Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 713: Relative

Shi Xiang’s “Golden Lions” is a tiger’s wind, and five fingers make a sound of breaking. It seems to be a powerful force in others’ eyes. However, in Qin Lang’s view, Shi Xiang’s trick is like a decent, but it is Less gods.

Kung Fu is a move that includes not only movements, but also the meaning and the marrow. However, all martial arts practitioners can learn the moves in a decent manner, but there are not many warriors who can realize the spirit of inspiration and the spirit of the move. In the realm of kung fu, after the move, it is the practice, and it is the real effort to make a move. However, there are few people who can make a move, but Qin Lang has not realized the time of the sacred spirit. When he said that he was inspired by Jiang Xueqing’s dance, he realized this layer of subtlety. s things.

Therefore, in the eyes of others, Shi Xiang’s move is quite normal and both forms, but in Qin Lang’s view, it can only be described as “but so”. Seeing Shi Xiang’s claws hit, Qin Lang’s finger slammed out.

Qin Lang only had a finger, and it seemed to be a little big, but when Qin Lang pointed out, everyone had a shocking feeling:

Obviously only a finger is out, but it gives a feeling of being extremely dignified and powerful!

Moreover, Qin Lang’s trick of “seeing the stitches” was originally a very sinister move, but since he absorbed the essence of Tantra’s mantras, the tricks of this sinister show were given a sense of fairness and arrogance. . The trick of "seeing the stitches" was originally learned by Qin Lang from the scorpion, and Qin Lang fully grasped the essence of the gods, so when Qin Lang exhibited this trick, almost everyone gave birth to a strange feeling, as if to see A huge scorpion waiting to be swayed and slammed the tail with the deadly cockroach on the top of his tail.


Qin Lang’s fingers were accurately placed in the palm of Shi Xiang’s palm, and the palms hit each other. The internal forces collided and made a dull scream.

Qin Lang's move, suddenly let Shi Xiang put away the contempt. If Shi Xiang’s moves are both form and effect, then Qin Lang’s kung fu moves are both form and god. They are completely different. Although Shi Xiang is not willing to admit it, the facts have already explained Qin Lang’s understanding of martial arts. He is more profound.

"I must abolish this kid!"

The higher the skill of Qin Lang’s performance, the more determined the determination of Shi Xiang to abolish Qin Lang.

Therefore, when the two of them played against each other, Shi Xiang secretly raised the internal strength to the extreme. He prepared to use Qin Jin’s advantage to pick up the Qin Lang, but when the two played against each other, Shi Xiang felt some strange things. He found that The internal strength that broke out from Qin Lang’s finger was not weaker than the internal strength of his palm!

"This is impossible!"

Shi Xiang’s heart is shocking, but he is a master of Wu Xuan’s half-step, and Qin Lang is only the inner realm. His internal strength is at most 20 years of skill, and the Wu Xuan level of the warrior is at least a sixty year. The skill. In other words, Qin Lang's internal strength is repaired as much as one-third of Shi Xiang, but the two people collide with each other, which is actually a split-level situation!

"Golden lions hold the ball", "shake their heads and tails", "the lions vacate", "the lions rush the rabbit"...

Despite the shock of his heart, Shi Xiang did not retreat a bit, but took the initiative to attack, and at the same time, this set of Shaolin Golden Lions killings were shot out one after another, ready to beat Qin Lang completely.

However, Shi Xiang was quickly disappointed, because the moves that Qin Lang displayed were even more subtle than his Golden Lions. Qin Lang’s boxing method is basically a form-based boxing method. Suddenly, squatting, swearing, swearing, and even jumping, and so on, but the strange thing is that Qin Lang’s display of so many punches is complicated and not chaotic. One stroke and one style can be closely linked together, but it is difficult for Shi Xiang to cope.

If you think about it carefully, Shi Xiang has studied with countless warriors, but he has never met a warrior. The first move is that Taekwondo immediately picks up a scorpion, and then immediately becomes a snake boxer and a gecko. A boxing style and a different form of meaning are different from such opponents, which makes Shi Xiang feel overwhelmed.

It is reasonable to say that these boxing methods exhibited by Qin Lang are all boxing methods of poison sects. Their styles are all very popular, but because Qin Lang itself is based on the Fulong pile, and absorbs the essence of Tantra's mantra, so a trick When it is displayed, it does not make people feel sullen. Instead, it has a bright and pleasing feeling.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

The two constantly clashed with each other and the internal strength constantly collided.

No matter how strong the internal strength released by Shi Xiang, it is impossible to suppress Qin Lang.

After some fights, Shi Xiang finally understood the reason: this time every time the kid had a trick with him, the internal strength was bursting in the instant, and the internal strength and strength of the whole body were condensed at one point. Although Shi Xiang’s internal strength is tyrannical, he asks himself that he can not concentrate his internal strength on any point in the body, but he can do it in Qinlang, and it is all in the moment of internal collision, which makes Qin Lang’s own The consumption is reduced to a minimum.

"This kid's effort is really evil!" If it is not open to the public, Shi Xiang really wants to use the hidden weapon, the knife and the gun, and he will not hesitate to defeat Qin Lan and take it, and then torture and torture to ask what Qin Lan has cultivated, and can actually do it all. Internal strength and external strength condense to a point.

In Shi Xiang’s opinion, if he can do all the work with his own skills, then even if he is facing the real master of Wu Xuan, he will have a fight.

But Shi Xiang knows that if he is not openly fighting, he has already been killed by Qin Lang. When the two men played the first move, Qin Lang showed his "seeing the needle", he did not display the poison needle hidden at the fingertips. Otherwise, Shi Xiang may have become a "dead" now, where can still be on the boxing ring. Hey.

Realizing that the purpose of the quick fix could not be achieved, Shi Xiang gave up the Golden Lion boxing with the attack and explosive power, and turned to display the Shaolin Luohan Boxing.

Although this set of Shaolin Luohan Boxing is a common boxing method in Shaolin Temple, the more basic the effort, the more it has gone through the tempering existence, Shi Xiang is planning to take a war of attrition, exhausting Qin Lang's internal strength, and then Qin Lang will be hit hard.

Shi Xiang’s Luohan fist came out, but he did not ask for merit but could not ask for it. As a result, many of the strange tricks of Qin Lang had a significant decline in the production of Luo Hanquan. However, Shi Xiang was too late to be proud of it. Qin Lang’s boxing method changed again. This time, Qin Lang’s boxing method became even more strange. His hands and feet became abnormally soft, and his feet stepped on a bizarre pace, and he wandered in a hurry. Around this not-so-wide boxing ring, Shi Xiang was trapped in a boxing ring of a few meters square.

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