Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 430: Last level

"What is going on here?" Seeing like a monk, he couldn’t touch the North and the South for a while. He hasn’t seen an outsider for many years, and he has never seen a woman. This creature has become a very distant existence for him. It is. Although the monk is a Buddhist disciple, he is a half-way monk. He is not the body of Zhenyang. He has tasted the taste and is especially missed. What's more, he hasn't touched a woman for decades, and he hasn't even seen it before.

Moreover, the woman in front of her dress is very glamorous, and she is even more open than the net girl he has seen before. The above can clearly see the milk. The short skirt below is very short, but it is still open. You can see the most hidden places.

When the monk saw that the monk could not hold it for a while, when hesitated, the woman reached out and pushed it on his chest. When the monk fell on the bed, he had not returned, and the woman had already taken a ride. On his body, suddenly the monk could not hold it, and suddenly opened the bath towel around his waist.


The woman who massaged couldn’t help but exclaimed. Although she had served some elderly people, many old people were already at the end of the battle. This place can only be slightly moved. It’s like this old man, it’s just like a young man. Still lean.

After the surprise, the massage woman said with a sigh of relief: "Old gentleman, you need extra services, you have to add money. Oh, how is your eyes green, is it hard to bring you beautiful?"

"Good!" Seeing like a monk, this time is already like an arrow in the string, had to send it, where to manage so much, will have a waist, a very accurate and unbeatable break through the massage of women's underpants, straight to the nest.

"I don't think this old man is actually a hurry!" This massaged the woman's heart, but the mouth could not help but uttered a sigh. The voice of the old man, although old, but did not expect the "power" in this aspect is very deep.

However, this massage woman just snorted. He snorted, suddenly foaming at the mouth, purple lips, and suddenly fell from the body of the monk, and fell directly on the floor.

Seeing that the monk had just entered the state of great joy, I did not expect to end it all at once. I saw that the massage woman fell to the ground and saw that the monk was panicked. He knew that the woman was poisoned and was about to use her internal strength to force her. Poisonous, but I heard a cold cry from the window.

"Oh, look like a monk, I see you really like a singer! For such a short time, you old guy will go with the massage woman, you really will be in line with the new era!" Qin Lang sneered to steal The clothes that came came to the sight.

"Master... I don't know why, suddenly I want to make a big heart, I can't hold it, I think it should be a devil, but fortunately the master appears in time...but, please ask the owner to detoxify her." See explanation Say.

Qin Lang once again sneered, put a detoxification pill into the woman's mouth.

Later, Qin Lang went on to say: "I think it should be the two locusts in your mind who are doing it. At this point, the two locusts are making a lot of fun in your mind, which may also affect you."

"Yes, yes, it should be like this. I thought it was a devil." Seeing the old monk khan.

"I just said it casually, you really got it." Qin Lang scorned.

Seeing a look, I don't know how to answer it.

"Forget it, I know that your old monk is not a good class, and you are a man. It is normal to be unable to withstand this temptation. However, you are a poisonous person, fooling with this woman, you are not asking What is her life?"

Qin Lang said, took the woman's pulse with his hand, and then looked at the monk with a strange smile. "Seeing a monk, your tone is really good. It is really a poisonous person who has run into a poisonous woman." ”

"Poisonous woman? What do you mean by this owner?"

"This woman has sex. I am sick - that is, the so-called flower willow disease. You old guys don't even think about it. This kind of informal massage shop can have something good."

"What ... flower willow disease!" Seeing like a monk was shocked.

"Reassure, you are a poison person. I am afraid that the virus will not be useful to you." Qin Lang smiled faintly. "Oh, this woman will not die, let's go."

"This...the master, the old servant wants to ask you a favor." Seeing the monk suddenly said.

"Say it."

"The old servant wants to ask the host to cure her flower willow disease." Seeing the monk sighed, "I have done a dew couple with her, as a woman, I am afraid that it is painful to suffer after the disease, the master is proficient in medical treatment, there should be a way Treat her."

"I don't think you have this idea of ​​the old monk." Qin Lang said, "In this case, I will fulfill you. I will give her a prescription, but she is willing to treat it. That is her business."

After that, Qin Lang picked up the note paper in the room and wrote a prescription, which was placed on the woman's chest, so that she would naturally see it when she woke up. As for her, she did not believe this prescription, that is Her own creation.

When he came out of the small hotel, Qin Lang not only changed his clothes, but even changed his face. Then Qin Lang and the taxi appeared on the taxi, and slowly followed the traffic to the city.

Along the way, Qin Lang can see that there are quite a few people in the "inspection and maintenance" sewer manhole cover, the driver complained: "The municipals do not know what happened. Today, the city's sewers were suddenly overhauled, saying that it is to prevent During the flood, the manhole cover fell off and caused casualties. It seems that today, which city has flooded, several people have fallen into the sewer without a manhole cover and drowned... But in doing so, the traffic is completely paralyzed."

Prevent floods?

Qin Lang thought that Ye Jia’s people were brilliant, but they could still find such a grandiose reason.

However, now Qin Lang has escaped, as long as the city of Anrong, and the old poisons, he should be safe. Now, Ye Jia and the six-door man must have thought that he still has cats and cats in the sewer.

Qin Lang's analysis is correct. Although the car is relatively blocked on the road, it has not been checked by the police. Of course, even if there is a police investigation, the police can not see the current appearance of Qin Lang, and Qin Lang used to cover up his own breath. Drugs, even police dogs, can't find him.

In short, now Qin Lang feels that Tian Gao is a bird flying, as long as he is out of Ancheng City, he is safe.

As for Ma Zhenyong, there are old poisons to arrange, and Qin Lang naturally does not have to worry.

Today in Anrong City, one by one, it is almost a matter of turning the leaves of the Ye family, which makes Qin Lang feel very cool.

Moreover, today's Yejia's arms trading has also been destroyed by the Tangmen people. Today, for Ye Jia, it is a heavy blow.

As for the people who died in Ye Family, they should pay for the innocent people who died for the dam!

Qin Lang’s mood has become easier. On the front of the overpass, you can go straight to the expressway. This journey seems to be a full stop.

However, there are several police cars parked under the overpass, which should be routine inspections. This is probably the last level of Qin Lang’s exit.

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