Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 520: What is the gas

Ye Jia is a giant.

Whether it is for Qin Lang or Lu Qingshan, it is not easy to shake this behemoth.

Lu Qingshan tried to invigorate Ye’s control over Wolongtang by revitalizing the gang. As a result, Lu Qingshan and others were almost completely annihilated; Qin Lang tried to use the “normal channels” to incite Ye Jia, but he almost fell into desperation, and Until now, Ma Zhenyong can only hide in Thailand.

Ye Jia has been in Pingchuan for so many years and has become a super giant, and it is difficult to shake it.

Before, Qin Lang and Lu Qingshan were in a disadvantage, but no one thought that this night, this embarrassment reversed the situation, so that Qin Lang and Lu Qingshan and others found a breakthrough to deal with Ye Jia.

This breakthrough is Wu Yingmeng!

Wu Yingmeng, known as the shadow of Ye Shiqing, knows some secrets of Ye Family, even more than a part of Ye Family.

Speaking of it, this night is really dramatic. Whether it is the Ye family or Wu Yingmeng, probably did not expect Qin Lang and Lu Qingshan to turn over the salted fish. Wu Yingmeng and the Qingcheng faction set this trap to induce Qin Lang and Lu Qingshan to come. Then Qin Lang and Lu Qingshan will be wiped out, because Ye Jia’s people are already convinced that Lu Qingshan is in Xiayang City. And they are almost certain that Qin Chun and Lu Qingshan's young and energetic character should come to rescue Liu Zhijiang. With the strong strength of Wu Yingmeng and Qingcheng School, Qin Lang and Lu Qingshan, no matter what helpers, should be able to escape tonight.

However, no one thought that even the people of the Qingcheng School did not expect that Qin Lang actually hit Qingyangzi, and inexplicably hit Qingyangzi.

Qin Lang defeated Qingyangzi, not to mention that Wu Yingmeng and the Qingcheng School did not understand, even if they saw the monk and Ren Mei, they could not understand.

However, seeing the monk and Ren Meimei have seen one point: the realm of Qin Lang has improved! Entered the seventh realm of the Wu people. In the realm of cultivating the spirit, the effort of representing a warrior began to enter the level from the outside to the inside.

The realm of forging bones is the ultimate in the external doorwork. It has reached the realm of this layer, which means that the hard work of the skin and bones has already arrived at home. If you want to increase your strength, you can only move from "outside work" to "internal work" from the outside. Talking about internal strength, even if it is not a martial artist, I know that internal strength is about internal strength and infuriating things, but few people know what is "qi" and what is qi and qi.

Even a lot of martial arts people often stop at the realm of forging bones, and can't realize the key step of "from the outside to the inside". To take this step, it is reasonable to say that it takes a long time to "enlighten", but Qin Lang did not achieve this step through "enlightenment". He achieved it through "capture". He forced his body. Step into this realm.

It sounds incredible, but it is actually a matter of course, because Qin Lang’s body and muscles have already reached an incredible level. The combination of the Buddha and the magic and the poisonous sect makes the strength of Qin Lang’s body and muscles burst out. The warriors in the realm of interest are still strong. It can be said that Qin Lang has stood at the peak of the single door.

Although the realm of Qin Lang is not high, but the foundation is extremely reliable, from refining, piling to easy to forge, it is difficult to find out that a martial artist can play more securely than Qin Lang’s foundation, not only because Qin Lang got the top martial arts of Buddhism and Mozong, and because he had such a famous teacher of old poisons, coupled with his unique and incompetent toxic body, many factors were added together. Qin Lang’s foundation is solid and it is indeed unmanned. Can give it to the right.

The more stable the foundation, the more likely it is to go further.

The reason why many martial artists can't break through the realm and go further on the road of martial arts is because their roots are not fast-fought. When they realize this problem, they have already regretted it. However, Qin Lang is too strong, because it is too strong, so Qin Lang does not need to accumulate, do not need to enlighten, critically, naturally understand the mystery of the state of nourishment. The attack of Qingyangzi is like a fuse that directly detonates the potential of Qinlang.

"The original, nourishing the gas is to raise enough blood, the blood is strong, the stronger the energy of the person, the stronger the strength." Qin Lang said to the monk as seen, a word broke the mystery of the realm of nourishing.

"The owner has pointed out the key to raising the realm of health." Seeing the monk said his own views, in order to provide further information for Qin Lang, "water valley into the stomach, spleen and yang, and dregs, and for the feces, essence On the Feng, and become qi and blood. People take the water valley, some of which are turned into essence, hidden in the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys, and then dissolved in the blood, so called blood. Many people I don’t know how to raise my anger, I don’t know the true meaning of 'Fine Qishangzang’, and Kung Fu can’t be turned from inside. If I don’t know how to raise my qi, when the warrior is over forty years old, the body begins to go downhill, and the power naturally goes from bad to worse. If you understand the key to raising the spirit, you can at least keep the peak state until about 60 years old. Of course, if you reach the inner realm further, the peak state of the military will remain longer. It is over 100 years old and still has a strong fighting power."

"Old monk, don't do it, you can't do it. Since Qin Lang has stepped into the realm of raising gas, these truths should be known. But I am a little curious, how did you solve the Qingcheng faction? The infuriating spirit of the nephew has reached the softness of the environment, and the yin and yang are soft and soft. Even if the grandmother is fully shot, she will also tie with him at most. I thought you would be killed by this nephew. I can’t think of it in a blink of an eye. You actually hit him."

"If I am killed by the nephew, are you not widowed?" Qin Lang blurted out, but when this came out, Qin Lang felt that the joke was a bit too hot and quickly opened the subject. "The Qingcheng faction is In my poison, he wants to pinch my blood, but I didn't think my blood was poisonous, so he was unlucky."

"Your blood is poisonous? Are you okay? Even if your blood is highly toxic, there are all-natural bodyguards around your body. How can your poisonous blood break his infuriating defense?" Ren Mei seems to want to break the casserole and ask the end.

"Do you want to know the answer?" Qin Lang said, "This is good. You will help me kill a few bad guys this evening. I will tell you the answer to the question. Otherwise, I guess you will be sleepy, huh."

Ren Mei is really curious about how Qin Lang has reinvented Qingyangzi, and she knows that since Qin Lang can reinvent Qingyangzi, it can hurt her. Of course, the predecessor beauty was also poisoned by Qin Lang, but she thought that she was not careful enough, and because she did not kill Qin Lang, otherwise she would try her best to defeat and kill Qin Lang. But now it seems that the situation is not the case.

"I will sleep hard? Isn't it a bit of a poisonous thing." Any beautiful snorted, "Grandma will help you kill a few bad guys today. But, when you want to tell me clearly, what are you doing?" Reinventing Qingyangzi!"

"A word is fixed!" Qin Lang smiled, there is a beautiful master of this true Yuanjing help, to deal with the bad guys of Wolongtang, Wuyitang, naturally it is much easier.

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