Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 693: Remnant yang

Wu Caiyun is not an ordinary woman. She is not afraid of things like snakes and worms, but when Wu Caiyun sees the scene in front of her, she still feels tingling in the scalp.

Because she has never seen so many snake worms, the snake worms she has seen in her life are not as good as one-thousandth and one-thousandth of the number of these snakes!

Although the voluntary mining and poaching behavior has been curbed over the years, the ecology of the national grassland has been restored to some extent, but Wu Caiyun did not expect that there will be so many snakes. These snakes come from all directions and seem to have gathered around Geershan, they are just waiting for an order, an offensive signal.

Hooked blind snakes, big blind snakes, Jia's blind snakes, white-headed pheasants, plateau crickets... all kinds of snakes, including crickets and crickets, form a large army, and they are far away from the grid. At the foot of the children's mountain.

In short, Wu Caiyun almost saw the snakes in the entire Tibetan area, as if it had become a natural reptile.

In addition to snakes and worms, there are also cockroaches, scorpions, geckos, etc. These poisonous worms still gather here, and they are distinct from the snake worms, and the wells do not break the river water, and they are arranged in an orderly manner, giving a very A strange feeling.

“Did these snakes come from Qin Lang?”

Wu Caiyun was shocked. If these snakes were really brought up by Qin Lang, then Qin Lang is too horrible, and it is simply a terrible existence.

"Miss Wu Da, what do you think of my layout than Kungong?" Qin Lang asked Wu Caiyun, and there was no lack of smugness in his tone.

Of course, Qin Lang is proud of this because the number of poisonous insects he summoned this time is the most, because it is a Tibetan area, because it is a natural place, so the variety of poisonous insects is also very large, at least more than the urban The number of poisonous insects is hundreds of times more. Commanding such a snake worm army is like commanding a large symphony conductor, so that Qin Lang has a sense of satisfaction.

Qin Lang used to call the poisonous insects before, but the effect is far from this time. Undoubtedly, the huge number of poisonous army recruited this time has given Qin Lang a sense of accomplishment.

Qin Lang did not know what Kunming had made on the Geershan Mountain. He was too lazy to think about it, too lazy to consider it, because in his eyes, any arrangement made by Kungong was useless.

"These snakes... are you really getting it?" Wu Caiyun was so surprised that he was almost stunned.

"I am not, are you still not?" Qin Lang smiled and whistled. "Little darlings, let me go up the mountain, eat all the people in front of the road!"

With the sound of Qin Lang's "whistle", the army of snakes and worms marched away from Geershan.

Moreover, the original snake worms from Geershan also responded and joined Qin Lang’s “requesting army”, and the mighty departure from Geershan.

Qin Lang did not investigate, nor did he pay attention to the snipers, because the current sniper rifle theory range is only about two kilometers, and it is very good to be able to accurately hit the target within one kilometer in actual combat. The scope of Qin Lang’s control is more than one or two kilometers. His snake army directly stretches for more than ten kilometers. It can be said that it is overwhelming and overwhelming. The snipers of Kungong are good at hiding their bodies, but they can deceive people, but how Have you lied to the eyes and ears of these snake worms?

Once these snake worms smell the breath of life, under the command of Qin Lang, they will immediately launch an attack, and they will attack and attack them. These people will not be left with skin, and any camouflage and hide will not work. Although these men of Kungong are elite mercenaries, it is no problem to have ten, but to fight against millions of poisonous insects, it is a joke.

Huang Chong and Wu Caiyun also realized this, so they both suddenly relaxed.

This is their first time, and the first time they perform the task can be so relaxed.

In front of the army of poisonous insects, those who were arranged by Kungong could not be used at all. They became food for the army of poisonous insects. Although these people would also dying and struggle, they were only dying and struggled. They could not escape the army of poisonous insects. The tragic fate of food.

Hey, it seems that one person has escaped the fate of the poisonous insects, because he rang the grenade at the last moment, and died with the army of these poisonous insects.

However, it is precisely because of this explosion that Kungong knows that things are not developing well and completely beyond his control.

So at this time, Kungong immediately picked up the mobile phone and prepared to contact Qin Lang.

Qin Lang also knew that Kun Gong should contact him almost at this time, so he quickly pressed the answer button.

"Kid, don't you want to trade, why do you want to play tricks!" Kungong questioned Qin Lang with a pre-emptive tone. "Don't you want to trade?"

"The person who plays tricks is not me." Qin Lang said calmly. "It seems that you have arranged a sniper to deal with me."

"That is a misunderstanding!" Kungong said that the sniper's ability is not bad. "Those snipers are only investigating the situation. I don't want third parties to intervene in the transactions between us. You should know that the Indian side is very interested in these materials!" ”

"Oh... then trade it." Qin Lang said, "The rest of the people, I will not kill for the time being, we will complete the transaction first!"

"Good! I am ready for the money!" Kungong said quickly, but the heart is thinking that no matter how tall your child is, but you don't know the power of Laozi, Laozi can kill and kill the masters of forging. Dead this kid is not like playing.

"What kind of tricks does Kungong play?" Wu Caiyun asked.

"What tricks can he play, but he used five million dollars to lure me into the game." Qin Lang said.

"You can't listen to him." Wu Caiyun said, "Now that you have the upper hand, it is a good opportunity to catch Kungong."

"I think so too." Qin Lang said seriously.

Wu Caiyun is praising Qin Lang's two sentences. Who knows this and then said: "It's just that the temptation of the five million dollars is not small, I still have to get it first!"

"You..." Wu Caiyun listened to Qin Lang and said such shameless words, he was about to teach him two sentences, but she swallowed it again because she finally realized that she could not change Qin Lang's idea at all.

Since it can't be changed, it can only be adapted.

Qin Lang continued to drive the snake worm army up the mountain, but this time he did not use the snake worm army to attack the people of Kungong, because he also wanted to knock out the five million dollars of Kungong, so naturally can not get the relationship to the bottom.

About half an hour later, Qin Lang once again reached the top of the mountain.

"The sun is like blood..."

Kungong looked at the last smear of blood and disappeared into the sky. Then he saw that Qin Lang and others went up the mountain in the afterglow of the ruin, and appeared in front of him.

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