Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 470: Will count

"Liu Boss is really bloody! But this thing, we have to be long-term, you are also a person in Wolongtang, of course, know that Ye Family is not so easy to deal with." "Qin Lang said to Liu Zhijiang, "It is Liu Boss, you have to be special recently. Be careful, bring more people around you, so as not to be retaliated by the Ye family."

"You can rest assured that Xiayang City is still our site after all, and there are many people around me." Liu Zhijiang said to Qin Lang, "There are two places where I can use Liu Zhijiang, even though the opening is!"

"Well, Liu Boss is really a happy person." Qin Lang said, "There is really one thing that needs Liu Boss to help. I am letting Han Sanqiang clean up the entire rivers and lakes in Xiayang City. I hope that there is only one black and powerful force in Xiayang City. I don't want to see anyone else intervene in the black road of Xiayang City. I hope that Liu Bo can help Han Sanqiang to get this thing done."

Although Han Sanqiang has a high reputation in the Jianghu Road in Xiayang City, it is not the case in officialdom and shopping malls, but Liu Zhijiang is different. Therefore, Qin Lang believes that if Liu Zhijiang intervenes, this matter should be more rapid.

Today, the situation is not very optimistic, Lu Qingshan is frustrated, and Qin Lang urgently needs to unify the entire rivers and lakes in Xiayang City and establish a river and lake force that is absolutely under his control.

Liu Zhijiang’s forefoot just left, and Tang San and Zhao Wei’s foot came.

Tang San still drove his dilapidated "childcare car". After entering the house, Tang San said to Lu Qingshan: "Lu Qingshan, the festival is sorrowful. No more nonsense, this time I will help you get rid of the leaves for free. Family people!"

"Thank you." Lu Qingshan nodded to Tang three. "But there are too many people in Yejia. You can't kill assassination. I and Qin Lang are looking for you two people. It is to discuss the matter with Ye Family."

"Lu Qingshan, blame me!" Zhao Yan said with a look of grief and apologetic, "I am working with Wuyitang, I am out, my mother is simply a broom star! I"

"Zhao Wei, don't talk nonsense, this is not the responsibility of anyone!" Qin Lang interrupted Zhao's words. "I and Lu Qingshan are looking for you. It is to discuss the matter with Ye Family. Also remind you to be careful. Before I have discussed with Lu Qingshan. With the help of Ye Family, they may have friends with Lu Qingshan, that is, three of us."

Lu Qingshan has no family members now, and friends are also Qin Lan and they are three people. This Ye Jia people can easily find them, so the Ye family will find Lu Qingshan, and they will definitely start with the three of them.

For this, it is not difficult to guess.

The former rivers and lakes roads are all about rules. The so-called "failures for wives and children" means that Jianghu people deal with people in the rivers and lakes, and often do not anger their families, but there are not many people who follow this rule, especially nowadays, they are paying attention to the roots. There are not a few people who care about the rules of the rivers and lakes.

Therefore, the Yejia people deal with Lu Qingshan’s friends, which is simply a normal thing.

"Okay! I can't wait for the Ye family to come to me!" Tang San sneered. "If they come to me, I will kill a few for Lu Qingshan. But Zhao Wei, you should be careful."

Indeed, the most important thing to watch out of here is Zhao Wei. Zhao Wei will not work hard, and there is no backstage, naturally it will be the object of Ye Jia.

With the ability of Ye’s family, it’s too easy to let Zhao’s evaporate.

Zhao Wei himself knew this and couldn't help but scream "My Grass" and then asked Qin Lang: "What do I do?"

"You will stay with me, don't go anywhere." Qin Lang said, "I will let Feng Kui protect you."

Feng Kui is a poisonous person, and his work is quite powerful. It is enough to protect Zhao Wei.

"Then two of you?" Zhao asked.

"I and Tang San do not need to hide." Qin Lang said, "Tang San is a killer, which is so easy to be killed. As for me, Ye Jia's people do not know my power, I will give them a surprise. But the most The key point is that I will count the plan, abolish the Wuyitang, and cut off the party's feathers! Yeah, this time we have suffered a loss, but I know that Wuyitang has collusion with Ye Family and abolished Wuyitang. It is equivalent to breaking a leaf hand!"

The other hand of Ye Jia is naturally Wolongtang.

To be honest, Qin Lang did not think that Ye Jia’s people were so sophisticated and honest, and actually laid the Wuyitang chess piece. Not to mention Lu Qingshan, and it is replaced by Qin Lang.

But now, knowing that Wuyitang has collusion with Ye Family, Qin Lang and Lu Qingshan naturally have to eradicate it. Moreover, there is no need to worry about Wuyitang Qinlang, because the nominal Wuyitang has nothing to do with Ye Family. Since it is a gang with no official background, neither the police nor the six doors are likely to interfere on a large scale.

"Qin Lang, what about me?" Lu Qingshan asked.

"Of course you can't show up." Qin Lang said, "You also stay here! However, you don't have to worry about being bored. During this time, you are just here to practice, just like me, take care of it and get up early. The realm of bones. I have ready-made training grounds and forging bones, which is good for you!"

"Alright, my kung fu is still not working." Lu Qingshan nodded, he knows that revenge is not only a bloody, but also needs tough enough fists. Now Hou Kuiyun has gone, Lu Qingshan has no one to protect the escort, everything can only rely on himself. If he can't work hard, even if he has the title of Lu Family, he can't serve the heirs of the Old Brotherhood.

"I am also bored. Can I also practice?" Zhao Wei said that he was a little inferior. Because of the four people, he couldn’t do it because he wouldn’t work hard.

"Yes." Qin Lang said, "However you practice. However, I am afraid that you will give up soon. If you can persist, you can let Lu Qingshan be your master and teach you well. Well, don't say I went with Tang San. We went to school and gave Yejia people a clear goal and gave them the opportunity to start."

Qin Lang is planning to count, and the Ye family will deal with him and Tang San, so that he can clean up the people sent by Ye Jia.

This method is like fishing, using itself as a bait.

After the idea was settled, Qin Lang and Tang San went to the school.

Zhao Wei and Lu Qingshan stayed here. Anyway, Feng Kui gave them a bodyguard.

In the evening, Qin Lang lived in the dormitory of the school.

It was very peaceful at night, but when Qin Lang got up "dawn morning" the next morning, I felt that someone was following me. He knew that "Fish" was finally hooked up, so he ran towards the back hill.


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