Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 4122: Where is the mystery?

Qin Lang said to the Supreme Confucianism: "Supreme Confucian brothers, you don't have to worry about anything. You can deal with it to Tiancheng. I will help you to contain it. You should be a temper for you."

After listening to Qin Lang, the supreme Confucianism finally put aside his heart, and this time Qin Lang really began to contain the Tiancheng, so that the supreme Confucianism can fully show the attitude of attack, constantly attacking Tiancheng until the It is destroyed.

No matter what he said to Tiancheng, he couldn’t shake the idea of ​​Qin Lang. Because at this time, Qin Lang had begun to learn from the uncultivated power of Tiancheng. Qin Lang was not very embarrassed to show his true side at this time. The benefits of Qin Lang are not great, but they can be grown up, which is cheaper.

In fact, no matter whether it is the Supreme Confucian or the Tiancheng, these guys are not much different from the non-world monks that Qin Lang had encountered before, but the Taos they use are more "primitive", unlike the worlds that Qin Lang knows. Monks are the way to have many mysterious attacks and defenses. Other than that, there is almost no difference.

Although there is no big difference in the practice of these guys, there is a clear difference - it seems that the gods of Confucianism and the Heaven City are all without mystery!

So far, Qin Lang has not seen a worldless monk who uses mysterious things. Even if there is no mysterious thing in the devil wolf, this does make Qin Lang feel very strange. If there is any information hidden in it, it is worth it. Qin Lang went to study it, but he knew that this matter could not be rushed, because it seems that the things about the mysterious things have not been mentioned by the guys in Tiancheng, let alone use them, that is to say they don’t know the mystery at all. What is the thing, so that it is worth to carefully examine it, which should be hidden some secrets, or there may be something worthy of Qin Lang to explore.

These world-free powerhouses have no mysterious things, so ordinary ordinary world-free monks are even more absent, but why is there many mysterious things in the timeline where Qin Lang is located, and even some monks There are also a few mysterious things, such as Qin Lang himself.

Now, these guys not only did not use a mysterious thing, but even talked about the existence and use of mysterious things, which made Qin Lang feel very weird, but this thing Qin Lang did not say anything because If Qin Lang appears too deliberate on this matter, it is likely to cause special attention from other world-free monks, and may even attract the attention of the eternal master.

Qin Lang has not seen the eternity master yet, but he can imagine that this guy's strength is no small feat. After all, this is the eternal existence of no world. I think it should be a terrible existence, and Qin Lang has also followed The mysterious eternal confrontation, the horror strength of the Eternal, he will certainly not forget, even if there is no power blessing, Qin Lang is not the opponent of the Eternal, so if at this time with the Eternal lord In the words, Qin Lang does not feel that he can have any good end.

However, Qin Lang must consider any possibility, including the confrontation with the eternal master, because Qin Lang's current identity is nothing, and no rumors are confronted with the eternal master, so this identity is destined to follow If the eternal masters have an intersection, Qin Lang must be prepared for this. Otherwise, once he meets the eternal master or the eternal, how can Qin Lang respond?

We must know that, in the current situation, Qin Lang’s strength is not due to the lack of power of the entire cosmic hierarchy, so it is not at its peak, although its own understanding of time has brought Qin Lang to a new level, but he I also know that time is a double-edged sword. It is a blessing to be used before it is completely controlled. This is why it is not the case that Qin Lang has reached this situation and it is not related to his time. However, the situation at the time was different. If Qin Lang did not have time to reverse, he was afraid that he and the entire system of the universe would be completely destroyed, so that was a last resort. As for now, if Qin Lang rushes to use the law of time, then it is likely that he will be stared by the eternal master, and then there may be no more.

Therefore, if a move is not as quiet as it is, Qin Lang now has such an incomparable identity to use. It is better to use this identity first, to touch the path of the eternal master, to find out its true identity, whether it has something to do with the eternal. Relationship, if the two do not matter, then Qin Lang will provoke the eternal dominance, is it not trouble?

What's more, now, with the help of this identity, Qin Lang will not cause too much suspicion even if he is openly inquiring about the information of the eternal master, because everyone knows that there is no room to provoke the existence of the eternal master, but then understand. For Qin Lang, he is only trying to understand his opponents. He may also launch a second provocation to the eternal master. Although no one feels that there may be no real victory over the eternal master, there is no such a miraculous existence that dares to provoke the eternal master. For the whole worldless monk, there is something that everyone can talk about. After all, dare to provoke the eternal master, it is a very powerful thing in itself. As for winning and losing, it is not so important. Things.

Anyway, in the view of Supreme Confucianism, Qin Lang’s “friend” is quite good. It helps him to clean up to Tiancheng. Although he ran to the demon wolf, it turns out that letting go to the devil is the right choice, because the devil After the wolf escaped, he was constantly preaching the horror of nothing. Of course, when the devil wolf and Qin Lang met, they were almost broken and courageously killed by Qin Lang. So, to the existence of the demon wolf, Just let more non-world monks feel that Qin Lang is nothing but a genuine existence, then no one dares to hit the idea of ​​respecting the Confucianism, which makes the Supreme Confucius take over the power to the Tiancheng very smoothly, and also snatched the net A group of so-called allies.

In addition, Supreme Confucian knows that Qin Lang has only one goal, that is, provocative eternal dominance, so Supreme Confucianism does not feel that Qin Lang is a threat, but a good amulet. After all, this "nothing" has no other ambitions, then the supreme Confucianism is not a threat, so to be well enshrined, you need information that is eternal, so try to provide him with enough information. Just like to observe the virtual life, then give him the direction of nothing. Anyway, as long as it does not threaten the dominant position of the Confucianism.

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