Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 496: Fighting with the demon woman

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Although Qin Lang’s thoughts are somewhat ridiculous, they are not without reason. At least Qin Lang feels that this method is feasible.

Therefore, Qin Lang closed his eyes, and the picture of the mountains and rivers appeared in his mind, so that he could make his heart as water, so that his own little brother would be obedient, and the beautiful demon girl would naturally be able to take advantage of it.

When I saw beautiful, Qin Lang closed her eyes and couldn’t help but smile: "Why, are you ready to give up resistance?"

"Little demon girl, don't be proud. You may have forgotten a little, even if it is to make up for this kind of thing, as long as I don't cooperate, you can't think of success!" Qin Lang snorted.

Ren Mei suddenly understood the idea of ​​Qin Lang, hehe smiled: "You want to resist me, do you think it is possible? About you do not know the power of the magic sect, or the girl will give you a show, let you know my devil Zong Meigong's power, even if you close your eyes, it's useless! Look at the **** **** ecstasy!"

Any beautiful fingers fell on Qin Lang's chest and gently massaged. When her fingertips crossed over the chest of Qinlang, Qin Lang felt that her heartbeat was inexplicably speeding up. Under her fingertips, there seemed to be a flame that began to ignite and began to spread as her fingertips slipped. .

It seems that the beautiful little demon woman did not talk nonsense, she is really awesome, but the knives and small test, Qin Lang's heartbeat has begun to speed up, the breathing rhythm has changed.

Ren Mei felt the change of Qin Lang, and some of his mouth screamed smugly: "Hey, you fall into my hands today, then I can only let me be at the mercy!"

"Not good!" Qin Lang felt his own small. The younger brother already had signs of raising his head. He secretly screamed that he was really bad, and then desperately fantasized that this beauty is "Feng Jie" and "Sister Furong". presence.

Sure enough, this trick really works, and the younger brother who just just looked up quickly died down.

Qin Lang’s reaction was also in the beautiful attention. At this time, her hand took a silk scarf in a trick, and then poured an oil-like liquid on the silk scarf. Then she used a jade hand to hold the silk scarf in Qin Lang. The body is rubbed up.

"Essential oil pushes back?" Qin Lang fancied that Feng Jie would ward off evil for himself, while fighting against beauty. "You are good at pushing your back. I will give you a tip later. But if you want to pick me up, don't think about it." It is."

"Yes? Qin Shaoye, your strength is very good!" Ren Mei snorted and continued to "push back" Qin Lang.

At first, Qin Lang felt quite enjoyable, but soon he felt that something was wrong.

Any beautiful scarves and techniques make Qin Lang's body more and more sensitive - well, how to say it, it seems that Ren Mei used a kind of magic, which made every pore of Qin Lang's body become abnormally sensitive. Yes, every pore seems to be opened, and every inch of skin becomes extremely sensitive and sensitive. Qin Lang knows that this is not only related to her technique, but also related to the "essential oil" she uses. This thing is probably not an essential oil, but a drug that reminds us of love!

Every beautiful finger movement makes Qin Lang's skin tremble slightly, and the body has an impulse to want to lick. **** 消魂手, Qin Lang finally knows the horror of this method, it seems that if Qin Lang learned this technique, then I am afraid that the virgins can not stop the teasing of this technique, will definitely become **** . However, at this time, Qin Lang is almost becoming a **, this beautiful finger is simply too horrible, almost mobilized the most sensitive nerves of Qin Lang's body.

The younger brother of Qin Lang, even did not listen to the call of Qin Lang, directly became very strong, just like to break the bath towel.

Even Qin Lang’s brains desperately want to think that Feng Sister and Sister Furong are useless. Looking at the current situation, even if the above is sitting on Feng Sister, his little brother seems to be willing to “donate. Fine”.

"Hey! I thought how strong your control is, I can't think of it so badly!" Ren Mei snorted. "However, I am not in a hurry to pick you up. I would like to see how much your strength can be. Strong. My grandmother will let you lie down under me and sing "Conquest."

"Do...dream!" Qin Lang should have anger, but when he said it, he could not hear the anger, but only heard a commotion.

"Is it a dream, I will know later." Ren Mei continued to use her technique. Qin Lang’s ears, neck, chest, stomach, arms... all touched by her ecstasy, and her fingers passed by. In the place, Qin Lang felt that her body was completely conquered by her. His body had already betrayed him. Under her teasing, she became abnormally sensitive, abnormally hot and unusually rushing...

There is no doubt that Ren Mei has completely "ignited" Qin Lang.

However, she is not in a hurry to pick up Qin Lang, although Qin Lang’s own body has been eager to be recruited by her, eager to be conquered by her, but she just did not pick up Qin Lang, but continued to use her ecstasy.

Qin Lang's body skin has become red and hot, just like Fo Tan. He feels his own desires. The fire is ignited by this little demon girl. If it is not biting his teeth desperately, I am afraid that Qin Lang has already Hey, he came out, and even he might ask the little demon to pick him up, because the taste of this squat is too uncomfortable.

"Qin Shaoye, do you think it is very difficult? Do you want to ask me to make up for you now?" Any beautiful snorted. "You are not a thousand people, your strength should be very good, how can you be so unbearable?" Please ask me, ask me, my grandmother will be lucky, and you will be able to make up for it!"

It's hard to imagine that these words were actually said from a fifteen-year-old little girl, but as long as she thought she was the demon of the Mozong, then this also feels normal.

"Catch your head... Why don't you go to the mountains to pick mushrooms!" Qin Lang desperately struggled with words.

"Your mouth is very arrogant, but in front of your aunt, you have no arrogant capital." Any beautiful snorted, suddenly gently pressed a palm on the belly of Qin Lang.

Originally, her palm had some temperature, but this palm was very cold, and she didn't know how she did it, but it was this cold palm that gave Qin Lang a feeling of ice and fire. He suddenly felt the lower abdomen. A strange embarrassment, and then he felt his little brother. There is a volcanic eruption impulse.

"No!" Qin Lang could not help but screamed.

He certainly knows what will happen next, so he wants to endure and endeavor to control, but his body has betrayed him and has been completely conquered by this little demon girl, so Qin Lang is destined to only lose face in front of this little demon woman. It is. (Shortcut ←)Previous Chapter|Back to Contents|Add Bookmarks|Recommended Book|Return to Book Page|Next Chapter (Shortcut→)

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