Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 658: One leaf falls to know the world

Yejia old house in Anrong City.

On a French sycamore tree in the center of the house, a yellow leaf floated down, hit a few spins in the wind, and finally fell on Ye Shiqing's study window sill.

"This is summer, how can the leaves be yellow..."

Ye Shiqing bounced the leaves with his fingers, and the leaves fell off the window sill and flew away.

Looking at this leaf, Ye Shiqing suddenly had a very old and very tired feeling, so he picked up the phone in the study and sighed: "Shi Guang, start the retreat plan... No, but the 'wind direction' is wrong, I I haven’t felt it for decades."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Shiqing quickly picked up the microphone and said: "Zhong Zhong, inform the family of the characters, and open the family meeting after half an hour, which is related to the family life and death, and those who are eligible to participate in the ethnic group must be present!"

Half an hour later, Ye Shiqing wearing a tunic suit appeared in the family room.

In this large conference room, there are a total of more than 20 people, all of whom are Ye Family, and they are all executives in the Pingchuan Provincial Military and Political System, or the bosses of many large companies in Pingchuan. These twenty people are the mainstay of Ye Family. At this time, Ye Shiqing urgently summoned them, only because Ye Shiqing knew that Ye Family had reached the key to life and death.

"Dad, the situation should not be so bad?" asked a man sitting on the right side of Ye Shiqing.

This person is called Ye Zhongkai. After Ye Shiqing, he is the second generation leader of Ye Family. He is currently the executive deputy province of Pingchuan Province. He is very powerful. If it is not at the juncture of life and death, Ye Zhongkai will generally not come to the Kaizuo Association. After all, in his position, there are too many ordinary jobs. Today, Ye Shiqing told Ye Zhongkai that Ye Jia has reached the point of life and death, but Ye Zhongkai does not think so.

"What do you think?" Ye Shiqing asked Ye Zhongkai.

"My father, I know that you are far-sighted and far-sighted. However, as far as the current situation is concerned, the foundation of our Ye family has not been shaken, and it has not yet reached the stage of life and death? At least, do not need to start the retreat plan?" Ye Zhongkai said My own thoughts, and then analyzed again, "At present, the officials of our family, if they unite, they can completely fight against Xu Shiping in the provincial party committee. He wants to move me, I am afraid it will not work. He wants to introduce it. I am afraid that the measures against our Ye family will not work!"

All of Ye Zhongkai’s confidence is so strong because Ye’s power in Pingchuan is deeply rooted. In the Standing Committee of Pingchuan Province alone, there are several people who are inextricably linked with Ye Family, including Pingchuan. Province. Long. Therefore, Ye Zhongkai had the confidence to compete with Xu Shiping.

"Yes. Even if Xu Shiping is arrogant with us, can he still intervene in the military?" Another person nodded to the road, this person is the general of the Pingchuan Military Region, Ye Guangwei, and Ye Jia is currently in the army. One of the leading figures in the system. Ye Jia also has an officer who has given the major general, but not in Pingchuan, but in the navy.

"So, do you think that this time Xu Shiping is just bluffing and doing it?" Ye Shiqing sighed. "You two, for so many years as officials, can't think of the means of Xu Shiping. I have a few of our leaves today. A small little deaf, you think he just took the opportunity to attack, want us to compromise and give him more power?"

"Isn't it?" Ye Zhongzhen said.

"Of course not!" Ye Shiqing snorted. "Xu Shiping, this person, is not the same as several books in previous sessions. This person seems to be peaceful, but in fact it is a radical figure. He is in Pingchuan these years. I have been holding on to my position, and now I finally found the opportunity. Do you think he will endure it?"

"Old man, what you mean is... Xu Shiping, this guy, he actually wants to remove the roots of our Ye family in Pingchuan Province!" Ye Zhongkai can not help but move, he can not even believe, "Impossible! Xu Shiping's appetite is impossible There is such a big! How can he have the ability to eat us Ye Jiaquan? Can he eat it?"

"That is, beware of killing him!" Ye Guang snorted. "If you really provoke Laozi, I will directly mobilize the troops and destroy Ye Shiqing!"

"Stupid! What do you mean when you say these vindictive words!" Ye Shiqing screamed at Ye Guangwei. "The reason why Ye Family will fall to the point of today is because there are too many people who are so wicked and stupid! You Xu Shiping is good to deal with Xu Shiping. It’s just a foreigner, I don’t dare to move us? This kind of idea is really naive! Today’s public trial, I don’t know how many people are watching our Ye’s jokes, and you carefully feel the attitudes of those around you. Is it not moving before? Is it?"

After listening to Ye Shiqing’s words, everyone in the room thought subconsciously about the attitudes of people around them. The people around me used to spare no effort to calm down, please and even aunts. It is because these people are afraid of the power of Ye Family, and they all believe that Ye Jiacai is the master of Pingchuan Province. Now, these have once favored Ye Family. The attitude of the people to Ye Family has changed. They started to go far away from Ye Jiajing, and even prepared to make the wall grass. Everyone knows that Ye Shiqing’s words are correct, and now the “wind direction” has changed.

"The autumn wind is not moving, the spring river plumbing duck prophet. These people are afraid of touching and rolling for decades, they can feel the change of the situation, so you should be aware of the situation from these people. Mutation. These are not mentioned for the time being, now start the family's 'retraction plan'." Ye Shiqing said.

"Don't, do we really want to start the retreat plan?" Ye Zhongkai said with great uneasiness, "We have been working hard for decades, and we have changed from a small town to a first family in Hirakawa. We have hope. Become a member of the super family in China, can we give up?"

Although the descendants of Ye Family have been decayed, but not all family members have no ambition. For example, this Ye Zhongkai and Ye Guangwei and others, like Ye Shiqing, are all ambitious people. The ambition of their hearts is to turn Ye Family into a super family of China. Once they become a member of the super family, they will have many unimaginable status and privileges. At that time, their status is as stable as Mount Tai, and almost no one dares to shake their roots. .

Ye Shiqing has always been adhering to the wishes of his ancestors, and wants to develop Yejia into one of those super families, so that the descendants of Ye family can sit back and relax, and it can be regarded as Guangzong Yaozu. However, he never dreamed that he had worked hard for a lifetime, and he hoped that Ye Jia would become a member of the super family, but he did not expect to lose it!

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