Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 543: Poison nemesis


A short knife appeared again in front of Qin Lang's throat, and his throat was probably less than one centimeter.


The owner of the short knife, the black woman, asked Qin Lang.

"Miss... girl, can you change the way you talk?" Qin Lang did not answer the other party's question.

"I have always asked this question."

"We are talking now, not asking questions, you have to figure it out." Qin Lang said, "Take your knife, I don't like to talk under the knife, especially under the woman's knife."

The woman in black took a short knife and said, "Is it OK now?"

This is probably the biggest concession she can make.

"I did think of the way to treat Mr. Wu, and I think it should be effective." Qin Lang said, "However, this needs to be tried tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? Do you have to wait until tomorrow?" The woman in black said with some impatience. ’

"Can't you wait for one night?" Qin Lang asked.

"My father restored strength early, you can take us to kill the enemy earlier!" said the woman in black.

"Killing the enemy? Is there so many enemies to kill, but now is the age of peace." Qin Lang said.

“Peace of the Peace?” The woman in black sneered and smiled. “Do you think it’s a peaceful era?”

"Peace and development are the themes of today's world. This is what is written in the textbook."

"Childish!" The black woman sneered. "You know the peace, it's because many people traded for it! You know the border, the coastline, how many people are fighting for your peace!"

The woman in black seems to be teaching Qin Lang because her tone is like educating people.

"Oh... I can't do it wrong." Qin Lang did not continue to argue with the black woman, because Qin Lang suddenly realized that there is no need to argue, this black woman obviously does not live in the same living environment as him.

No wonder she likes to talk to people with a knife, maybe she is used to it.

Yes, it’s just a habit. It’s no wonder that Qin Lang thinks that she is so natural when she takes a knife and asks her. It seems that she should do this kind of thing often.

"So, you will go to treat your father now!" said the black woman to Qin Lang.

“Can you use a 'please' word?” Qin Lang said calmly. “Maybe you are not used to the word 'please', but I am not your enemy after all. On the contrary, if I cure your father, it is yours. Benefactor, you look like a person with a strong grievance. Do you want to regret such a word?"

"Well, please go and treat your father now!" said the woman in black, but the anger of her heart seemed to be faint.

"Then let's go." Qin Lang pointed to the door. "Take the stairs. It's not an enemy camp. You don't need to engage in this kind of flying."

The woman in black no longer spoke, followed Qin Lang downstairs.

When I got downstairs, someone noticed the existence of the woman in black, but no one came up to say hello. It seemed to be respectful and scared to the woman in black.

Qin Lang is like a prisoner, and was escorted by this black woman to the ward of Wu Minghou.

The guard saw the woman in black and released it directly.

Wu Minghou had not slept yet, and saw the woman in black and Qin Lang, and suddenly understood what had happened. He smiled slightly: "Xiao Qin, is she yelling you?"

"Almost." Qin Lang nodded. "I didn't expect that her unreasonable woman turned out to be your daughter."

"She grew up in a different environment." Wu Ming Houdao, "To Xiao Qin, tell you about it, this is my daughter Wu Caiyun. Her temper is not very good, I hope you can understand."

It turned out to be a foster daughter. Qin Lang said that it is no wonder that the two fathers and daughters are very different.

"Father, he said that there is a way to cure you." Wu Caiyun said to Wu Minghou.

Wu Minghou looked at Qin Lang and smiled. "You did not force her out of this way?"

Wu Minghou knows the temperament of his daughter. He knows that Wu Caiyun is entirely likely to make a threat to the doctor. Of course, this kind of thing she has done before.

"This is not, but she gave me inspiration." Qin Lang said, not at all like a joke.

However, Wu Caiyun must have known how the "inspiration" of Qin Lang’s kid came.

"Actually - Mr. Wu, about your treatment plan, I thought about it carefully, the way is to transfer. Transfer the cursing power of your body to someone else -"

"Good! Transfer to me!" Wu Caiyun said with courage.


Qin Lang coughed twice. "Wu girl, you are very touched by your filial piety, but my words have not been finished yet. It is not possible to transfer to you. Because you can't stop, don't you want to become a waste person?"

"My life is saved by my father. If I can save him, it will not matter if I become a waste." Wu Caiyun said.

"Oh... you really don't fit." Qin Lang said.

"Who is right?" Wu Caiyun said, "I can grab a batch of bastards, and you can transfer them to them. This is fine."

"Hey... Wu girl, can you let me finish?" Qin Lang was speechless, and then went on to say, "It is not appropriate to transfer to anyone, only to me."

Qin Lang is not born with a noble character of self-denial, but because this is the only way he can think of. In the face of this evil poison that can corrode mixed blood curses, Qin Lang could not find a suitable drug to save, but fortunately he was a flash of light and realized that he was "antidote."

Qin Lang is a phaseless poison. This kind of body can absorb the world and the earth, and naturally can restrain the world and the earth. So Qin Lang’s idea is to transfer the poison of the blood curse on Wu Minghou to himself, and then by his The poisonous body is refining and absorbing. Old poisons have said that the world's poison is a "nutrient" of no phase poison, the more poisons are absorbed, the more toxic organisms will become more powerful.

Since Qin Lang stepped into the realm of nourishing qi, Qin Lang's non-phase toxic body has been upgraded to a stage, because the qi qi boundary can change the qi and blood of the martial arts, and the qi and blood can also enhance the potential of the body, so Qin Lang's non-toxicity The body is also further stimulated.

Today, Qin Lang also wants to try to test whether his own phaseless poison can restrain the poison. After all, as a descendant of the poison sect, Qin Lang will face the poisonous one day sooner or later.

"Then you will transfer quickly!" Wu Caiyun said.

"Caiyun, don't talk nonsense!" Wu Minghou used the reprimanding tone to stop Wu Caiyun, and then turned to Qin Lang, "Xiao Qin, Caiyun is not a worldly, you should not be surprised. Although Wu Minghou does not want to die, but will never do harm to others. The thing that transferred the poison of this blood curse to you, this kind of thing, Wu Minghou can't do it!"

"Father, he is willing to transfer and let him-"

"shut up!"

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