Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 665: Looking for a breakthrough

The camp of the Eighth Regiment is about sixty kilometers away from the command of the Eighth and Three Army. The terrain here is more complicated and it is already a mountainous area. It is reasonable to say that it is not suitable for the training of motorized troops, but it is not the same as the mobile army. The regiment is stationed here. If it is not for Ma Zhenyong to lead the way, Qin Lang can hardly believe that there will be a mobile regiment in this place.

However, at about five kilometers from the Eight Regiment camp, the three Qin Lan got off.

Because Ma Zhenyong clearly knows that within five kilometers of the camp, it will be under surveillance, especially the vehicles near the camp, which are the key monitoring targets.

Of course, this kind of close monitoring is very necessary. Although it is the mainland, as a military institution, it must be closely monitored and vigilant at all times. Otherwise, if it is mixed by spies or mobilizers, the consequences are not unimaginable.

However, it is impossible for ordinary people to enter the military zone, and the road to the camp has long been subject to traffic control. However, Ma Zhenyong said that through a mountain tunnel, you can directly enter the camp of the Eighth Regiment.

Now Qin Lang is also a military identity, so Ma Zhenyong does not need to keep him secret.

The three men went to the camp of the Eight Groups by night.

Because there is no moon, the light is very dark, Ma Zhenyong can only rely on night vision to distinguish the route, and Qin Lang and Wei Han, there is no night vision device, because they do not need it.

Although it is only five kilometers away from the camp, but because it is all mountain roads, but also to pay attention to hidden whereabouts, this section is not good to go, and there was a downpour in the middle of the road, and three people were drenched into chicken.

Wei Han could have relied on the body to resist the rain, but he would not waste precious instinct on this boring thing.

Finally, the three are about to arrive at their destination.

At this time, three people were hiding in a mountain, and they were condescending, and they could see the entrance of the Eighth Camp.

Seeing the layout of this camp, Qin Lang suddenly understood why Ye Bingcheng would choose to stay here because the security defense of this camp is too high, and the typical easy to defend. The entrance to the camp was built at the foot of a huge mountain. It looks like a tunnel entrance, but after listening to Ma Zhenyong, after entering the tunnel, it will enter a huge mountain belly, and the space inside is as big as imagined. Almost all of the peaks have been hollowed out.

Such a vast military project is indeed unimaginable. However, it is even more difficult to imagine that this military project was established decades ago. At that time, the national leaders called for “deep digging holes and accumulating food.” In order to cope with the threat of imperialist air strikes, many military bases were built. Underground, this can rely on natural bunkers.

Qin Lang knows that decades ago, when there was a lack of heavy construction machinery, many projects were almost done by manpower, but those who used their beliefs and blood and sweat to cast many large-scale military projects and water conservancy projects were simply unimaginable.

There is only one entrance to the camp, so the difficulty of diving into it is too great.

It is no exaggeration to say that this camp of the Eighth Regiment is more difficult to sneak into than the command of the Eighth and Three Armies. Even the difficulty is ten times, because the headquarters of the Eighth and Third Army are at least open to space and can be used as a breakthrough in all directions. But in the Eighth Regiment, here is the only entrance, how to sneak in?

Qin Lang touched the rain on his face and whispered to Ma Zhenyong on the side: "I said Ma Da Ge, this embarrassing action is what you proposed. How did you plan to sneak into this place before?"

"Sneak in? Basically not." Ma Zhenyong said, "My original idea was to get in here. We can form an action squad and hijack an eight-armed military vehicle. Although there are some risks, it is still feasible. But now, Big rain, I am afraid it is difficult to wait for a military vehicle."

"Then don't wait." Qin Lang said, "Looking for another way."

"Any other way?" Ma Zhenyong said, "This is the only exit!"

"The only exit? That's not easy." Qin Lang shook his head. "Ma Da Ge, you think about it, these eight groups of people in the cave, always eat and drink Lazar, then definitely build various drainage pipes. There are even circuit communication pipes that we can use to enter."

"Qin Brothers, although your idea is good, but this idea is not feasible." Ma Zhenyong shook his head. "Any military base has considered the problem of underground pipe network. First, the underground pipe network of the military base is very complicated. The pipes are staggered, just like a labyrinth. If there is no map, it is lost when you go in. In addition, the safety of the underground pipe network is very high, the pipe entrance is very concealed, and the second is the pipe exit to the military zone. It is monitored."

"But you should admit that it is better to go through the underground pipeline than to directly rush in from the gate?" Qin Lang said.

"This is of course." Ma Zhenyong said, "If we rush from the gate, it will definitely be labeled as a bolognese. For those who are arrogant in the military zone, it is killing!"

"In this case, let's go in from the underground pipeline." Qin Lang made up his mind.

"Did you not listen to what I just said, this underground pipeline is like a labyrinth. After we go in, I am afraid that I will not be able to mix into the eight regiment camps, but I may be trapped inside." Ma Zhenyong said.

"You can rest assured that as long as you follow me, you can't be trapped." Qin Lang said confidently, "Let's go, hurry and hope that I can go back to sleep well this evening."

Ma Zhenyong did not know where Qin Lang came from such strong confidence, but he also had to follow Qin Lang.

Then the cover of the rain, the three quickly went down the mountain, but Qin Lang did not touch the tunnel, but docked on the edge of the cliff, and then began to whistle in a low voice.

The whistle is very low, and there is a cover of rain, and basically no one will notice the anomaly.

However, Ma Zhenyong did not understand why Qin Lang did this. Although the whistle was not very loud, Ma Zhenyong felt that it was possible to expose the position, but he also knew that Qin Lang had such a reason to do so, so he could only wait patiently.

After a while, Ma Zhenyong was abnormal. With the whistle of Qin Lang, his side began to gather a group of mice, and these mice are very fat, and at first glance, they are not lacking in oil and water.

Seeing these mice, Ma Zhenyong began to understand Qin Lang's thoughts, because Ma Zhenyong had noticed that these fat mice were drilled from hidden caves under another cliff.

Ma Zhenyong realized that the seemingly natural cave hidden between the trees and the weeds is probably an exit of the underground pipeline of the eight regiments.

Few people will think that this hidden natural cave would be the exit of the underground pipeline of the military base.

Even Ma Zhenyong would not have thought of it.

It can be seen that the people who design the underground pipeline are still painstaking.

Ma Zhenyong was about to move closer to the cave. Suddenly two dark shadows came to the cave and suddenly got into it!

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