Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 534: Special offer

When he went downstairs, Xiaowei quickly explained: "Mr. Qin, don't be angry, this head is really a good person, a respectable person, the guard -"

"The guards are only ordered to act, I understand." Qin Lang nodded, but then the tone turned. "But, since others did not intend to ask us to treat, I don't think we have to be so active. Are you saying that?"

"This... Mr. Qin, I know that you are not happy, but the head is really a great person."

"The great people, there are old and sick, and this is doomed, you don't have to worry about the great people - I hope the food in the cafeteria tastes good." Qin Lang obviously did not want to continue talking on this issue.

If it is not for the Xu Shi plane, in this case, Qin Lang is definitely taking the **** to leave.

Fortunately, the canteen here is really nothing to say, the food here is a real green pollution-free product, as a poison sect, using poisonous experts, he can certainly taste pesticide residues from vegetables.

Compared with Qin Lang's appetite, Xiao Wei has no appetite. He obviously remembers that the task has not been completed.

Qin Lang said to Xiaowei: "I said Wei Da Ge, you are such a strong man, how to eat it like this, like a kitten. To tell you the truth, most of the food in this canteen is green and pollution-free. You can't eat it outside, maybe this is the so-called 'special offer', hurry to eat, don't treat your stomach."

"Children, do you say that the food here is 'special offer'?" At this time, a person came to Qinlang.

This person is very burly, about 30 years old, wearing a military green t-shirt, wearing trousers and black leather boots - this is the dress of the military during leisure time.

However, Qin Lang knows that this person is definitely not a general soldier, because it is impossible for a general soldier to practice his martial arts in the realm of filial piety in his thirties.

Of course, how can a soldier who can appear in such a place be a general soldier?

Moreover, from the tone of this person, Qin Lang felt that the other party was not friendly enough, because Qin Lang had previously said that the food here was "special offer". Perhaps for the soldiers, they were not allowed to have a little sand in their eyes. Qin Lang said that they ate Special offer may hurt the other party.

"Yes, that's what I just said." Qin Lang nodded. "The food here is green and pollution-free. The quality is really good. I thought it was a special offer."

"Children, do you know what special offers?" The military said seriously. "Do you think that all the officials are **, all fish and people! Most of the vegetables here are grown by ourselves! Children, there are too many angry youths now, I hope that you are not one of them."

"Hey, I planted it, that's really good." Qin Lang smiled. "That was what I said wrong."

The soldier was slightly stunned. He probably didn't expect Qin Lang to be so fast, but he wouldn't really have a general knowledge of a "child", so he went on to say: "The little brother knows the mistake and changes, you are not bad."

"When you know the mistake, of course you have to change it. However, you made a mistake on the road of practice, but it is not so easy to correct, isn't it?" Qin Lang said to the soldier, if the tone is something.

"Little brother, I know that you are also a martial artist, but you are just on the verge of raising your spirits. How do you start to point out my practice mistakes?" said the burly soldier.

"Under forty, it has reached the realm of Tong Xuan, indicating that your cultivation talent is quite good. There is great hope to step into the Wu Xuan level that many military people dream of. Unfortunately, you practice some deviations, so if I am not mistaken, then If there are no other adventures, you will not be able to step into the Wuxuan level in 30 years, right?" Qin Lang's tone is calm, but he is very sure.

The look of the burly soldiers became more serious because he knew that Qin Lang’s words were not alarmist, but facts. In the early years, he reached the realm of Tong Xuan from the inner realm and used the drug to forcibly open the entrance. Although he successfully entered the realm of Tong Xuan, he was not worth the loss. The shortcomings left by the body made him lose the opportunity to step into the Wuxuan level forever. . As Qin Lang said, the Wu Xuan level is what every martial artist dreams of, and so is this burly soldier. As a martial artist, he certainly dreams that one day he can step into the legendary martial arts level. Unfortunately, the door to the Wuxuan level has been completely closed to him.

"Who are you?" The burly soldier stared at Qin Lang. He didn't know how Qin Lang saw his drawbacks at a glance.

"Sit down." Qin Lang pointed to the position of the other side of the table. "Do you think that I am important, or is it important to solve your physical malpractice?"

"You... can you solve the shortcomings in my body?" The burly soldiers seem to be unbelievable, but they are somewhat lucky. After all, they can see the problems on his own, so it seems that it is not difficult to solve the problem.

"Of course I have it." Qin Lang said, "Your body looks very burly, but after repairing to the inner realm, the strength of the body can no longer be measured from the outside, but from the inside out, the internal interest. The stronger, the stronger the body releases. Your body is burly, but the internal interest is not strong enough."

"Mr. Qin, I feel that this big brother's internal strength is very strong. Are you mistaken?" Xiaowei couldn't help but insert a sentence. He knew that this was not a normal place. He didn't want Qin Lang to be ugly here.

"He is a realm of Tong Xuan, and it is inevitable that the internal strength is stronger than you. I mean that his internal strength is not strong enough because his meridians have been damaged and it is difficult to recover."

When Qin Lang’s words came out, the burly soldiers’ eyes showed a horror, because Qin Lang’s words were in the words!

"Little brother... Can you really cure the damage on my meridians?" The burly soldiers liked to look out.

"Of course it is true." Qin Lang said, "Chinese medicine treatment pays attention to a fate, you met me, I can just cure your injury, this is fate. However, I have to finish eating the meal and say that these meals are really good, I can't waste it anymore - or else, I will treat you while eating."

"What... can this be done?" The burly soldier wondered. "Or else, still find a secluded ward?"

“It’s not that much trouble.” Qin Lang said, “It’s ok to take a few shots. You can take off your shirt – can you take off your shirt here?”

"Okay, then there are small brothers!" This burly soldier is also very simple, although he does not know what the origin of Qin Lang, but in order to be able to cure the old disease, in order to one day break through the Wu Xuan level, he is now out!

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