Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 576: Stinky and hard

The teacher Wang was smashed and his face was swollen. He said that you are certainly not bad at this time, but how the anger of my stomach dissipated.

However, since Zhu Guangcong and the police have said this, this teacher Wang can only resist the fire, and I want to wait until the end of the exam, it is necessary to let the kid and the girl pay the price.

Where does this teacher Wang know, what Zhu Guangcong considered at this time is how to give Qin Lang "offence".

Zhu Guangcong is an understanding person who seizes a cheating in this examination room. If it is a student of another school, it does not matter, but if it is the seventh school, it will have some influence on the reputation of the seven, so from his absolute In other words, he does not advocate excessively cheating, at least he does not like to catch students. Of course, this is not the key. The key is that this kid, even if he cheated, Zhu Guangcong has to find a way to cover up for him, because the background of this kid is too powerful.

Zhu Guangcong would rather offend a second generation of officials and would not be offended by people like Qin Lang. Because the family background of the second generation of the official has caused him to lose his job at most, but the background of Qin Lang can make him lose his life, even a family. Life.

Therefore, Teacher Wang waited for the end of the exam to clean up Qin Lang and Jiang Xueqing, but Zhu Guangcong was racking his brains to explain how to excuse them.

The ringing at the end of the exam finally sounded.

The invigilator began to collect the books, and the remaining candidates dropped out of the examination room.

Qin Lang and Jiang Xueqing did not rush to leave. Qin Lang came to Jiang Xueqing and smiled. "I didn't finish the test paper. I just glanced at it. You seem to have finished writing the essay."

"It's done. However, it's hard to say next. But anyway, thank you very much." Jiang Xueqing said with emotion, but her heart is still full of worry.

"Good! Good! You both are there, the police comrades, grab this boy! He is violent!" Teacher Wang said with anger, ready to let the police arrest people.

"Wait--Mr. Wang, what are you doing so excitedly?" Zhu Guangcong said, "This is a matter of seven. Although you are an invigilator, you should also respect the handling opinions of our seven. Two students, so. You come to the examination room office with us and cooperate with us to investigate, no need to be nervous."

"Director Zhu? What do you mean by this?" Teacher Wang seems to feel that Zhu Guangcong's tone is not right. "I am not a teacher in the seventh school, but since it is an invigilator, what happened in this examination room, I have the most say!" You are the director of the seventh school. Do you still want to favor the students?"

Zhu Guangcong, the director of the teachings, is not a vain name. He said faintly: "I know that you are an invigilator and respect your opinion. However, in the classroom, what is the argument, I just said to change the place, but also to figure out the situation. ""

"That's just! Anyway, I keep my opinion!" Mr. Wang had an uncompromising attitude. Anyway, he reached his age. He retired after a few years. He didn't need to look at the leadership's face, let alone The face of the school leader.

Therefore, Qin Lang and Jiang Xueqing also had two police officers and two invigilators to the examination room office.

Zhu Guangcong really reflects the style of a good teaching director. After he poured water into the police and invigilator, he actually poured a glass of water on Qin Lang and Jiang Xueqing respectively. He also said to the two people with joy and joy: "Two students, Don't be nervous, we will not let go of a bad student, but we will not marry a good student! As long as the two students are innocent, I promise that they will never affect your test scores!"

Qin Lang knew that Zhu Guangcong was on his side, and there was a general in his heart. He said to Jiang Xueqing: "Jiang Xueqing, let's talk about it."

Jiang Xueqing nodded. "Police uncle, Director Zhu, two teachers, this is the case. I was attentive to the exam. I didn't know when there was a paper ball under the seat. Then I saw Wang coming over. I picked up this paper group and insisted that this paper group was mine and prevented me from continuing the exam..."

Jiang Xueqing was a pitiful look. These words were spoken from her mouth. There was indeed a bit of convincing taste. "Qin Lang students saw Wang’s insistence on collecting my papers, and they had conflicts with him. The meaning of Qin Lang’s classmates is that Teacher Wang should not let me interrupt the exam. This is the case.”

"Hey, that's very clear." Zhu Guangcong said to Teacher Wang, "What about the paper group?"

"Here." The female teacher took the paper group and handed it to Zhu Guangcong.

Zhu Guangcong looked carefully and said: "Although this paper group wrote some answer to the answer, but it can only show that some people cheated in the examination room, it is not certain that Jiang Xueqing is cheating. Two police comrades, what do you think? ?"

"Well, Director Zhu has some truth. However, since the paper group is at the foot of the Jiang classmate, it means that her suspicion is to be a little bigger." A policeman said truthfully.

"Yes! Her suspicion is the biggest, plus my years of invigilation experience, I think she is cheating!" Teacher Wang said bit by bit.

Qin Lang did not interject at this time, because he knew that Zhu Guangcong would think of a solution. If he was too fierce at this time, Zhu Guangcong would not end well.

"Just judge by experience, this is not very good." Zhu Guangcong said with a strong heart, "Mr. Wang, I believe that you are a person's character and experience. But you have to know that these students have been studying hard for ten years. In an exam, you just want to ruin the future of a student by experience. It is too arbitrary."

This teacher Wang is not a fuel-efficient lamp. He certainly feels that Zhu Guangcong’s maintenance of these two students, so he sneered: "Director Zhu, the female student cheating, then we temporarily put it. Let’s talk about this boy. Is it a good student to beat the invigilator in the examination room?"

"I am brave in this." Qin Lang finally said, "At that time, you tried to collect Jiang Xueqing's papers and answer sheets, and stopped her exams. I think your behavior is very wrong, so I want to stop you."

"Beating people is also a matter of bravery?" Teacher Wang screamed. "Director Zhu, I see this boy first handed over to the police comrades. The college entrance examination room, what a serious place, I think he should go to the police station for education, Then cancel his qualification for the college entrance examination, in order to save the effect!"

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