Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 706: Seeking death

This is simply an unequal challenge. Many people think that a person who is defeated by a move will be Qin Lang, who knows that the result is so eye-popping.

In addition to the officers who came to receive Luo Haichuan, there are other officers in this underground training ground. These people basically know that Fu Chun has this fighting instructor, and they all look at this battle in the spirit of watching Fu’s performance. Who knows that Fu Chun has been so vulnerable, and in the case of the first shot, he was actually shot.

These officers who watched the battle, all felt that there was no face, and Fu Chun, who was the party, felt that the face was dull to the extreme. Fu Chun had a strong family background, and he also worshipped the famous teacher, so he The promotion on the troops is very fast. Now he has become the fighting instructor of the South Mujun Division. It is a promising future. I know that today I will be defeated by a Huang Maozi in public, and it is still a fiasco.

This tone, Fu Chun is really unable to swallow!

But now, Fu Chun has not continued to challenge Qin Lang's courage, because he knows that he is not an opponent of Qin Lang.

Fu Chun got up from the ground, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and then said to Qin Lang: "I don't think you actually used the Buddhist practice. I paid for it today!"

After admitting defeat, Fu Chun immediately turned and left.

However, before Fu Chun left, the kind of sinful eyes showed that he could not have done this.

"Qin Lang, I can't think of your skill is so powerful!" Ma Zhenyong praised, and then reminded Qin Lang, "But you still be careful, this Fuchun has just left, the eyes are not good, he will definitely look for opportunities. Revenge yours. Unfortunately, your fist did not completely abolish him."

Of course, Ma Zhenyong also knows that the abolition of Fu Chun is just to talk about it. Qin Lang can't be here in public to pay for such an officer.

Even if there is evidence that Fu Chun is the culprit of the Xiayang City dam failure, it is impossible to kill Fu Chun here, because the troops should also pay attention to the procedure.

The battle of Qin Lang, although it ended very quickly, added a bit of power to Luo Haichuan, which also made the officers of the Nanmu Military Region aware of one point: Luo Haichuan is here today, not just passing through!

The welcoming ceremony of the Nanmu Military Region to Luohaichuan was over, and then Luo Haichuan began a formal investigation into the Nanmu Military Region.

Ma Zhenyong is still assisting Luo Haichuan in the investigation, and Qin Lang is not involved in this boring data collection.

In addition to Ma Zhenyong, Luo Haichuan directly selected an investigation team in the Nanmu Military District.

This is the sagacity of Luo Haichuan: he can certainly select a group of acquaintances from the 843th Army to form an investigation team to investigate the Nanmu Army Division, but such an external investigation team can easily be excluded by all officers of the Nanmu Army Division. It is consistent with the outside world, so it is very difficult to investigate something.

Luo Haichuan is also a veteran of political struggle. He understands that the fortress is broken from the inside. Therefore, Luo Haichuan temporarily selected a group of officers from the Nanmu Army Division. These officers are basically not a member of the Ye Family. Therefore, they have not been paid attention to. Now Luo Haichuan selected them as members of the temporary investigation team. On the one hand, Luo Haichuan affirmed Their character and work style also gave them the opportunity to squeeze out their competitors. Therefore, Luo Haichuan believes that these people will definitely spare no effort to help him find the evidence of those leaf officers and then send them to him.

The infighting of the Chinese people is notoriously great.

For the specific matter of the investigation, Qin Lang was basically too lazy to manage, so when he arrived at the Nanmu Military Division, he went directly to the guest house. Although it is nominally a guest house, the guest house in the Nanmu Military District is absolutely comparable to the standard of a four-star hotel, so this accommodation is quite good. It is definitely a pleasure to blow air conditioning here.

After entering the room, Qin Lang began to practice Kung Fu.

Before the previous move defeated Fu Chun, Qin Lang used the secret handprint of Tantric. He thought that the poisoned hand at that time made Fu Chun poisoned, but Qin Lang temporarily changed his mind. The last time in Litang County, Qin Lang almost revealed his identity, so now he is more cautious. There is no shortage of Wolong Hidden Dragons in the army. Qin Lang is not sure whether there is a master in the Nanmu Military Division. Therefore, he will only pay for Fu Chun, but he has no poison, but he does not want to be seen.

However, in order to pay for the haze of Chun, Qin Lang is sure that he will not be willing to give up, so Qin Lang is not in a hurry, he will give Fu Chun a chance to avenge. Of course, that is also the time for Fu Chun to have a life.

Qin Lang stayed at the guest house for the night, and then changed into a plainclothes and left the military division alone.

The weather in Nanmu City is even hotter than that in Xiayang City, and there is no cold in the evening.

However, the location of Linjiang in the western suburbs of the city is not bad, because there is a river breeze, so it is cool.

Qin Lang took a taxi and stopped by a barbecue stall on the bank of the river.

I don’t know if Fu Chun will come to him for trouble. At least Qin Lang thinks it’s good to have a barbecue and a cold beer here.

The barbecue stall was opened by a middle-aged couple in their forties. Their business was a bit bad this evening, but when they saw Qin Lang, they got a lot of things. Both couples were happy and busy preparing for Qin Lang.

After a while, the smell of barbecue and spices drifted around the river, and it was very summery.

After a while, some of the roasted meat was delivered to Qin Lang and there were two bottles of chilled beer.

Hey! ~

Suddenly, a black Land Rover stopped at the barbecue stall and several imposing people walked down.

One of them was Fu Chun who was hit by Qin Lang during the day.

Qin Lang's view of dealing with Chun has really been good. This is indeed a must report. Presumably, he has already noticed the movement of Qin Lang. So Qin Lang just left the military division command, so he brought people here.

Fu Chun has brought people here, Qin Lang is not surprised, because in Qin Lang's view, Fu Chun has these people who are simply looking for death. The only thing that surprised Qin Lang was that he thought he could eat a few delicious barbecues to satisfy his stomach and then kill him, but Fu Chun had such a group of people but did not seem to give them a chance.

"Several, what do you want to eat?" The two couples at the barbecue booth apparently have not figured out the situation, smiled and greeted and asked these "guests."

"Eat your mother, a shovel!" Fuchun had a roaring one next to him, kicking one foot, and suddenly the temporary barbecue stall set up by the tricycles flew up, those kebabs and vegetables that had not been grilled were flying. Half empty.

The two couples were shocked and looked at the group with horror.

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