Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 547: Dark **** hurricane

The next morning, Qin Lang returned to An Rong City.

The person who drove Qin Lang to leave was Ke Changsheng.

Ke Changsheng and others are full of joy, because this morning he saw the head of the morning in the small garden of the rest home, which means that the physical condition of the head has begun to improve, because the former heads are almost bedridden.

Fang Jinxi also saw the change of Wu Minghou, so he chose to leave silently.

Although Fang Jinxi did not know what method Qin Lang used to make Wu Minghou's condition improve, but Wu Minghou's physical condition improved, this is obvious to everyone, so he can only choose to leave silently, and remind himself to lose to a yellow-haired boy. I will definitely win back one day!

After returning to Anrong City, Qin Lang contacted Lu Qingshan and others for the first time. Naturally, he asked about the resumption of Wolongtang and Wuyitang.

This time, there was no such thing as a moth, and things have progressed very smoothly. Lu Qingshan, Shi Jian and Han Sanqiang have already controlled the north and east of Anrong City, and they have already controlled the Wolongtang and Wuyitang in Anrong City. Half of the site.

Why can it be regarded as "nominal"? Because these small leaders of Wolongtang and Wuyitang are willing to Lu Qingshan to be the boss of Wolongtang and Wuyitang, but these people are all singular and ambitious, once things have Change, they will definitely betray Lu Qingshan, just as they betrayed Ye Zhongting and Yang Cheng.

Even so, in the case of Qin Lang, things have progressed very smoothly. According to Lu Qingshan, there has been basically no large-scale fire, because these small leaders are very jealous of the threat from the Tangmen killer. Qingshan was originally a descendant of Lujia. Inheriting Wolongtang is also considered to be "a well-being", so these people also borrowed from the slopes and nominally supported Lu Qingshan as the boss of Wolongtang. Of course, there are also people who do not support Lu Qingshan, but these people were quickly found by the Tangmen killers, and they were directly evaporated.

There is no doubt that Ye Jia has lost direct control over Wolongtang and Wuyitang.

Although the Yejia people used the police to warn the small heads of Wolongtang and Wuyitang not to move closer to Lu Qingshan, the role of this kind of side-clicking was not too big. Lu Qingshan now controls half of the underground forces in Anrong.

Next, naturally, it is necessary to make a sigh of relief, completely control the Wolongtang and Wuyitang, and completely exclude the strength of the Ye family, so that it is an arm of the Ye family.

Without the "black hand" of Wolongtang, it is not so convenient for Ye Family to do a lot of things.

In addition, Qin Lang got a good news. The police in Anrong City weakened the pressure on Wolongtang and Wuyitang. He knew that this might be Xu Shiping’s shot, because Xu Shiping said that he would give the Yejia people an alarm, lest they Use police force indiscriminately.

Everything is going well, but will the people of Ye Family sit still?

Soon after Qin Lang returned to An Rong City, Lu Qingshan received the news: Ye Jia’s people want to negotiate with him!

"Qin Lang, do you want to negotiate?" Lu Qingshan consulted Qin Lang's suggestion.

"What do you think?" asked Qin Lang.

"I think there are two possibilities for Yejia people to negotiate with us. The first one is nothing more than buying us and giving us huge benefits. The second one is the banquet, called negotiation, but it is actually a trap. I want to find Opportunity has brought us all out." Lu Qingshan analyzed that after a lot of things, Lu Qingshan's thinking has also matured.

"Your analysis is correct." Qin Lang said, "But you haven't said your thoughts yet."

"My idea is to count the plans. We promised to negotiate with them. By the way, we can see what they think, but we must be prepared to prevent them from being framed by them." Lu Qingshan said, "If possible, still Can counterattack, let them steal the chicken without eroding the rice."

Now Lu Qingshan’s ideas have matured a lot. Qin Lang said: “The key is that we don’t have to negotiate with them. Lu Qingshan, you think about it, what conditions should Ye Family propose, and will you cooperate with them?”

"No matter what conditions they put forward, I can't cooperate with them!" Lu Qingshan said categorically.

"In this case, is there any negotiating need?" Qin Lang said. "The reason why Ye Jia wants to negotiate with us is because they can't control the situation, so they hope to achieve their goals through negotiation, but they Need to negotiate, we don't need it, why should we negotiate with them?"

"What do you mean - we ignore the Ye family and step up the action?" Lu Qingshan understood Qin Lang's intentions.

Qin Lang nodded.

He is ill and wants his life. If you really want to defeat or kill an enemy completely, then don't give him a chance to breathe, don't engage in negotiations.

Therefore, Lu Qingshan and others accelerated the implementation process of the plan, but Lu Qingshan still agreed to negotiate with Ye Family.

While agreeing to negotiate and speeding up the annexation of the site, this hand is also shameless, but it is unscrupulous to attack the opponent, especially to deal with Ye Family.

Lu Qingshan, this group of people speed up the action, Ye Jia naturally will not know, know that Lu Qingshan is a kid, and Ye Jia’s people, including Ye Shiqing, are all thundering, but Ye Jia’s people will not give up on Wolong. The control of the church and the Wuyi Hall.

But this time the initiative is no longer in the hands of the Ye family. The key is that Qin Lang’s “dark counterattack” directly ruined the foundation of Ye’s home in Wolongtang and Wuyitang, which is too embarrassing.

Of course, even if the control of Wolongtang and Wuyitang is lost, the strength of Yejia is still not to be underestimated. For example, they can use the military police in Pingchuan. But the problem is that Xu Shiping is the big boss of Pingchuan Province on the official stage. Now Xu Shiping’s relationship with Ye Jia is not very good, and Xu Shiping also said to Qin Lang that he will give the Ye family’s people a "chalch". This alarm is to weaken the mobilization of Ye Family's police force in Pingchuan.

Although Ye Jia is deeply rooted in Pingchuan Province, Xu Shiping can become the big boss of Pingchuan Province. He has a well-off team. He naturally has his own set of classes. If even the police force in Pingchuan cannot affect the situation, Xu Shiping can still sit still. What is the position of the top leader in Hirakawa?

Therefore, now Ye Family can no longer hope to solve the problem through the police. Of course, Ye Family can also mobilize the troops in Pingchuan Province. However, the military movement is a big thing, and the impact is very big. Occasionally, a small number of soldiers are called for Ye Family. Counting the problem, but to mobilize a large number of troops into Anrong City, especially with a large number of soldiers to suppress the gangsters in Anrong City, this kind of thing is simply too absurd, and Ye Shiqing can not bear the responsibility of the superior.

Losing the assistance of the police, and unable to mobilize the military to suppress, Ye Jia’s people are indeed helpless. They can only watch the sites that once belonged to Wolongtang and Wuyitang being taken over by Lu Qingshan.

Ye Jia seems to be caught in an unprecedented crisis.

"Let the people who are afraid of Qingcheng take it out - promise them?" Ye Shiqing said in an angry home.

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