Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 686: Fight hard

The most important thing is to attack the master.

Especially the masters of the Wu Xuan level, it is almost impossible to be successfully attacked by people.

To attack the masters of Wu Xuan level, basically the sneak attacker should be the Wu Xuan realm, and the second is the timing of the sneak attack must be accurate. The battle for masters is often between the first line, but this line is a line of life and death.

When Qu Bu Duo Ji was concentrating on the enemy, it was almost impossible to be successfully attacked. Before the defensive cold used two flying knives, they could only force Qubu Duoji to retreat. It is impossible to hurt him.

But at that moment, Qubu Duoji was indeed distracted, and there were not many things that would distract him. But when he saw that Qin Lang would actually be Fu Long, the mood of Qu Bu Duo Ji was indeed not calm, in an instant. With a lot of distractions, there is a lot of greed. With distracting thoughts, it gives the opportunity to defend the cold.

This time, the defending cold was full of shots, but it was not a flying knife. It was eight pieces of hidden weapons and eight kinds of hidden weapons. It was shot out with his most fierce "Sparks of the Fire", making each of these eight pieces of hidden weapons The power is huge enough to break the infuriating body of Qubu Duoji.

Feeling that the crisis is coming, Qu Bu Duoji naturally will not sit still, rushing to spur the infuriating, launching the black sky and big handprints to resist and dispel the eight hidden weapons of the cold, but this time I went to Qubu Duoji to dream, I did not expect the Bangui Lama to actually He was attacked by him, and the Bangui Lama took the sneak attack method!

There are two kinds of people in this world who are terrible. One is a shameless person, and the other is a person who is not alive.

An ordinary person is desperate, and even allows a person who will work hard to temporarily evade; and a master of martial arts level is desperate, how powerful it can be imagined.

What's more, the Bangui Lama is still desperate in the case of a sneak attack.

The sneak attack of the Bangui Lama is indeed beyond the expectation of Qubu Duoji, because Qubu Duoji does not think that the Bangui Lama is really willing to be a slave to Qin Lang. Any Wu Xuan master has his own arrogance and temperament. It will not be easily controlled by people, and it will not give people a slave. If there is no arrogance and temper, it is basically impossible to cultivate to the Wuxuan level.

Therefore, Qu Bu Duoji believes that if there is an opportunity, the Bangui Lama will certainly rise up to resist, and Qu Bu Duoji feels this from the spiritual will of Bangui. However, experience has judged that the dead, Qu Bu Duoji is also a master of Tantric, they are good at spiritual practice, so they are used to using their own mental power to perceive and judge, but do not know that Bangui’s spiritual will is still fighting, but It does not mean that Bangui’s body will fight against Qin Lang, because it is not his own will that controls the body of the Bangui Lama at this time, but the locusts in his mind.

The locusts will not have any doubts or hesitations about Qin Lang’s orders, and there will be no trace of violations, because it was originally created by Qin Lang, and Qin Lang is its master.

Therefore, Qin Lang ordered Bangui to attack, and Bangui would desperately attack.

And it is all the power to sneak into the latest chapter of the tyrant Liu Wei to Qubu Duoji.

Qubu Duoji had to deal with the hidden weapon of the cold, and at this time he had to deal with Bangui’s desperate sneak attack. However, after the fact that Qu Bu Duoji is deeper than Wei Han and Bangui, although he is at a disadvantage, but there is no flustered, the big handprints are unfolding, and the palm of his hand is shot to the important part of Bangui's chest. In a hurry, Qubu Duoji did not think that he could kill Bangui in one stroke. He only wanted to force Bangui to retreat, and then hit the weapon of Wei Han to resolve his offensive. As long as he has a stable position, even if Wei Han and Bangui join forces, he can calmly deal with it and suppress the two.

Qubu Duoji’s idea of ​​retreating from Bangui is good. Any normal person can’t put his chest in the middle of his mind. He will definitely choose to evade or defend. As long as Bangui retreats, Qubu Duoji can calmly deal with the cold. Attacked. But Qu Bu Duoji did not expect that this point is a key point, a fatal point:

The Bangui Lama is not a normal person at all! He is only a poisonous slave of Qin Lang, obeying the walking dead of Qin Lang.

The normal person facing the deadly palm of Qubu Duoji will definitely dodge and parry, but Banji not only did not parry, nor did he dodge, he directly went up, letting Qubu Duoji’s palm slammed into his chest. .


The sound of the broken sternum sounded.

Although the Bangui Lama who became a poisonous slave is stronger, but after all, Qin Lang has not used various kinds of exotic poisons to quench, so Bangui’s flesh and blood body must not stop the hand of Qubu Duoji.

This palm almost caused Bangui to be hit hard.

However, when Bangui was hit, Qubu Duoji’s heart was not a little bit pleasing, but there was a kind of horror because he knew he was miscalculated. Once miscalculated, it means that the situation is likely to exceed his control.

as expected!

Banji, who had been hit hard, ignored the injury on his chest. Instead, he took the opportunity to rush to Qubu Duoji and even hugged Qubu Duoji.

When Qubu Duoji was hugged by Bangui, he realized that Bangui was desperately trying to create opportunities for others. It is likely to create opportunities for Weihan.

laugh! laugh! laugh! laugh!

Sure enough, when Qubu Duoji was saved, the hidden weapon of Wei Han also attacked the front.

The original hidden weapon was very fast, and it should be attacked by Quji Duoji one step ahead of Bangui. However, because the "Sparks of the Swordsman" used by Wei Han was very special, several pieces of hidden weapons changed their trajectory after colliding with each other in the air. It became an arc attack, so it was a little later than Bangui’s offense.

However, although the hidden weapon of Weihan is a little late, the power carried on the hidden weapon is even stronger.

The blood of the blood burst from the body of Qubu Duoji.

Because of the death of the Bangui Lama, the weapon of Wei Han was finally torn open to the infuriating body of Qu Bu Duoji, and several hidden weapons left a deep wound on the body of Qu Bu Duoji.

"Banji! You **** it!"

The wound and blood made Qubu Duoji completely angry. For decades, he was injured for the first time! The pain suddenly turned into anger, and the heart of Qubu Duoji gave birth to a strong and unstoppable thought:

He wants to kill the Bangui Lama to vent his anger!

Because if it wasn't for the Bangui Lama who had to hug him, Qubu Duoji could not be injured.

"Banji, let him kill." Qin Lang said quietly and quietly.

Sure enough, the Bangui Lama did not retreat and dodge, but instead made Qubu Duoji even tighter. Moreover, the eyes of the Bangui Lama flashed a crazy light.

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