Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 565: What to do in high school

Freedom is valuable.

However, the sudden freedom made Qin Lang feel that it was not suitable.

I used to be stared at by old poisons every day. Although I was impatient with Qin Lang, now the old poison gave him freedom, but it made Qin Lang feel a little lost. This feeling is really strange.

After the meal, Qin Lang and the old poisons parted ways.

At this time, Qin Lang could no longer feel the feeling of being stared. He knew that the old poison had given him absolute freedom, and that the old poison would not jump out at the crucial moment to accuse him of a few words. But at the same time it also means that he will face the challenges of the future alone, and can not hope that the old poison will rescue him.

Lu Qingshan stayed in Anrong City and Qinlang returned to Xiayang City.

Everyone has his own way, Lu Qingshan chose his own path, and Qin Lang also has his own way.

However, Qin Lang knows that his life in Xiayang will not be too long, because his high school career is coming to an end.

After returning to Xiayang City, Qin Lang arrived at the Jinxiu Forest Community for the first time and visited Zhao Wei, who was “sleepy” here.

Qin Lang thought that when he saw Zhao Wei, this must be playing games on the computer, or flying against the computer. Because of the impression of Qin Lang, Zhao Wei is such a person.

Every time I saw Zhao Wei, this did not disappoint Qin Lang. He really did something that "normal high school students" would do.

However, this time it was an exception. When Qin Lang saw Zhao Wei, this guy did not play the game, nor did he play the plane. Instead, he punched in the basement.

Unfortunately, Zhao Yu’s target for boxing is Feng Kui. Although Feng Kui took his fist and Zhao Wei took the protective gear, he was beaten by Feng Kui. Fortunately, Feng Kui was ordered to protect Zhao Wei, so he would not kill Zhao. But this is the case. When Qin Lang saw Zhao Wei’s ambiguity, this guy’s appearance was a bit wolf.

"Qin Lang... You are back, are your things going well?" Zhao Wei asked with concern.

"Smooth, Lu Qingshan has already got back what belongs to him." Qin Lang said.

"That's good." Zhao sighed with a sigh. "Then I am relieved! I was not good at the beginning. If I don't have that ambiguous idea, Lu Qingshan's grandfather-"

"This thing has nothing to do with you." Qin Lang realized that Zhao Xin’s heart was always worried about that matter. However, in Qin Lang's view, Hou Kuiyun and Lu Qingshan were counted by Wuyitang. This was originally a chess piece arranged by Ye Family. It did not have much to do with Zhao Wei. Zhao Wei just gave a wrong suggestion by mistake.

"No, you think it doesn't matter, but I feel that I have a relationship. I originally wanted to make up for it and help Lu Qingshan, but I am too useless, unlike you and Tang San, Kung Fu is strong." Zhao Yu said with a depressed face.

"So, you started to practice boxing?" Qin Lang said, "Unfortunately, you can't practice training like this. You can only get more and more hurt."

"How can we practice boxing?"

"Three years of refining, five years of piling. Just lay a good foundation, in order to practice boxing. Otherwise, how the boxing method is a flower shelf." Qin Lang said truthfully.

"Is there no quick way?" Zhao said with dismay.

"There was no such thing as before." Qin Lang said, "But now, there should be a way."

"What is the solution?" Zhao Wei asked.

"No matter what method, you have to wait for the college entrance examination before you can perform it." Qin Lang said, "In this time, when you are prepared for the college entrance examination, you will adjust your body by the way. How do you continue to practice boxing? You think you are practicing. Is it seven hurts?"

"Oh... I know that I can't do this. But you don't know that this is a bitterness. If I don't abuse myself, would you promise me to practice punching?" Zhao Wei changed his face. Said.

"Grass! Actually let Laozi count!" Qin Lang smiled, then cleaned up things, ready to return to school.

Because they were not in a hurry, the two took the bus and rushed back to school to study at night.

On the way, Zhao couldn't help but sigh: "**. The middle school career of the egg is about to end!"

"What is the place to fuck. Egg?" asked Qin Lang.

"It is said that the middle school career is the best time in life, but I feel that this period of time is very fucking. Eggs, so I feel uncomfortable!" Zhao Wei exclaimed.

“What's upset?” Qin Lang said. “After high school students, you are coming day by day. If there is anything uncomfortable, it is also caused by yourself. Can you blame someone else's head? Blame the teacher and classmates. On the head?"

"Erase! Listening to you saying this, it seems to make sense." Zhao Yiran said, "Is it all because I have lost my time, did not hurry to complete my life ideal in high school?"

"What ideals do you have when you were in high school?" Qin Lang asked with interest.

"Talk about a real love, and break the virginity with a girl who likes it. Then, make a few more girlfriends, you can just play it purely, because true love doesn't need too much. Also, you must have a good test. The university." Zhao Yu said the ideal of high school, in Qinlang, it sounds like some dog blood.

However, Zhao Wei's ideal is also the ideal of many boys, even Qin Lang has a similar dog blood ideal. Because the hormone secretion of high school boys is too strong, who do not want to have a favorite girl love and love.

But ideals are ideals after all, and reality is often cruel.

"Zhao Wei, how much has your ideal achieved?" Qin Lang asked again.

"Real love? If there is a secret love, I have already had it." Zhao Wei smiled and laughed. "The girl I crush, you should know."

Qin Lang natural Zhao Wei secretly loved the girl called Zhou Lingling, but unfortunately Zhou Lingling became the victim of the "Pure Beauty Bay Incident". Qin Lang knows that Zhao Wei is not resentful of Zhou Lingling, but after experiencing this incident, Zhao Xin’s ideal has been broken.

"You don't make a fuss, at least you still have some ideals. For example, are you not breaking?" Qin Lang said with a smile.

"Broken a bird! I just went to the small hair salon to play something like a plane, chest push and the like. Originally, I thought about going to Pure Bay, and the result - you know it, it is my worst luck. One day." Zhao Yu was full of depression, and then asked Qin Lang, "What about you? Look at your temperament, the ideals of high school should be realized?"

"No." Qin Lang shook his head. "Why do you know that ideals are ideal? That is because ideals are hard to become reality. If ideals become so easy to become reality, then ideals are not ideal."

"It sounds a bit reasonable. However, I still feel that my high school career is really a shack. But fortunately, when I was about to graduate, I met you and Lu Qingshan, and made my boring high school life more colorful. Qin Lang, when you were in high school, what are your ideals? Have these ideals been realized?"

"My ideals have not been realized. However, fortunately, our high school career is not over yet. If so, take the time to do what you should do in high school, and don't wait until you are in college to regret it!"

"Good! Let's do what those high schools should do!"


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