterious powers are needed in the next step, Qin Lang can only look to the world without a vision.

Without the world, there are more mysterious things, many without the world's strong, have their own mysterious things, Qin Lang is very clear about this. However, he is now unable to enter the world without plundering, because he does not have the power to sweep across the world, and Qin Lang has to consider the threat posed by the world's destruction of the army.

Nowadays, the threat of no world destruction army is getting closer and closer. Qin Lang can sense this, so he has no way at present. He has no time to further improve this eternal Tianlun disk at the micro level. It seems that he can only cope with this. Now, if you can fight in battle, of course, the best result.

"Qin Lang, your microscopic eternal day roulette is just a prototype, I am not very optimistic about it." The eternal sky roulette will say to Qin Lang.

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