Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 619: Sleepless night

Outside the window, lightning and thunder, heavy rains raging.

However, among the rooms in Qinlang, there are full houses.

Because when Tao Ruoxiang came out of the bath, Qin Lang had a feeling of being in the chun sky.

Tao Ruoxiang is wearing a white sè compass, black sè sports shorts, because this t-shirt is bought by Qin Lang's mother when he usually exercise, so Tao Ruoxiang wears on the body naturally feels very relaxed, although the overall t-shirt looks very loose But the chest is a bit crowded, giving people a choppy and amazing force.

Qin Lang can be sure that Tao Ruoxiang did not wear underwear, so the amazing power he saw at this time was definitely not squeezed out, but it was naturally born, and it was born with majestic and straight.

"Beware of nosebleeds!"

When Tao Ruoxiang just came out of the bathroom, she saw Qin Lang’s eyes and couldn’t help but snorted. Then she walked over to Qin Lang and wiped the water on her hair with a towel.

Tao Ruoxiang's wet hair adds a little charm to her, just like the hibiscus that just came out of the water.

"Amitabha! Sin."

Qin Lang couldn't help but yell at the Buddha, because he felt that Tao Ruoxiang's charm was so deadly that he had an urge to sin.

Well, I can’t help but want to “sin” Tao Ruoxiang.

"Xiangxiang sister..." Qin Lang felt that his throat was dry. He swallowed his mouth and said to Tao Ruoxiang. "Be honest, see you now, I really want to sin against you."

"Want to sin? It has to endure!" Tao Ruoxiang snorted. "I Tao Ruoxiang can't do anything unclear with you. Unless you can do it with me, then come back to me, I can be careful. Consider it. As for now, you are thinking about it!"

Tao Ruoxiang also felt that Qin Lang had a "criminal" impulse, so she knew that she couldn't go down at this time. She could only draw a line for Qin Lang, lest this should be taken advantage of. The limit is that Qin Lang wants to be kind to her, this is her only request, but she knows that this is what Qin Lang can't do.

Sure enough, Qin Lang was a bit frustrated when he heard this, but he was only frustrated for a while, then Qin Lang said: "Sweet sister, if you think about it again, I will tell you a secret - in fact, I still keep the boy ......"

"Go to death!" Tao Ruoxiang couldn't stand the sāo disturbance of Qin Lang, and had to stand up. "If you dare to sāo me, I will not live here!"

"Okay, OK, I am afraid of you." Qin Lang suddenly went up. "It’s just a joke with you. You really think that people will be in danger. Who is Qin Lang? I really want to use strong words for you. Hey, you know, I don't have a locust, get a bug for you, that's not solved."

"You dare!" Tao Ruoxiang said, "I am too lazy to pull with you, I went to sleep - where is the room?"

"We are small families, and there are special rooms. If you don't want to give up, Xiangxiang sister, go to sleep in my kennel." Qin Lang pointed to his room.

"That's good, your kennel is mine." Tao Ruoxiang walked into Qinlang's room, and then slammed a crackling sound, this is her direct lock, so as not to leave a "dream" for Qinlang. space.

"Sure enough, I don't give any chance." Qin Lang said to himself, and there was some disappointment in his heart.

Seeing that all of them graduated from high school, they are almost going to college, but they still don’t break the boy’s body. Qin Lang’s classmates, like many boys who keep the boy’s body, have the same idea.

I feel that my boy is like a "remaining fruit" and nobody picks it.

However, when the door was closed, Qin Lang knew that he had no hope, so he also entered the bathroom and was ready to wash and sleep. But when I walked into the bathroom, I found that the laundry basket contained the clothes that Tao Ruoxiang had just replaced, especially the top, and it was her cover and pants.

Qin Lang students suddenly felt the feeling of congestion and blood spurting. Even his heart had an impulse. He wanted to take the mask of the powder from the laundry basket, and then smelled it beautifully and finally collected it.

boom! boom! boom! ~

Just when Qin Lang was tempted, the door knocked on the bathroom door, which was that Tao Ruoxiang knocked on the door.

Obviously, Tao Ruoxiang also thought that her clothes are still in the laundry basket. This is a habit that is usually developed. Because she usually lives alone, the clothes are naturally placed in the laundry basket after bathing, but now In the home of Qin Lang, this is a big mistake, and Qin Qin this guy has been **, if it is stimulating his "beast xing", then her Tao Ruoxiang is not dangerous today.

"Qin Lang, you hurry out!" Tao Ruoxiang said to Qin Lang, I hope Qin Lang did not notice her underwear.

"What are you doing?" Qin Lang asked.

"I forgot to accept the clothes." Tao Ruoxiang can only say **** the scalp.

"Oh, that's a problem." Qin Lang said, "I've got rid of the light, it's all water... Or else, I handed your clothes to you?"

"No!" Tao Ruoxiang did not want Qin Lang to touch her underwear, at this time she felt very embarrassed, "You handed me the laundry basket together."

In any case, Tao Ruoxiang decided to take back his underwear, so as to avoid the "perverted" behavior of Qin Lang.

"Okay." Qin Lang had to hand the laundry basket out. As a result, his plan to collect Tao Ruoxiang underwear was also ruined. In view of this, Qin Lang expressed his heart's uncomfortable feeling in another way. Sister, you have a big cup -"

"Crap! The scorpion can also see it!" Tao Ruoxiang snorted.

"But the donkey doesn't know, it's quite fragrant." Qin Lang smiled and deliberately said something.

"You are looking for death!" Tao Ruoxiang thought that Qin Lang had already moved her underwear, and I couldn't wait to find Qin Lang to work hard.

"I didn't wear clothes." Qin Lang directly threw out a killer, Tao Ruoxiang could only retreat, shut the bathroom door and screamed, then went to wash her clothes.

It was all night under heavy rain, and it seemed that there was lightning and thunder every night.

Qin Lang didn't sleep well in one night, not because he was not used to his parents' bed, but because Qin Lang went to bed, and thought inside the brain that Tao Ruoxiang was sleeping in the next room, then he would think that Tao Ruoxiang was lying on his sleep. On the bed, what time is Tao Ruoxiang’s sleeping position...

As a result, Qin Lang students were poorly insomnia.

At the same time, Tao Ruoxiang also insomnia, because she knows that Qinlang is sleeping next door. She is worried that Qin Lang will not sneak into the room. Although the doors and windows are locked, Tao Ruoxiang feels that the defense of the doors and windows is against Qin Lang. Guys are really vulnerable.

As a result, the two almost tossed until dawn until they fell asleep.

In the morning and rain, this is a rare quiet morning in Anrong.

The light coming in from the window reminded Tao Ruoxiang that it was not too late. Although she felt that she was not good at sleeping in other people's homes, but Tao Ruoxiang was too tired, so she just barely opened her eyes and turned over and planned to continue. Sleeping, but when she blinked, she suddenly saw Qin Lang lying flat next to her, staring at her.

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