Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 427: Tianlong enchanting


At this moment, Qin Lang has already seen the old monk tidy up, and the footsteps in the sewers are ringing again. Obviously there are more people ready to enter here to "kill the monsters".

Qin Lang knows that it is time to leave.

"See you, you have been here for decades, don't anyone find you?" Qin Lang asked.

"I have been staying here, but many things are not remembered. My thoughts have been suppressed by locusts." Seeing the monk said, "Just, I vaguely feel that the place I used to stay is not far from here."

"Oh... it seems that your hiding place is nearby, just where is it?" Qin Lang blew the insect whistle, called the mountain squirrel, and saw the monk seeing the monk, still some Fear, hurry to hide behind Qin Lang.

Qin Lang used the insect flute to drive the mountain squirrel to find nearby secret caves. After all, the drill hole is the specialty of the mountain rat. Sure enough, after more than a minute, the mountain rat will come, and it seems that it has already been discovered.

Qin Lang followed the drilled mountain rat through an abandoned sewer. This section of the sewer is very old. It is actually made of stone. It is covered with moss. At least it has a history of 100 years. I don’t know when this is. Sewer. However, this sewer should be abandoned and should be a "dead end." However, Qin Lang knew that the mountain squirrel would not go to the road without any reason, so Qin Lang followed it to continue, and the monk also followed Qin Lang.

After about ten minutes, Qin Lang hit the end of the passage.

It turned out to be a "dead end", blocked by a stone wall in front, but a closer look, there is a hole under the stone wall, just enough to accommodate the head.

"Oh... it seems that this is your former residence." Qin Lang nodded.

Although the hole is not big, but the skin of the monk and the kungfu of the monk is seen as long as the head can pass, the whole body and muscles contract, and then can be drilled. However, for Qin Lang, there is some embarrassment. Qin Lang still has no ability to lock the bones, so he can only let the monk expand the hole, and then he will drill in.

Of course, Qin Lang let the appearance go ahead. He didn't want to be harmed by the organs and traps as soon as he entered.

It’s just that there is no institutional trap in this place. After entering this stone wall, it is just a deep pit. It looks more like a grave. Look at the scale of this grave, it should be the tomb of Xiaogui people, the tomb of hundreds of square meters, it is really not a big expensive person.

After confirming that this is a tomb, Qin Lang thought that there would be something like antiques. After all, Qin Lang is also a fan of tomb novels, so after entering the tomb, the first thought is something like antiques, even now He is not short of money, but it is always a good thing to get into the grave to get antiques and treasures.

It was only Qin Lang who was destined to be disappointed, because the tomb had already been stolen for a long time. There was no antique here. Even the coffin was made into a wooden board, leaving only a pile of white bones.

Wrong, not a bunch, but three piles!

One of them is very close to the coffin board. It should be the bone of the owner of the tomb. The other two piles are distributed in the corner of the tomb. There is also a pile of bones, which still maintains a sitting position.

"I... the old slave remembered." Seeing these two piles of bones, the monk seemed to think of a lot of things. He pointed to the bone that kept sitting. "That is my enemy. He is called the dragon monk. A enchanting, one of the rumors of the 'Western Thirteen Demon' on the rivers and lakes was him."

"Thirteen demon in the Western Region? Didn't hear it." Qin Lang muttered, but immediately thought that this was a matter of decades ago, he naturally did not know what the rivers and lakes were like at that time. However, the Western Region’s thirteen demon may have been famous in the past.

"It’s normal for the owner to have never heard of it. This guy is my old enemy. I attacked me when I passed the testimony, and I put the locust into my body and wanted to deal with me. However, he refines me. When Cheng Cheng was born, he did not expect that my body potential was stimulated. He broke through the level of the martial arts at the crucial moment, reached the level of 'Xuan', and gave him a full blow. Tianlong enchanted on the spot, but I also became A dead body with no thoughts, until the owner appears."

Seeing the monk explained, then pointed to another pile of white bones. "That is the person I was preparing to pass on. I thought it would be safe to hide in the grave. I can’t think of this dragon dragon enchanting." However, although he is my eternal opponent, but now it is just a bunch of bones, and all the grudges are gone."

Qin Lang walked to the side of the Tianlong enchanting, and saw this pile of white bones. Qin Lang had a strange feeling. It seems that the owner of this pile of bones had some connection with the poisonous sect, because Qin Lang knew that the method of poisonous refining of the slaves was very confidential. Almost only true disciples can be taught. Aphids are not something that ordinary people can support.

That is to say, this Tianlong enchanting should have some connection with the poison.

The enchanting, inevitably the enchanting, Qin Lang saw that there is a bead on the enchanting neck, but this bead is not a bead. Each bead is engraved with a **** of evil, Shura or the devil, and each statue is It is very embarrassing and sinister. It seems that this person is called "the enchanting" and it makes sense.

However, since this enchanting may have something to do with the poison sect, Qin Lang will take the string of "Buddhism beads" and take it to see the old poisons, let him see, or you can see some clues from this.

In addition to this bead, this Tianlong enchanting has nothing left, no treasures, no cheats, no antiques.

However, in addition to the bones of three people, there are some broken bones in the tomb. These bones are not human bones, but the bones of some snakes and mice, as long as they are snakes. Because the monk became a poisonous person, he had an instinctive desire for the poisonous insect. Even if he did not mean it, he would also eat the poisonous insect under the drive of the aphid, because the aphid did not want to starve, but the aphid could not directly Eating, so he can only take nutrients from the host, naturally will drive the monk to catch the snake. When the snake does not have it, you can only fill your stomach with a mouse.

In the past, this burial chamber should be closed, so there are not many snakes and mice coming in here, and this locust does not dare to leave because there is no master's call, so that it is counted in this closed grave. Ten years, it has almost become an old monster.

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